Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Hey off topic but I was wondering if someone could tell me how to put a thread in my sig. Thinking of starting a perpetual thread of my own for something to look back on. Thanks in advance peeps


Well-Known Member
whats crackin danksters everybody ready for the new year yea yeah right big deal im another year older and closer to have to get that check where dr sticks his finger in ur ass wtf i cant wait for that haha


Well-Known Member
Start your thread, copy the address at the top of your broswer, then go to the top right hand corner of this page, you'll see "my rollitup", on the left hand side you'll see edit sig click that.. then you'll see a place to enter your thread link..
Hey off topic but I was wondering if someone could tell me how to put a thread in my sig. Thinking of starting a perpetual thread of my own for something to look back on. Thanks in advance peeps


Well-Known Member
Shewww. Have fun with the Dr and fingers in da ass and all that.. lol.. I feel your pain though! Hadn't had that done in a lonnnnnnng time, and can't say I am looking forward to it again.. lol.. Other then that I hope you have a great 2014 along with everyone else.. Me, I'm hoping to have the seed bank up and going in 2014.. that's my MAIN goal for 2014. ;)
whats crackin danksters everybody ready for the new year yea yeah right big deal im another year older and closer to have to get that check where dr sticks his finger in ur ass wtf i cant wait for that haha


Well-Known Member
no way, you have never been anything but cool as hell. hell your even nice to the people that rub you in the wrong way.

Ok.. Just a quick :??: Does anyone think I'm an "asshole" :??: I understand that everybody can be at times, depending on what all is going on, or how they feel. But I'm talking about on a day to day basis.
:??: Hadn't smoked any bud today, so maybe that's what my deal is..


Well-Known Member
Sup Worm? hey hope that physical goes smoothly for ya ;) LMAO
P.S. be sure to get the doc's number before you leave!!! :)

Stewie...bet those lines SUCK!


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro.. I try like hell sometimes. Even if I hadn't smoked, I try to see where people are coming from, and what makes them say/act the way they do at times. Insted of flying off the handle. Speaking "Finshaggy" he replied answering my :??: 2 him about growing in RICE as his medium on his new thread being alittle bit of an A hole. No need in all that, when all I did was ask a simple questioin.. lol
no way, you have never been anything but cool as hell. hell your even nice to the people that rub you in the wrong way.


Well-Known Member
hey guys...I'm gonna start a thread about vape pens and quality..would love it if you all could join in on the conversation and pitch in your experiences with different products. FYI...I can use nothing that produces CO2.


Well-Known Member
hey guys...I'm gonna start a thread about vape pens and quality..would love it if you all could join in on the conversation and pitch in your experiences with different products. FYI...I can use nothing that produces CO2.
never used anything but papers, bowls, blunt wraps, and a homemade vaporizer from a light bulb :D :D


Well-Known Member
I've been reading/seeing/hearing people saying that the "vape pens" your talking about are causing brain tumors and shit. I am not saying smoking cigs is good, but damn. Back in the day my grandfather, and other family memebers smoked cigs and lived to be 80,90 and my great grandmother was 101 when she died. They all smoke cigs.
hey guys...I'm gonna start a thread about vape pens and quality..would love it if you all could join in on the conversation and pitch in your experiences with different products. FYI...I can use nothing that produces CO2.
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