Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Though I admit, morphine was one of my faves. Flintstones Chewables if I could get em. But not the Barneys, he pissed me off.

When I was in a car accident I was on a morphine drip.. woke up every time to click that buzzer.. needed to go to a funeral and they told me that I could not go if I was still on the IV and in pain.. I considered not going to a buddies funeral just to click a few more times.. but I wised up and went.. this was back in 92.. I was already on RX's for pain from a Back injury in early 91... so they just upded what I was taking since then.. Made a random joke one day to a co worker about needing to smoke a j.. he informed me about his brother who used it for pain.. (this was in 97-98)... never really thinking pot could control pain or help me in any way other then to get a buzz like it use to... and was not accepting of it.. but that changed in 2010 when I started to learn about the bennies of MJ and how people made medibles.. been in love since then.. wont go back to opiates.. been off for about 15-16+- months Thank God!
nah was on 90mgx 3x day + soma (muscle relaxer.. I miss you SOMA... but not more then MJ) ambien for sleep plus whatever antidepressants they passed my way..

fentanyl patches sent me to the ER at 3 am thinking I was having a heart attack.. (they gave me the nitro spray and everything.. ) freaked me the heck out.. ended up being opiate withdrawl.. they handed me 2 80msg of Oxy to take and I said.. that will kill me.. are you kidding? (I was moved from my 40mgs oxy to the fentanly patches 2 days before this occurred -- patched which were suppose to be 3 day patches.. lasting me about 24 hours.. and then WD's set in.. crappy ass feeling.. took 1 40 mg and felt 100% again
the ER doc looked at me funny when i asked for lortab 10/500 cause its the only one i can take to actually have my pain subside and he wrote me a script for 10/375. shit head.
When I was in a car accident I was on a morphine drip.. woke up every time to click that buzzer.. needed to go to a funeral and they told me that I could not go if I was still on the IV and in pain.. I considered not going to a buddies funeral just to click a few more times.. but I wised up and went.. this was back in 92.. I was already on RX's for pain from a Back injury in early 91... so they just upded what I was taking since then.. Made a random joke one day to a co worker about needing to smoke a j.. he informed me about his brother who used it for pain.. (this was in 97-98)... never really thinking pot could control pain or help me in any way other then to get a buzz like it use to... and was not accepting of it.. but that changed in 2010 when I started to learn about the bennies of MJ and how people made medibles.. been in love since then.. wont go back to opiates.. been off for about 15-16+- months Thank God!

hell yea, good job. stay away from em if possible.
The above convo is one of the major reasons I'm here, where else can you get that kind of info for free. My Dr's are always looking into those types of meds for my pain and I've always said no and it would seem I chose right. Gioua, I just might have to look up your recipes for a simple peanut butter spread, rather do that then anything else really.
The above convo is one of the major reasons I'm here, where else can you get that kind of info for free. My Dr's are always looking into those types of meds for my pain and I've always said no and it would seem I chose right. Gioua, I just might have to look up your recipes for a simple peanut butter spread, rather do that then anything else really.

Oh, they work. But they cost (not $). The US has ridiculously unrealistic views on addiction which makes it worse.
nah was on 90mgx 3x day + soma (muscle relaxer.. I miss you SOMA... but not more then MJ) ambien for sleep plus whatever antidepressants they passed my way..

fentanyl patches sent me to the ER at 3 am thinking I was having a heart attack.. (they gave me the nitro spray and everything.. ) freaked me the heck out.. ended up being opiate withdrawl.. they handed me 2 80msg of Oxy to take and I said.. that will kill me.. are you kidding? (I was moved from my 40mgs oxy to the fentanly patches 2 days before this occurred -- patched which were suppose to be 3 day patches.. lasting me about 24 hours.. and then WD's set in.. crappy ass feeling.. took 1 40 mg and felt 100% again

Yeah, horrible shit those patches.
Oh, they work. But they cost (not $). The US has ridiculously unrealistic views on addiction which makes it worse.
yep, got one script from the er doc then went to get my splint redone by orthopedics and he said, did they give u anything for pain, i was like yea, he says, want some more..
those patches are some good money makers. my mom gave me 15 of em and they sell for 70 a patch. i gave a discount on bulk of at least 4 to 60 a patch. :lol: crack heads are easy..

selling them was always a temptation too.. thankfully I keep to myself mainly and dont know anyone who would have bought them.. so yeah I was afraid.. lol
selling them was always a temptation too.. thankfully I keep to myself mainly and dont know anyone who would have bought them.. so yeah I was afraid.. lol
they were just given to me and i have a middle man that i trust. he usually banks about 60 dollars for a phone call
just take another tylenol pill.. that is the only difference

I don't think they're even making meds at the higher acetaminophen levels anymore. They're all lower amts of it now because of how toxic it is to your liver. I've been on all this shit for years.

btw ms-contin (morphine sulfate) is like a pain eraser for serious, real needs. It literally gave me my life back. We can't all use cannabis all day at work, for me, it not an option, for any reason.
my disclaimer.... FWIW..

New medibles users...

most folks should start with .25g that's 1/4th of a gram per edible.. most store bought ones are sold at 1x-4x dose meaning .25-1g so this is a good starting point for most folks..

So if you make a batch of 30 cookies your MJ dose will be .25 x30 cookies = 7.5gs (dont worry about the oil.. the recipe calls for.. make the batch based on the desired end ratio you want.. so if you wanted stronger then the .25g per edible use .50 ( half a gram) x 30 cookies = 15gs..

I personally use 2 spoonfuls feel effects within 25 mins on an empty stomach.. (no food for about 4 hours before hand.. ) if the .25g does not work try eating something small like a half of a (non mj pb&j sandwich ) wait about 20 + mins if nothing then try another .25 dose.. DONT smoke MJ during this time.. it's tempting.. I know.. but.. too much MJ symptoms suck.. trust me.. :)

My current favorite method is this...

decarb 7.5 gs MJ bud (dont shread it ) just add to a foil pouch seal it.. toss in oven for 60 minutes at 145.. take out of oven let it rest w.o opening it.. for 10 mins

after 10 mins take out of pouch.. and place in metal strainer..or put in a ninja chopper.. crumble-sift thru strainer over a pyrex container with 1 1/2 cups peanut butter (plus about 1 tblspoon olive oil or veg oil) stir pb and mj and oil in pryex dish (I use a 3.5 x 6 dish) .. cover with foil bake at 250 for about 45-60 mins take out place in freezer to cool.. or leave out.. but you know you want to eat it so freeze it till it's thicker and has cooled off.. grab a spoon and wait about 25 mins..

still have had 2 spoon fulls and now I feel like I have taken opiates.. boost of energy (sooo needed) and pain free..

I am not proof reading this.. need a smoke.. will look at all the mistakes later..

PICS because... well just because I can..

MY ninja.. (look at all that keif i have not scraped off yet.. )


how fine your MJ should be after you crumble/sift.. eating a stem sucks or rather having one lodge in my throat sucks.... been there done that.. must be smaller.. so I found the metal strainer/ninja sift thingy works well..


what the mix will look like also the pryex dish I use


about the size/dose I take..


I do love to just add decarbed MJ ^ same decarb process..^ to any cookie mix that uses oil found this as effective as the PB.. (PB is just loads quicker and aint nobody got time to eat cookies all day.. ok.. well I do.. but.. I am getting my winter coat on...

these were pumpkin cookies from a week + ago..



when I use cookie mix I use this stuff.. Betty crocker mix usually calls for 2 tablespoon water/ 1/2- 1cup oil (you can make canna oil or add decarbed mj ) 1 egg..


pic of my oven (I decarb and bake the PB outside.. it does put off a nutty-skunky smell.. )


strainer... pic


damn I am feeling great... :)

more pics?

My friend told me today that he had a pilonidal sinus over Xmas (A&E job). Which was the first thing I thought of when I read 'annus hor..'

Sunni- so sorry for your loss. Xx