The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
i haven't hit a gram per watt for a while either, it is like i'm going backwards sometimes lol.

i've been testing a lot of strains and multi straining or rushing crops out for one reason or another.

the blue pit i recently done is ok (1800g from 2400w) but it took me nearly 6 months to get out so i class it as a failure even though it is some of the sickest weed i've ever seen.

vaping some now and it has made that brekkie go right through me!
Fuck G 1800gram is neva a failure how many u put under the wattage tho and 6mnths u could of pulled 2 maybe 3 off in that time !! Off the 20 exo I pulled 73oz13g done in say 12wks but like I said that was cus of takin cuts off a flowering plant !! I reckon I could of done it in 10 wks at a push the trimming the fuckers is the hardest part being exo and the foxtailing it did lol


Well-Known Member
i went away for a fortnight holiday and my mate killed my plants lol, they were 3 and a half weeks in 12/12 and i had my kush vegging ready to go in after. so i had to put them in as babies and flower them pre maturely without training properly.

here is what i came home to

so i had to put my kush in like this for a week then flipped

and my cheese mum for good measure

it ended up something like this (this was 2 weeks before harvest)




Well-Known Member
Scrap the black puddin tho bruugghh Lol I'm.gonna have to knock summert up now that's made me all hank

Shiit iI remember that pic when your mate killed em all that's one nasty site man bet it killed ya when u came home Lol


Well-Known Member
you jokin? that was the best bit!.

it was only half a full breakfast though, no shrooms, tomatoes, hash browns, white pudding or haggis lol anyone else like anything else with theirs?


Well-Known Member
Nah it don't taste too bad but its just knowing what it is that puts me off lol that white puddings nasty tackle aswell tried that in preston....I like mashed tata with cheese and make little hash browns with em then fry em bostin...fried onions now and again aswell ;)


Well-Known Member
U got enough toast there g? Lol. I'm with shawny, away with the black puds. and mushrooms and hash browns are a must. Topped with a bit of brown sauce. Mmmmmmm lol


Well-Known Member
you had better win shawny with forest doing so well, looks like big sam is for the chop surely.

the dog got my leftovers spoon, didn't do the lot today as i was sober eating it, stoned i would have wiped my plate clean lol


Well-Known Member
you jokin? that was the best bit!.

it was only half a full breakfast though, no shrooms, tomatoes, hash browns, white pudding or haggis lol anyone else like anything else with theirs?
u forgot the fruit pudding & tattie scones :)


Well-Known Member
Haha can't believe they just won 5-0 the red dog fuckers Lol can't see us doin too well against Chelsea tho I'm tryna find a live stream now can't do it on me phone gonna have to get the lappy out


Well-Known Member
not much of a league though eh gary?! hahaha. would you be up for coming to the prem?

it would make for some great games i reckon, we already got the best of welsh why not make a gb premier league?


Well-Known Member
I agree, think we should let a few of the Scottish teams in (Celtic nd rangers the obv candidates). The fa said they would welcome the idea but they would have to start in leauge 2 or something like that.


Well-Known Member
breakfast was bag of exo vape, followed by another, coffee, and all the ...coconut yogurt with hemp protein, 2 oranges and a pear, 3 fried eggs and beans, 6 beef sausage and glass fresh squeezed oj.......and yes unlike ghb I need ketchup with it......fukin ell its like fb.....just scratched me arse


Well-Known Member
0-0 half time sounds like were just hanging on lol

U like them beef sausages don't ya...I've never had em I think..I always go for Lincolnshire or Cumberland mmmm mmmmm