TV shows worth watching in 2014 - make your case


Well-Known Member
Ok, I have a DVR in my lab and watch too much tv. Cutting back to a more select group of shows.

What one show are you looking forward to this year and why should we watch it?

My choice. Bob's Burgers. Fourth season on Fox. Saw it got panned on RIU some time back but only by Seth McFarland fans. I am very much not one of them. Thirty minute cartoon that has managed to put together a nice combo of likeable characters and solid plots. The breakout star of the show is Tina, the oldest daughter. She writes erotic friend fiction and has a deadpan delivery that never fails to crack me up. Voice actors are excellent with lots of good cameos.

What are you watching? Love to hear more about the Netflix shows. I still worry about giving my XBOX my wireless password so I have never netflixd.

And please, those of you without tvs..... Start your own thread.


Well-Known Member
I watched that Orange is the New Black. It was fairly entertaining. Bout a chick that gets sent up to woman's prison. There's tits in it.

Steve French

Well-Known Member
I'm a big fan of Sherlock. On da BBC. It's like that show Elementary. But it doesn't suck ass. Sherlock Holmes in the modern era. Solving crimes and shit, a bit of occasionally intelligent writing.


Well-Known Member
I've seen a bit. The kid from Hackers n Trainspotting. He seems to do a credible job. But there will be kitchen nightmare advertising :sad:. Hafta keep the remote close.

Steve French

Well-Known Member
I've seen a bit. The kid from Hackers n Trainspotting. He seems to do a credible job. But there will be kitchen nightmare advertising :sad:. Hafta keep the remote close.
That goof is in Elementary. Sherlock is a different, better show. Hackers and Trainspotting are both quite good though.

"It's a 28.8 KBPS modem!"


Well-Known Member
For the last few decades tv stations and producers have had it very easy with manipulating their viewers, but like radio with the introduction of tv, they just know they are fucked, the big heavy investment money is pulling out in favor of high tech, for this reason you have and will see, many tv stations and companies going bust, ... frantically searching for ways to come up with the next over the top tv funny show, or yet another cop show, more violent than the last...yawn!!
Without doubt, and is well concealed that kids bought up to watch more than 90 minutes of tv per day, from the ages of 5 - 10 are prong to a far more shortened attention span, than most kids who don't watch so much tv, less than 1 hour per day, this has no apparent effect on society at large, but wait and see! To the infuriation of advertisers these kids are immune to tv adverts, the advert will drive the normal kid nuts but long term child viewer will barley notice it

Shit to watch out for
Vikings 2 ...the much awaited sequel to Vikings 1 blood and guts all, The Americans 2 USSR spies still at it, Top of the Lake, some severe funding cut backs can be expected, as most peeps have moved to the web ...?


Well-Known Member
Without doubt, and is well concealed that kids bought up to watch more than 90 minutes of tv per day, from the ages of 5 - 10 are prong to a far more shortened attention span, than most kids who don't watch so much tv, less than 1 hour per day, this has no apparent effect on society at large, but wait and see! To the infuriation of advertisers these kids are immune to tv adverts, the advert will drive the normal kid nuts but long term child viewer will barley notice it
Citations needed.


Well-Known Member
The only thing I'll be looking forward to is the next season of Game of Thrones and any new Trailer Park Boys episodes they might release.

Since the advent of the net, I dropped my cable subscription and do all my viewing on-line. NO ads, and if something is good, I can enjoy it without having to wait for episodes and seasons.

The "media-entertainment industry" is absolute shit in my eyes, and about 95% of what they produce I do not enjoy.


Well-Known Member
uhh trailer park boys season 8!!!!! (If you haven't seen TPB you are missing out one of the funniest shows on television. Other seasons on netflix)
trailer park boys the movie Don't legalize it (comes out on the weekend of 4/20)

I do not watch T.V. at all I just download anything I wan't to watch. I do this because I cannot stand commercials. I only watch T.V. to watch hockey games and that's about it.


Well-Known Member
I'm a big fan of Sherlock. On da BBC. It's like that show Elementary. But it doesn't suck ass. Sherlock Holmes in the modern era. Solving crimes and shit, a bit of occasionally intelligent writing.
Oh, right. Cumberbatch. Good stuff. Would have preferred a better drug addition than nicotine. When is the next season coming out.


Well-Known Member
The Brits are so slow in production. But I really enjoy the amazing numbers of Brit actors that are now in good tv.

Yeah, the whole, tv, cable, net thing has fractured the market badly. Worst to me is that the old cable networks have pimped themselves out real, real bad. There's no learning on TLC and no history on the History Channel. Even National Geographic has sold out. But the people who make good tv are still working. If you separate the crap from the good, there's some better shows now than any time in my memory. But the networks are dead. Read that average age of a network viewer is 56. Not sure if it's true, but would not surprise me.

Walking Dead? Yup
Game of Thrones? You betcha.

How about Shameless? Can't get enough of that Emmy Rossum.


Well-Known Member
Yes, they whitewashed the shit. I read, the books, Sherlock was on coke. Should be very quick now.
Love the books. Keep them on my kindle. Cost about $2. Usually read them in winter. Totally love Basil Rathbone. Terrible authenticity (Sherlock vs Nazis, Mummies, etc.) but good stuff.

Steve French

Well-Known Member
Love the books. Keep them on my kindle. Cost about $2. Usually read them in winter. Totally love Basil Rathbone. Terrible authenticity (Sherlock vs Nazis, Mummies, etc.) but good stuff.
I feel we could be good bros. Basil is one of my favourite actors. Sherlock movies, Bad Errol Flynn swashbucklers, the Dawn Patrol, yeah bro.