The last trully elected American President was JFK.
The US governement/coorporation conglomerate is a mafia.
Obama is far from having done ok.
The system has been currupted way back in the day, and there is nothing the American people or any other for that matter can do.
I also read recently that 60% of all bankrupcies that occur in the US are due to medical bills. How the fuck do people accept that a trip in an ambulance and 1 night hospital stay can cost you more than 20 grand? Also there is no maximum price an hospital can charge for a service or product (i.e. charging 5 dollars for a band aid etc). Also the biggest monetary lobbying happens in health not in energy. And how do non for profit hospitals that accpet only medi care manage to pay 10s and 100s of thousands to its board members after already paying exorbitant salaries to some staff. The US government has managed to exploit its people by taking advantage of a purely inelastic good such as healthcare. Youre not gonna bargain at the desk for the price of a cast when your leg is broken and your bleeding to death, firstly cause the receptionist doesnt know lol and secondly cause its your health. Also if someone is terribly ill in your family fuck it you know just tell me the price. Better than a drug! Hospitals have to be the most profitable business in the US. Also Yale University has 4 hospitals. The Manager of the smallest hospital makes way more that the rektor who oversees the whole university.
The American government are masters of war. It knows who and how to support rebel groups in oil rich countries to justify later invasion.
Obama is a piece of shit that doesn't deserve the air he breathes. Hes a two faced prick who is truly evil. So what if he's black?! I mean why the fuck should it matter that hes black? Hasnt enough time passed to forget about all of this bullshit? I bet loads of black people voted for him just for having skin colour in common. How fucking ridiculous is that! Are people really that fucking stupid and ignorant?!
Also why should it cost about 200 grand to send your kid to a decent college? Thats elitism at its best. Only if your parents had a job and decided to save money for you to study might you have a chance at a reasonable life. What about health insurance? How come healthy young people who are hardly ever ill have to pay like 5 grand a year? And why the fuck is it cheaper to eat at a fast food place than to cook healthily at home? For instance where i live i think a mcdonalds meal costs about 7 euros. With 10 euros i buy enough fruit and veg and eggs to last me for 1 week.
The saddest thing about the whole situation is that i do not see a change happening peacefully. I trully think that until people start murdering and torturing politicians nothing will change (I am by no means trying to provide incentive nor do i think such actions are right, dear NSA agent go check my email all you want i'm very peaceful and have no wish to ever harm any member of your government in any way), and we will keep getting the same shit from a different asshole all the time. There is evidence that the government has lied and keeps lying to its people. The us government cannot ever be trusted again not until every member wears a constant lie detector and with every lie a nail would get pulled off (again this is an hypothetical situation of extreme measure being mentioned only as a cure for corrupted politics, i do not intend to do this nor do i wish to provide incentive dear agent so please dont harrass). And in front of cameras and press their all composed and well spoken, behind them their just as crass and rude as any other joe. Most politicians are narcissistic psychopaths, if you arent you will not be a 'good' politician.
Land of the Free my ass. The Us is the most well organised and successful Dictatorship in History! In a way i admire the Us Government for their ingenuity. They have managed to deceive its people and world time and time again... The government even has an official state of the art snitching agency. They slowly take away freedom of expression and implement censorship. This is the same that happened in other Dictatorships around the world some 40 odd years ago, just much more sofisticated. The US is an empire and every empire will attempt to live forever and have control over its population, pure and simple.
The bottom line is that we all still live in feudalism times. The structure has not changed, the only difference is that everyone now owns an ipod and has better (?) healthcare. We're still slaves, just of a different kind.