Bad Experience

seems like everyone has been down that road. i certainly did. the great thing about bhang bars is that they are a consistent dose, unlike a medible made by who only knows. so now that you know a half is too much, go for the quarter dose. it really helps my pain tremendously. I have migraine and nerve pain.


Well-Known Member
Haha, sorry but rtfm.

I just happen to have a Bhang bar I got 2 days ago. It says right on it, "Consumption Advice: Until you know the effect of the product, eat only 1/2 of one segment, and wait a minimum of one hour before consuming another segment."

Also isn't it 120mg THC total? Mine is dark chocolate hybrid 120mg. A serving size is 1 segment, or 30mg, and they recommend first timers take half that.

Silly String

Well-Known Member
Like "please god let this be over" Thats saying a lot as I am atheist.
That is exactly what I was chanting, over and over, lying on the bathroom floor, vomiting in the shower because I was too dizzy and uncoordinated to crawl up to the toilet. I had made my first batch of canna caramels and had 1/2 of one, while enjoying some cabernet with a friend. 2 hours later, I didn't think I felt anything (the wine masked it), so I ate the other half, plus 3 more in the next 3 hours. And I finished the bottle of wine.

It's a pretty big deal when us atheists are praying ("There's no atheists in foxholes" reference fits in somehow). I was also mumbling, "Nobody ever OD'ed from pot. You're gonna be fine."

Took over 6 hours to lose the bed (floor) spins, and I still felt wonky the next day. Ugg. I really shoulda known better, as I'm old enough to...well....know better. :-) My shoulder hurt for a week from where I fell onto the side of our 80's style hideously ugly waterbed.

Needless to say, I absolutely DO NOT eat edibles if I'm going to even have a glass of wine. Derp.


New Member
Haha, sorry but rtfm.

I just happen to have a Bhang bar I got 2 days ago. It says right on it, "Consumption Advice: Until you know the effect of the product, eat only 1/2 of one segment, and wait a minimum of one hour before consuming another segment."

Also isn't it 120mg THC total? Mine is dark chocolate hybrid 120mg. A serving size is 1 segment, or 30mg, and they recommend first timers take half that.
I believe it is 130 mg per serving. So the half I took would be app. 65 mg.


Well-Known Member
I believe it is 130 mg per serving. So the half I took would be app. 65 mg.
Ummm, I dunno about the 120 vs 130 discrepancy but the 2x bhang bars are 120mg TOTAL, 30mg per serving, read the back. The pic you posted and the bar I have in front of me both say 120 and have the same labeling.

PS> If you avoid fats and start drinking water at the onset of an uncomfortable high from edibles it will bring you back down.

PPS> If you stop freaking out when you get that high and chillax, you'll really enjoy the ride. I WISH I could get that high anymore. As far as edibles go I usualy go 200mg+ per serving, the cholates I just made are somewhere in the 300-400 range each;


New Member
Ummm, I dunno about the 120 vs 130 discrepancy but the 2x bhang bars are 120mg TOTAL, 30mg per serving, read the back. The pic you posted and the bar I have in front of me both say 120 and have the same labeling.

PS> If you avoid fats and start drinking water at the onset of an uncomfortable high from edibles it will bring you back down.

PPS> If you stop freaking out when you get that high and chillax, you'll really enjoy the ride. I WISH I could get that high anymore. As far as edibles go I usualy go 200mg+ per serving, the cholates I just made are somewhere in the 300-400 range each;
You are correct, sir. Box states 120 mg Delta 9 THC. That would be for entire bar.
So I guess my tolerance is way lower than I thought.

Anyway powerful stuff. I just may stick to smoke as it's easier to gauge effect, at least for me.