Anyone else caught wind of these yet? The company is called Rocket plasma, apprently some of the same peeps behind beneficial biologics/primodrial solutions (also good stuff btw). they stopped by my store a couple weeks back doing a promo tour for their new light and i had to bite the bullet. UPS dropped off two this morning 
they say its the only plasma with a hefty red spectrum to replace (not supplement) a HPS, ive heard good things from people using the gavita's but they all seemed to agree it doesnt hold up flowering on its own. Im pretty excited to give this light a go round and was just curious as to what other people have seen/heard about it. I couldnt find any threads or journals of people using them (pretty new still). Worms way was some test videos of it floating around but nothing very indepth. While talking with the maker he seemed pretty confident about it holding its own against a 600w yeild wise, over a 4x4 area.... so we will see.
this isnt a journal or anything, i literally just opened the box and set one unit up as an in store display, but so far im impressed, they appear very well made... and bright! gonna take the other one home and put it in a 4' x 12'room with 2 Digilux 600's, with its own 4x4 area to grow and see what happens. should have it up and flowering with the next week or so. im pumped.

they say its the only plasma with a hefty red spectrum to replace (not supplement) a HPS, ive heard good things from people using the gavita's but they all seemed to agree it doesnt hold up flowering on its own. Im pretty excited to give this light a go round and was just curious as to what other people have seen/heard about it. I couldnt find any threads or journals of people using them (pretty new still). Worms way was some test videos of it floating around but nothing very indepth. While talking with the maker he seemed pretty confident about it holding its own against a 600w yeild wise, over a 4x4 area.... so we will see.
this isnt a journal or anything, i literally just opened the box and set one unit up as an in store display, but so far im impressed, they appear very well made... and bright! gonna take the other one home and put it in a 4' x 12'room with 2 Digilux 600's, with its own 4x4 area to grow and see what happens. should have it up and flowering with the next week or so. im pumped.