Get High- Get On A Swing


Well-Known Member
if you have gotten really high and then took a ride on a nice swing, you know that it's nuts. like a roller coaster. don't call me retarded, TRY IT.


Well-Known Member
Yes, go on a swing, as high as you can go, and close your eyes, funnest time you'll have :)


Well-Known Member
swings are the shit. my friend has a full-size set in his backyard. but he laid off the wacky tobaccy............oh well


Well-Known Member
Ever actually been on a roller coaster while you were ripped? Holy shit man. Trippy.


Well-Known Member
when I ate a weed brownie for my first time, I was at six flags. at first it didn't do anything to me so I thought that they were bad brownies. then I got on line for kingda ka or w/e the hell it's called and it kicked in on the line. it was the most intense high I've ever had, I guess because of the roller coaster. I had to close my eyes and I thought that my face was melting off. the rest of the day was out of this world. way to freaky..


Well-Known Member
shit man,.... I remember i did this like 3 months ago... It was probably the weirdest thing i've felt!! I smoke a blunt of some dro and then went on my friends swing during someones bday party. I stayed there for like and hour and listened to music on my ipod at the same time.... it was rather fucking sweet


Well-Known Member
hahah i know exactly what your sayin me and a couple friends had about a quarter of some DANK and we were walkin down this dirt road behiend an elementary school smokin blunts to the face we got sooo high i felt like something was calling me to go on the swings so i did and it was great lol


Well-Known Member
nah, man. we aint bashin. Swings are like one of the funnest things you can do when youre lifted. You already feel like youre outta time and space in the first place, then you get on a swing and accelerate the feeling! its wicked cool!!!


Active Member
me and 2 of my m8s picked up a fat 20 bag and went to the place called the ropeswing (wonder why) and we smoked about 5 skunk spliffs. we were all mashed to fuk and took it in turns to swing

it sent me white an i had to sit down

was some of the best weed we had too

good times


Well-Known Member
Swings and biking are the funnest things to do while high.
When I feel like being active and high (I usually am, I chill lots though) Those are the two things that I always end up doing.


Well-Known Member
yeah I always want to be active when I'm high and the things I usually want to do is play basketball or box.


Well-Known Member
I do it every sunday while i lock my dogs in the park ,
I never noticed if i enjoyed it thou hahah

Its like the joint in the bath thing i do it but dont know if its good im high haha

I need to start smoking sativas during day hours mannn


Well-Known Member
honestly it's better then getting on a roller coaster high. or at least from my experiences I can say that. I smoked a bit and got a swing and it was incredible, but when I smoked a blunt of homegrown and got on a roller coaster I was disappointed.


Well-Known Member
I always end up laughing at myself.
Imagine a 19 year old swinging as high as he can, laughing his ass off.
I always laugh at myself when ever I think of it :P


Deep Mind

Active Member
Lol, theres another cool thing you can do when stoned/high with swings, lay under the swing with your head directly under the seat, and get your mate to lift the sit up, when he drops the seat back down try not to blink. Fucking sketchy shit so fucking fun.