Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Who else is getting nice a drunk the night before you have to wake up early? lol

At least it's just for a haircut... I love how this chick I go to can do my hair in ten minutes. Been going to her for probably 7 years at least by now so she knows what's up on the hair. And it's not simple. For a guy my hair is pretty long and needs to be layered and thinned out and all this fancy crap. Idk how she does it but shes worth it lmao.

I'm rambling.... LOL


Well-Known Member
Who else is getting nice a drunk the night before you have to wake up early? lol

At least it's just for a haircut... I love how this chick I go to can do my hair in ten minutes. Been going to her for probably 7 years at least by now so she knows what's up on the hair. And it's not simple. For a guy my hair is pretty long and needs to be layered and thinned out and all this fancy crap. Idk how she does it but shes worth it lmao.

I'm rambling.... LOL
does Nyquil count? lol
cause I'm getting stoned then taking a big ol swig and seeping like a baby :mrgreen:
all that babysitting done wore me out and I haven't had a full nights sleep in nearly a week.

Got mine cut last weekend. Made those girls earn their money. 6+ inches off, double layered, and its still down past my shoulders :) it was super long, down to my ass! haha
it feels amazing! best cut ever. You enjoy that shampoo tomorrow (best part!) :)


Well-Known Member
Whatever floats your boat Rosey haha.

On about my fifth glass, each has like 5-6oz of whiskey. Make double whiskey sours to fit my 16oz mason jar mug haha.

aergaegaerg That's what I feel like. Time for another dab.


Well-Known Member
Whatever floats your boat Rosey haha.

On about my fifth glass, each has like 5-6oz of whiskey. Make double whiskey sours to fit my 16oz mason jar mug haha.

aergaegaerg That's what I feel like. Time for another dab.
I want your life bro :mrgreen: lol naw seriously try to moderate in that dept, have had the same 6 pack of Smirnoff ice Apple for nearly 2 months. New years eve was the most fucked up on alcohol I've been in 6 months! Lol but it turned out a lot better this time :)


Well-Known Member
I just never know when to quit. I mean years of drinking, just still don't know my limit. Some nights I drink perfect and have a great night and wake up feeling great. Some nights I drink nothing and some nights I drink a lot and feel the same.

I'm pretty tipsy right now though. Chief.. I love getting a nice groom from a lady :-D

Rosey... Yeah my lifestyle is wanted but unwanted by many. Smoking all day, every day, all night, every night. Edibles and concentrates alike. With the combination of booze it's a different story. Might not be a good story by it is how it is. I drink because I feel like it, because it taste good, but it's coming to cost but who gives a shit if you live past 60 right??


Well-Known Member
I just never know when to quit. I mean years of drinking, just still don't know my limit. Some nights I drink perfect and have a great night and wake up feeling great. Some nights I drink nothing and some nights I drink a lot and feel the same.

I'm pretty tipsy right now though. Chief.. I love getting a nice groom from a lady :-D

Rosey... Yeah my lifestyle is wanted but unwanted by many. Smoking all day, every day, all night, every night. Edibles and concentrates alike. With the combination of booze it's a different story. Might not be a good story by it is how it is. I drink because I feel like it, because it taste good, but it's coming to cost but who gives a shit if you live past 60 right??
lol hell I dunno bro, shoot for 80 sounds good to me :)


Well-Known Member
ADT liquor consumes ppl... almost lost my grandpa to cirosis.... :-/ my dad (who cares about him) is a dead beat alchy havent seen him since 2006... ugh anways life is precious and past 60 is even better because in my eyes you got to live until the end... live life to thw fullest take the bulls by the horn... if you cant jump high to get to where u want than everyday. Keep training.. keep jumping than soon enough youll be able to jump as high as u want to get to where u want to be... anyways now im rambling...


Well-Known Member
I understand man, I've come from a long line of alcoholics and don't choose to speak of it.

This is not the way I think day by day.

That's not my normal frame of thought to be under the influence but it's how I roll.

I've had family that died by the name of liquor


Well-Known Member
Stew how'd your tincture experiment go??????
Personally not my thing. Gets me high but I still wanna smoke like the cool kids aka DAB(haven't smoked weed in over a week now). I'm sure if I made a mixed drink with it I'd get fucked up. Lol

watch them, they wanted 70.00 shipping for the 2 cubic foot of happy frog.
Yeah was just using that because he linked me to it in his... lol ;)


Well-Known Member
Well..... i do drink too sometimes but i cant let it consume me as it has in the past and im young.... cnt let it ruin me sorta speak with my old drug habits too... now im like the earth i go Green and green only lol.

Anyways hows everyones night???
12 am starts the first 12 hrs of darkness for my WW than 12 pm lights on.. she should be done around end of february... nirvana says for WW flower 8-10 weeks... hmmmm im thinkin 9 1/2... no microscope so ill need your guyses (lol guyses) help when it comes to harvest time!!!

Also when is a good time to start feeding flower nutes?


Well-Known Member
Personally not my thing. Gets me high but I still wanna smoke like the cool kids aka DAB(haven't smoked weed in over a week now). I'm sure if I made a mixed drink with it I'd get fucked up. Lol

Yeah was just using that because he linked me to it in his... lol ;)
Haha i might have to make a drink with the rest of it... i didnt care for it at all...


Well-Known Member
Well..... i do drink too sometimes but i cant let it consume me as it has in the past and im young.... cnt let it ruin me sorta speak with my old drug habits too... now im like the earth i go Green and green only lol.

Anyways hows everyones night???
12 am starts the first 12 hrs of darkness for my WW than 12 pm lights on.. she should be done around end of february... nirvana says for WW flower 8-10 weeks... hmmmm im thinkin 9 1/2... no microscope so ill need your guyses (lol guyses) help when it comes to harvest time!!!

Also when is a good time to start feeding flower nutes?
Dank would say a short while before putting into flower or just before flowering (August outside here in my area) :)
At least I'm pretty sure he would ;)


Well-Known Member
Uh oh Rosey... im starting the flip tonight xD. So would it hurt to feed tomorrow when the lights come on??? And August??? Hiw did August get. Brought up im lost LOL


Well-Known Member
Uh oh Rosey... im starting the flip tonight xD. So would it hurt to feed tomorrow when the lights come on??? And August??? Hiw did August get. Brought up im lost LOL
thats when my outdoor plants usually start flowering is in mid August straight through till October...we were talking about appropriate nuting times for flowering..LOL


Well-Known Member
thats when my outdoor plants usually start flowering is in mid August straight through till October...we were talking about appropriate nuting times for flowering..LOL
lol geez sorry kinda been off my rocker lately thinki i got a stomach bug. Its been going around :-/ atleast the back pain has subsided.... do u think its safe to feed flower nutes tomorrow or next feeding by chance?
And not much ADT. Just got done giving thw girlfriend a back rub and foot massage :) not its netflix movie time woohoo!!!
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