4 branches same node.


Well-Known Member
Subbed. I wanna see what this thing turns into by the time it's done. Planning on doing some mainlining this round myself. I hope I'm lucky enough to get one of these myself.


Well-Known Member
Looking good. Turns out one of my seedlings is doing something similar - with three shoots at the second node. Before I topped it, it went node 1: 2 shoots, node 2: 3 shoots, node 3: 2 shoots. Topped it back to the second node. Ain't this stuff fun?

Connoisseurus Rex

Well-Known Member
Yea. I am really liking it. All the leaves turned up. It's very fun as long as everything goes good lol. Luckily I haven't had to battle anything crazy and this baby is easy growing. Just hoping for a female. Shoot a pic of yours please. Curious to see what a 3 branch node looks like.


Well-Known Member
That's a keeper mate, I can't believe your using such a advanced technique on your first grow, good on yah!
Im on my fourth grow and first time outdoors and I've always used topping fimmg and super cropping, looks like a bit of study is in order im going to educate myself on the mainline technique and give it a go with a plant next year. Thanks for the inspiration

Connoisseurus Rex

Well-Known Member
Thanks. I appreciate the good words. I was a little unsure about the technique but I figured what the hell lol. There is tutorial at growweedeasy.com. It's in the advanced tech section. It's all about building the colas. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
That plant is gonna be great. I see you are training it already. Cant wait for new pics as it gets bigger. Great Job.

Connoisseurus Rex

Well-Known Member
Thanks. I'm just wondering if I clone it, will it do that again? My biggest issue now is should I keep it at 4 colas or top again for 8. I still don't even know if it's female. Is there any way to find out while it's still this young?


Well-Known Member
jus be patient and let her come out on her own. easier said than done. but patience will always reward you in the long run. especially when it come to growing marijuanna.. you're doin great tho. good luck w the rest of your grow!