Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Everything inside seems to be working accordingly.

I had the same thought that if the water works on the front, then the tube couldn't be frozen, but it has to split at one point right? What if it's frozen after the split?

This sounds like a hassle, but I might be able to pull it off, but what if I took everything out of the freezer, put it outside or inside another freezer, then turn it down so all the tubes and such and unfreeze?
Again, I ask, is there ice in the tray waiting to be dumped? Or is it empty?
I'm trying to give a haircut over the phone, but what I'm trying to ask is......
What part isn't working.
Is it that you're not getting water? Or is it that your tray won't dump because of the sensor or timer.:shock:


Well-Known Member
my freezer froze where the water line came to the ice maker once, and the water in the door still worked. i don't remember how they fixed it, but i have never had that problem again..
Hm, I didn't ask if his room temp has dropped significantly before this happened, but still need more info.


Well-Known Member
"Last night i was up late with a bunch of ladies feeling them up and came home and was hesitant to warm up my real gf because i was all sticky, i used dish soap, hand soap, and then squeezed a quarter tube of toothpaste on and squshed that around for a while and still didnt dare touch the cooch with my dirty digits."

Omfg AlienW. I damn near DIED OF LAUGHTER!!!
Don't the toothpaste burn yer balls?:shock:


Well-Known Member
Buddy of mine back in Cali is a Sheriff, and he swears the story is true.
One night, while doing desk duty, a black guy came in (Oakland) and says 'I wanna make a report! One yur officers came n beat me, treated me like sheeet, razed hell for no reason, and left.'
'What was the officer's name?'
'Hell, I don't know, he didn't tell me his name.'
'Well, what was the officer's badge number?'
'Fuck man, I don't know, he didn tell me that neither.'
'Well....... What did he LOOK like?'
'Well, sir, you'll have to be more helpful than that.. That describes most of our officers.'
pause/ silence........
'I got his car number!!!!!'
Thinking finally progress was being made, the sheriff asks.....
'OK sir, what was it?
911 !!!! (looking out the window exclaims) "LOOK!!!!!! Der he go now!!!!"


Well-Known Member
Lmaoooooo oh god BAK. That his funny shit. XD DURR HE GO RIGHT NOW!! and the toothpaste idek AienW posted a thread and that was in his opening i damn near pee'd myelf


Well-Known Member
One buddy warned me against eatin' va jay jay after mexican food for dinner.
His GF was pissed at him for a week.
This was the same GF that he was with when he asked me to fix the A/C in his Regal, then asked me how to know if it was 'cold enough'.
I told him, if he put Laura in the car, and her nips got hard, it was 'cold enough'.
As we're going to dinner, me in the back seat, he turns around with an ear to ear grin, and says.......
"It's cold enuf!"


Well-Known Member
Alrighty guys its about that time im getting sweeepppyyyyyyy *yawn* yall have a goodnight. I was glad to share some laughs tonight with y'all! !!!!
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