Damn Scammers...what should I do?


Well-Known Member
I am 99% sure I have been the victim of a door to door scam, though I did suss it out before I gave any really sensitive info, they now have my name (sort of) and DOB.

2 assholes came by the other night pretending to be with the charity world vision. They had leaflets and tags around their necks but I'm sure they were fake now.

I normally don't even listen to 1 word of a door to door charity collector, but for some reason I didn't feel like being rude to this guy. He asked my name, then my phone # and my DOB.. I gave him a fake number anyway before I even figured him out, so no worries there. I also didn't give him my real first name, I gave my middle name.. so no real worry there either. The DOb was correct though : (

Then he asked for my bank account number. To which I promptly told him to Fuck off and slammed the door in their face.

I genuinley thought it was a charity call, as there was others with him going around my other neighbours doors . So i figured all i needed to do was tell them i was interested but not today to get them to go away.

So now someone who was intent on commiting fraud has my middle and last name, old phone number ,my dob and address.

Should I be worried? I don't have any money anyway and all my finances are payed into my gfs account , but still, makes me feel a bit uneasy.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the awsome suggestion.. maybe something like Cornelius Fartgobblin born on 17/ 27 /1865 ?

Please ,this is a serious problem, I want a serious answer


Well-Known Member
hmmm.. not a big fan of the cops when I am also a fan of an illegal substance.. but thats what i'm wondering.. is it serious enough to warrant the cops being involved... what can anyone really do with pretty much incomplete .. but possibly usable info..


Well-Known Member
Call your local World Vision office and ask about it. Personally, I think it was a scam as all door2door experiences I have ever had was them asking for cash or a check...never ever my DOB, account #, phone #, or even full name


Well-Known Member
Well, I know that, as i said i'm 99% sure now it was a scam, so the conformation will not really help. And I don't really think it can be game over... If, worse case scenario they try and run up debt in my name.. can they even do that without my full name, i'm unemployed and have no credit history anyway, I think my info is useless for a scammer. But i'm simply wondering , should i go and file a police report anyway ?


Well-Known Member
hmm I wish I had have.. though there was a good few of them going around.. would probably have came off worse when they all realised their buddy was getting stomped

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I would have called the police and started following them as soon as they asked for bank account information. Just followed them to every neighbor they went up to. And taken pictures of them. If they were legit they would have no problem with it and would welcome the police who would make you stop following them. I think they would bug out if they were scammers though


Well-Known Member
ok, too many votes for track them down.. i'm not the terminator lol . They are long gone with half of my name and my dob. So pissed off with myself I normally don't trust anyone and this is why


Well-Known Member
Send me 100,000 dollars US
I'm actually a Nigerian prince... i don't know how this will help you but...


Well-Known Member
My friend got brainwashed into this a few years back (they drugged him with a blunt with herion or sommthing in it)
Then drove him 3 states awaay while he was out of it.

without your bank info u should be ok.
watch your credit n shit tho.


Virtually Unknown Member
Town politicians don't like door to door scammers, especially if the scam seems they target older folks. This is not an uncommon type of scam, PDC but with the only valid info they have on you is birth date, I don't think you need worry. Sorry to say but I'll bet more than one person gave up the "right" info that day. Much easier for them to pluck that low hanging fruit. (Every swinging dick gets turned away from my door, that's just the way it is)

edit: I used to have a Doberman and only had to say the word "roller", and he would bark like hell and rush to the door. Best defense against the door to door's:)


Well-Known Member
thanks clown and barn. You guys are right. Its the old folks that fall for this stuff and it maes me sick. I'm sure you are 100% right they got enough of the good stuff to just toss my info. I made sure that my gfs granny was informed. I think I will leave the cops out of it