4th CFL Grow With Jungle Growth Soil - Blue Mataro and Afghan Kush x Train Wreck

week 16, i dont know what happened to the little plant, all the leaves are all crusty and brown. ive done the same feeding with the same nutes since flowering, i think i'll cut it down tomorrow, its been flowering 12 weeks, LoL. the tall weed is green and looks great. branches are really starting to fill in real nice now and this ones been through hell. i snapped one of the branches when i tied then down. then i split the middle(see pic)when i tried to pull them down a little more a week ago, but its still going strong. i have 2 purple kush autos on the way from herbies. it will be so nice to grow 2 plants of the same stuff and the same size, but i will wait for the tall weed to finish but who knows when that will be, LoL.







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I just noticed the "more saving" Home Depot logo on that box....You definitely save more $$$ when you grow with a cardboard box....Slogan fits perfectly, lol.
That thing is f'n crazy!!! Got any frost on her yet?
well i tried to get a better pic but it didnt work, LoL. theres not as much as i thought, sorry. at this rate, this thing could go on for weeks.

I just noticed the "more saving" Home Depot logo on that box....You definitely save more $$$ when you grow with a cardboard box....Slogan fits perfectly, lol.
HA!! never noticed that before, but its true. not bad for a 4 year old cardbord box, LoL. and still goin strong.

heres the little one after i cut the main buds off just a bit ago, look mighty tasty, LoL.




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mmm, they definitely look tasty....Hey don't think I ever asked you - how do you seal that box for light ? I see you have a vent, and other than that you just cut the cardboard...what do you use to seal it ? lol
yeah, thats the intake vent, 6 bucks at home depot, LoL. the box sits between my computer desk and the back of a dresser. my room stays dark for the most part all the time so its never really been a problem. the door on the front has duct tape that seals around the cut out, for the most part, LoL. the box on the top covers a 9" fan for exhaust. it also has 4 - 90mm computer fans that are 12v and run off a comp power supply to help side exhaust out heat at whatever level the lights at. the green towel covers the second story door i use to adjust the chains for the lights. the top fan is on the same timer as the lights, the comp fans run 24/7. also, that box between the main box and the comp desk is hold it up somewhat, it has a bad lean to the left, LoL.





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looks good cd that purple auto sound great but looks like it will be
a few weeks before u can start them.
Dude that is ghetto as fuck but so great hahaha , i was wondering the other day if this could be done and behold! proof!
thanks!! i've pulled right around 5 to 6 pounds out of this box over 4 years, not bad for around a $100 investment, plus nutes and seeds. i had a dream one night about a giant cardbord box and this is what i came up with, LoL.
looks good cd that purple auto sound great but looks like it will be
a few weeks before u can start them.
yeah, my buddy said he ordered them, that was 10 days ago. and yes, with the weed, i think it will be a while, LoL. but if this thing fills in right, it gonna be a shit load of bud.
lmao @ that one box holding the other box up from leaning
you gotta do what you gotta do, right? LoL. if it wasnt there, it would be touching the desk. the bottom of the box got soaked when it drained my world famous self watering system, LoL. i had a 1 gal jug that all i had to do was uncap the breater tude and the water would just flow to the plants. well i forgot and it drained the whole jug. fried the comp power box sitting outside the box and dropped the left side a good 2 inches, and yes i was stoned, LoL.
you gotta do what you gotta do, right? LoL. if it wasnt there, it would be touching the desk. the bottom of the box got soaked when it drained my world famous self watering system, LoL. i had a 1 gal jug that all i had to do was uncap the breater tude and the water would just flow to the plants. well i forgot and it drained the whole jug. fried the comp power box sitting outside the box and dropped the left side a good 2 inches, and yes i was stoned, LoL.

roflmao, and the box is still in use after all that....Classic.
i love it bro, i mean its a dam cardbord box and im growing weed in it, and im getting stoned, i havent had to buy weed in 4 years now, what could be better, LoL.
thanks!! i've pulled right around 5 to 6 pounds out of this box over 4 years, not bad for around a $100 investment, plus nutes and seeds. i had a dream one night about a giant cardbord box and this is what i came up with, LoL.

Dude that is not fuckin bad at all. Follow your dreams folks lol look what happens :D
true that, LoL. now not all of it was good, i grew some bag seed that looked awesome, smelled like a pepper pine tree, had pink flowers and just sucked, nothing, zip, no buzz. the best has been the rocklock, kandy kush, lsd, and fruity chronic punch. i have "high" hopes for this stuff im growing now, LoL.
cut the last of the little one today, i'll trim the little buds later tonight. the other buds are drying and shrinking, LoL. the tall weed now has the whole box to itself.






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true that, LoL. now not all of it was good, i grew some bag seed that looked awesome, smelled like a pepper pine tree, had pink flowers and just sucked, nothing, zip, no buzz. the best has been the rocklock, kandy kush, lsd, and fruity chronic punch. i have "high" hopes for this stuff im growing now, LoL.

i forgot about a couple of the best, sweet fast bud and buddha syrup, they were real good and great yeild.