NY Times Editor: Obama White House the ‘Most Secretive’ I’ve Ever Dealt With

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
This is my understanding as well, hence I understand but I will not ever condone a secret government as every single time we have elements of this government become secret, when its act are finally come to light, they are horrors regardless of original intent. We have Obama to blame for this newest round but he was placed in a positon of opportunity by Mr. Cheney and company. And Cheney was helped along by previous generations of people driven by an ideology of power that is the antihtisis of what our country pretends to stand for.
you cant even say "Violations of the Constitution" can you?

the left has been grinding away at the constitution since 1913, adding populist grease here and there, to gain support, while hacking away at limits on federal power wherever they can reach.

democrat or republican, whatever party the fool claims to be part of today, when a leftist makes a law or enthrones some new agency, he erodes the constitution, BY DESIGN.

the left desires a national state, not a republic with sovereign states, thus the senate, once the state's voice in the congress is now just another branch of the house of representatives and the states have no voice. populism and promises to deliver more pork, more welfare, more top-down control, and more free shit will sway the hoi polloi, as the founders KNEW it would. populism is the main tool for destroying the constitution which limits the power of the federal government, and this tool is wielded by the press.

once the press has convinced enough of the ignorant masses that some new program, giveaway or anti-boogeyman agency is in their own self-interest, that macguffin is a done deal, and if the press cant convince the fools with their hands out, or the dolts hiding under their beds in fear of whatever scary monster is "Out There" today, they will cry RACISM, or just plain lie about their proposed "solution" to get their way.

thats how we got sosh security, thats how we got medicare, thats how we got obamacare, and thats how we will get the new retarded minimum wage.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Show me the right's outrage over Bushs signing statements and his implementation of a unitary executive.
many "right wing" commentators opposed the creation of "Homeland Security", opposed the bailouts, opposed the creation of the "patriot act" and any of a number of the things the left hated most about boooosh (but seems to love quite well under obama) but you werent listening to that shit, you were too focussed on "blood for oil" and "9/11 was an inside job"


Well-Known Member
many "right wing" commentators opposed the creation of "Homeland Security", opposed the bailouts, opposed the creation of the "patriot act" and any of a number of the things the left hated most about boooosh (but seems to love quite well under obama) but you werent listening to that shit, you were too focussed on "blood for oil" and "9/11 was an inside job"

Not what I asked, and frankly, had I actually believed that our incursion was a "blood for oil" situation I would have been fully behind it.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Not what I asked, and frankly, had I actually believed that our incursion was a "blood for oil" situation I would have been fully behind it.
i know it's "not what you asked".

you demanded i prove that there were conservatives out on the whithouse lawn rabbling, hanging booOOOOoooOOoooOOOsh in effigy, hurling coffins full oif feces at the steps of the congress, or invading senators offices with lame abbie hoffman ripoff "exorcisms"

well conservatives dont do that kind of foolish shit.

radicalism, hippie "Be Ins" and frothing at the mouth are tools of leftism.

conservatives make their concerns known by VOTING, and by real protests. you think the "tea party" was born to oppose barry seotoro?

hell no, it started under the BooOOoOOooOOoOoOoOOosh administration in opposition to BOooOOOoOoOoOOOooOoosh foolishness, and continues to oppose the EXACT SAME BULLSHIT under Bwana Obama.


Well-Known Member
oh, look.

kynes is telling more lies than could possible be disproven. it would take me all fucking afternoon to get through half of the bullshit he's spewed.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
oh, look.

kynes is telling more lies than could possible be disproven. it would take me all fucking afternoon to get through half of the bullshit he's spewed.
it;s all true, and cannot be disproved, therefore bucky will SAY it is all lies, and argue that he is just too incopetent and lazy to do the disproving.


Well-Known Member
it;s all true, and cannot be disproved, therefore bucky will SAY it is all lies, and argue that he is just too incopetent and lazy to do the disproving.
no, i'll be back to point out some of the lies in that pile of garbage you spent your morning on.


Well-Known Member

Those cocksuckers were all OVER that motherfucker when he was just a dumb ass state senator, and again when he was a FAILED first term POTUS.

The National Enquirer has more g'damn journalistic integrity than that sorry piece of shit rag.


Well-Known Member
i know it's "not what you asked".

you demanded i prove that there were conservatives out on the whithouse lawn rabbling, hanging booOOOOoooOOoooOOOsh in effigy, hurling coffins full oif feces at the steps of the congress, or invading senators offices with lame abbie hoffman ripoff "exorcisms"

well conservatives dont do that kind of foolish shit.

radicalism, hippie "Be Ins" and frothing at the mouth are tools of leftism.

conservatives make their concerns known by VOTING, and by real protests. you think the "tea party" was born to oppose barry seotoro?

hell no, it started under the BooOOoOOooOOoOoOoOOosh administration in opposition to BOooOOOoOoOoOOOooOoosh foolishness, and continues to oppose the EXACT SAME BULLSHIT under Bwana Obama.

Really? I'll ask again, where are the bone in the nose Bush pics? and you mean to tell me that only the left hangs in efegy or protests in the streets? Do tell, the republicans "just vote", right?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Really? I'll ask again, where are the bone in the nose Bush pics? and you mean to tell me that only the left hangs in efegy or protests in the streets? Do tell, the republicans "just vote", right?

of course these were all posted previously, the last time you trotted out the failed meme that conservatives loved boOoOOooOOoosh, and any depiction of monkeys were racist imprecations against Bwana Obama.

either you have a memory like a goldfish or you are deliberately playing dumb.


Well-Known Member
You ever wonder how Clinton got impeached for getting head in the office yet all these other smucks do MUCH WORSE and are still president? Yeah, look deeper and you will be surprised


New Member
Canndo is always good to get out of dodge when the facts hit him in the face.
But we'll see him later, he'll just move on to another subject and pull the same ole crap, he's the pinball in a pinball machine.


Well-Known Member
you mean the LEFT, trapped in their echo chamber didnt hear the right objecting to boooosh's excesses.
the archives here go back to 2006. i've reviewed them for lulz and out of boredom before.

what you are saying is demonstrably false.

i challenge you to go back and find an example of what you claim in our archives.

the left doesnt even LIKE the constitution
i literally have righties arguing against the 14th amendment in several other threads as we speak.

you are nothing but lies, long windedness, and a few other undesirable qualities.


Well-Known Member
many "right wing" commentators opposed the creation of "Homeland Security", opposed the bailouts, opposed the creation of the "patriot act" and any of a number of the things the left hated most about boooosh (but seems to love quite well under obama) but you werent listening to that shit, you were too focussed on "blood for oil" and "9/11 was an inside job"
if the right really opposed all of those things (rather than some mere random "commentator"), then why did russ feingold lose his seat to a tea partier?

remember russ? he's the only senator that voted against the patriot act.

the tea partier he lost to did not oppose any of the things you say the right opposed, he even wanted some of them to be bigger. more patriot act, etc.

the problem with all your long winded bullshit is that reality does indeed exist, and other people are indeed aware of it.


Well-Known Member
you demanded i prove that there were conservatives out on the whithouse lawn rabbling, hanging [political figures] in effigy, hurling coffins full oif feces at the steps of the congress, or invading senators offices...

well conservatives dont do that kind of foolish shit.
sure they do. james o'keefe is in a bunch of trouble for doing worse than invading a senator's office.

conservatives have hung obama in effigy many times.

conservatives do that type of shit, despite your "crawling in through the windows" revisionist history.

you think the "tea party" was born to oppose barry seotoro?

hell no, it started under the BooOOoOOooOOoOoOoOOosh administration in opposition to BOooOOOoOoOoOOOooOoosh foolishness, and continues to oppose the EXACT SAME BULLSHIT under Bwana Obama.
i challenge you on this revisionist history as well.

i also mock you for the booooooshness. it's clearly your way of wanting to repeat history by asking us all to forget it. how dare we learn from history by examining how reality was under booo0000o0o00oo0oo0o0osh.

deal with it, you poor thing.


Well-Known Member
You ever wonder how Clinton got impeached for getting head in the office yet all these other smucks do MUCH WORSE and are still president? Yeah, look deeper and you will be surprised
Clinton lied while under oath, which is something any of us would likely go to jail for. The left successfully turned that into a general conception that the Republicans impeached him because he got a blowjob. Not true.

Recently didn't a baseball player get into some shit for lying under oath to congress about steroid use?


Well-Known Member
i thought there was more to actually argue against, but so much of what kynes wrote was just long winded opinion.

and we all know he has some rather strange opinions.

for example, rushton ain't no racist is one of his claims. nevermind that rushton is a self described white separatist, kynes has a different opinion.

a Kynes Opinion (TM) is about as useful as nipples on an ostrich.


Well-Known Member

of course these were all posted previously, the last time you trotted out the failed meme that conservatives loved boOoOOooOOoosh, and any depiction of monkeys were racist imprecations against Bwana Obama.

either you have a memory like a goldfish or you are deliberately playing dumb.

I recall the others, I also recall asking you for the bone pic. I don't see it here either. and, how do you know how good a goldfish memory is?