What process of harvesting/curing do you do if you intend to sell?


Active Member

I'm nearing the end of my flowering and I have a little more than I need, I have a friend who deals and intend to sell some to him so he can pass it around with his friends, earn myself a little cash on the side.

The thing is, hes not that much of a friend and I don't really think curing a stash for him for 2months is worthy of our friendship.

So my question is, what process do I follow to prepare it for him;

1. So if I ever need to sell again he will buy and not complain about a crappy grow.

2. So I dont have to hold on to it any longer than I have to.


Active Member
first of all i wouldn't be so open with your intent to supply. you don't want the fuzz tracking your IP address and raiding you.

but i would say dry by hanging in the normal way and have a joint, see what you think and decide from there. if it tastes to harsh cure it for a couple of days and again try it. keep doing this untill your happy.


Active Member
Thank you for your advice and response, I figured that would be the way, but i dont know anybody who grows and sells to ask for advice.

I doubt I will be raided on the basis that I could be some 14 year old kid pissing around on the internet and I doubt a potential courtcase against the law is worth a potential noob grow in a closet.

Is this how its sold then just dryed and bagged? This is my first grow and I have no idea how far dealers go to make it smokable for buyers, but im guessing many of them don't give two hoots....

Thanks again,



Well-Known Member
Thank you for your advice and response, I figured that would be the way, but i dont know anybody who grows and sells to ask for advice.

I doubt I will be raided on the basis that I could be some 14 year old kid pissing around on the internet and I doubt a potential courtcase against the law is worth a potential noob grow in a closet.

Is this how its sold then just dryed and bagged? This is my first grow and I have no idea how far dealers go to make it smokable for buyers, but im guessing many of them don't give two hoots....

Thanks again,

Lucky if its been dryed for more than 3 days in some cases.


Active Member
Yeah, I figured that. I mean I've had some pretty crappy deals in the past.

Hell, the reason I'm growing is because of a crappy deal from an idiot who allowed a male to polinate his crop.

I just wanted to know the minimum spec for a bud so my mate can have a smoke similar to what he sells me with minimum risk and effort.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah, I figured that. I mean I've had some pretty crappy deals in the past.

Hell, the reason I'm growing is because of a crappy deal from an idiot who allowed a male to polinate his crop.

I just wanted to know the minimum spec for a bud so my mate can have a smoke similar to what he sells me with minimum risk and effort.
IMO i would never 'sell' weed to a street dealer who isnt even a life long trusted friend. You never know who will know you are growing!

I have a theory and my friends agree, Its called the 'everyone has a best friend theory'
whereby everyone has someone they think they can trust and tell them about your shit, then the person you tell has a 'best friend' which they tell.....and so on.....till before you know it you could be sat in a room of casual friends and they all know you are growing weed!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I have a theory and my friends agree, Its called the 'everyone has a best friend theory'
whereby everyone has someone they think they can trust and tell them about your shit, then the person you tell has a 'best friend' which they tell.....and so on.....till before you know it you could be sat in a room of casual friends and they all know you are growing weed!!!!!!
word x2..........:joint:
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Well-Known Member
Well selling and growing is probably not the best idea...but if so cure the bud well because you will make more money from primo bud then harsh hitting shitty bud.Cut off all the big leafs and some small leafs,leave a few leaves so the bud wont dry out to much.Hang it by the whole plant for about a week or until dry enough that the stems break,then trim off the rest of the leaf that you can get then put into jars for 24 hours then open it and leave it open all day then close it at night and do this until your bud is at desired taste and smell, it normally takes about 5-7 days for it to get cured enough to be stored in a sealed container.:blsmoke:


Active Member
IMO i would never 'sell' weed to a street dealer who isnt even a life long trusted friend. You never know who will know you are growing!
I've known him my whole life, hes just more of a dealer than a friend these days. The reason I feel OK about selling to him, Is because I've looked after gear for him before. Its gotta be a mutual trust thing, and I know he doesnt sell to little kids hes mainly a friend dealer (big list of 'friends' - "hey gimme a call" type of thing), that eases my consience a little.

You seriously think im going to tell him I have a grow?, Hes getting the "my friend needs to get rid of some shit" story... haha!

Thank you all for your advice,

I think im just gonna do my grow all in, and then (Ive had a lot of time to think :P) IF I plan on getting rid of some, I'll pull some for him when I find my nit picking is smokable.

Thanks again,



Well-Known Member
I buy preemo highgrade from my buddies who farm it ,and it is never cured! Fire but never cured just hung dry.It dries alot faster than a week usually,like 3-5 then throw it in a jar four your stash,and give yer buddy the stuff right off the line.It will taste fine.Good luck hbr


Well-Known Member
I have a theory and my friends agree, Its called the 'everyone has a best friend theory'
whereby everyone has someone they think they can trust and tell them about your shit, then the person you tell has a 'best friend' which they tell.....and so on.....till before you know it you could be sat in a room of casual friends and they all know you are growing weed!!!!!!
totally agree!!!!
2 ppl know bout my little grow..me and the missus.
well and u guys but u lot don't exist and neither do i! :lol:


Well-Known Member
sure i read somewhere this ain't such a god idea.....or i could be talking crap...which happens quite alot :lol:


Active Member
also, the taste and strength of the bud is dependant on the strain, so depending on what type you have will dictate how short a curing time you can get away with.


Well-Known Member
sure i read somewhere this ain't such a god idea.....or i could be talking crap...which happens quite alot :lol:
Are you talking about freezing the bud because its very true,i have seen it done many times with no problems,and this was pounds of crop.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Are you talking about freezing the bud because its very true,i have seen it done many times with no problems,and this was pounds of crop.:blsmoke:
so im talking crap again!!:lol: sorry it's a really bad habbit of mine! lmao

if i had an indian brave name it would deffo be "Talking Crap" or "Talking Bollocks". :lol:....or maybe "Sitting Down" lmao


Well-Known Member
Freezing is not bad, but freezing and taking out then putting back to freeze too many times, not a good idea. If you are going to freeze put in packaging that #1 air tight so your buds don't get freezer burn, #2 package in sizes that are about what you would be getting normally (like if you sell, then figure out your min like an OZ and make packs of OZ's or if you don't and you go through like a 1/4 a week then package in 1/4oz's) so that you prevent thaw and freeze conditions. This is to prevent THC glands that are already brittle, from being frozen, from breaking off and degrading your buds. I mean for your personal stash, it's not that big of a deal, since THC is not water soluble the THC will still be in the bag (now you have some Kief) and it's not like it is that big of a deal but you get the idea.