Obamacare to cut work hours by equivalent of 2 million jobs: CBO


Well-Known Member
Yes a couple of times. When i built my garage last year My fall back option for hired help was him. I kept thinking 1 he is an idiot 2 if he falls he is going to sue me. Becuase his other income is suing people.
Oh and he isnt a Bum, he describes himself as a stay at home dad. His pig old lady quit her job again she is ready to squeeze out another kid.

Aw fuck read this

About 4 years ago. This guy with the bad back and getting disability somehow found a full size Wrestling ring. He advertised at the super market
"professional wrestling" lessons. The city made him take it down
that's 'murica! whoooooooooo hoooooooo!


Well-Known Member
Yes a couple of times. When i built my garage last year My fall back option for hired help was him. I kept thinking 1 he is an idiot 2 if he falls he is going to sue me. Becuase his other income is suing people.
Oh and he isnt a Bum, he describes himself as a stay at home dad. His pig old lady quit her job again she is ready to squeeze out another kid.

Aw fuck read this

About 4 years ago. This guy with the bad back and getting disability somehow found a full size Wrestling ring. He advertised at the super market
"professional wrestling" lessons. The city made him take it down
You could always call SSDI and report him and if they come out to investigate and see him jumping on a trampoline he will be taken off and fined.


Active Member
How the heck would you know some ones ss# or dob,
Can't one just send a video of the fraud. Such as that person clearly demonstrating physical abilities the he is disabled for?


New Member
My neighbor wont get a job becuase it would eliminate his Disability check for his bad back

I think about that everytime I see him on his trampoline
Yes a couple of times. When i built my garage last year My fall back option for hired help was him. I kept thinking 1 he is an idiot 2 if he falls he is going to sue me. Becuase his other income is suing people.
Oh and he isnt a Bum, he describes himself as a stay at home dad. His pig old lady quit her job again she is ready to squeeze out another kid.

Aw fuck read this

About 4 years ago. This guy with the bad back and getting disability somehow found a full size Wrestling ring. He advertised at the super market
"professional wrestling" lessons. The city made him take it down
Gotta give ya props for being honest Cheezy.


bud bootlegger


Well-Known Member
he will get his when ever he decides to try and get off all of the drugs his dr. prescribed him for his fake injury.. he's in for a world of hurt.
You know the first thing I did when I broke my hand and was prescribed lortab 10's?

Traded them for weed. 2 zips.. I hate pills...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
my friend like that who is my age, 42 or so, and on ssi, also sky dives and coaches girls soccer games, makes me sick..
skydiving is a question, it depends on the disability.
he might not be able to be a welder, tree surgeon or machinist with one hand, or no legs but he could still fall out of a plane.

and really, coaching GIRLS soccer?
thats not exactly strenuous.


bud bootlegger
Good move bro, you'd feel like shit if you did.
yeah, i agree.. as much as it pisses me right off, idk, for some reason, dropping the dime on him wouldn't sit well with me.. i've witnessed karma enough in my own life to know it's real and to have faith in it.. like i said, he'll get his sooner or later without needing my help..


Well-Known Member
i've thought about it, but i'd feel like more of a scumbag then the guy actually ripping us all off for some odd reason. i decided to leave it up to good old karma..
I wouldnt have a problem with it. The last time they lived here car windows were getting busted out. I know it was the old lady, becuase she left her flip flops at the scene of the crime when she busted out our neighbors back car window.
They Moved a few months after that but moved back about 2 years ago. They are the reason we got a 6 foot fence.


Well-Known Member
skydiving is a question, it depends on the disability.
he might not be able to be a welder, tree surgeon or machinist with one hand, or no legs but he could still fall out of a plane.

and really, coaching GIRLS soccer?
thats not exactly strenuous.
You're not flying, you're falling, with style!


bud bootlegger
skydiving is a question, it depends on the disability.
he might not be able to be a welder, tree surgeon or machinist with one hand, or no legs but he could still fall out of a plane.

and really, coaching GIRLS soccer?
thats not exactly strenuous.
he was an emt dr kynes.. supposedly he hurt his shoulder lifting up some heavy lady to put her on a gurney or w/e.. i'd think pulling the chute would put a lot of stress on the shoulder area although i've never jumped out of plane myself..


Well-Known Member
Ill tell you how they are. The first time they lived here the guy mentioned he wished his motion light worked like the 2 on my house. Went to work, next day One of mine was burned out and his was working.
His dog would shit in my yard. His kids would go and tear up our grapes and help themselves to all the fruit trees. I put a gallon of gas out by the shed all chock full of sugar, transmission fluid and lapping compound. 2 weeks later his car died. Now we have a big fence I dont think about them much as I dont see them or their 4 mongrel kids.

BTW he is a white republican