Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
either way she has another 15 or so tops but that was the ONE the rest are pencil thickness. Worst scenario the top dies off and the smaller shoots will start dominating.
Feeding any bloom nutes? you may want to give her a lil diluted cocktail to help her get over the stress of that break.


Well-Known Member
if you got aloe vera add to your mix. will help the plant recover and keep healthy. i got a qt of it on the way. cant wait to add it too my tea.
love and peace


Well-Known Member
Wow all im been reading about h2o2 and not jsut plants but us humans should be using it. i found cases of cancer being beet with it, arthritis and other stuff. the food grade 35% is what to get. do some google searching and you will be amazed. I already know plants love it but never knew it would help me also. humm gonna have to get some for sure.
love and peace all.
I've read a lot up on that as well. Just be careful as it can be toxic. Very very very minute amounts (5 ccs/1 teaspoon or less) to a liter/quart of water is all that you should ever ingest.


Well-Known Member
h2o2 depends on the strength if its 35% add 5-15 drops per gallon. start with 5 let plants get used to it. then increase. i always start off small and increase slowly so i can watch the plants and see how they react. just like the co2 generator im doing now cause the plants love it. ill introduce 1 thing a week max so i can see and make sure they like it. till i have the strain dialed in then ill know since ill keep clones as mothers ect.
love and peace


Well-Known Member
h2o2 depends on the strength if its 35% add 5-15 drops per gallon. start with 5 let plants get used to it. then increase. i always start off small and increase slowly so i can watch the plants and see how they react. just like the co2 generator im doing now cause the plants love it. ill introduce 1 thing a week max so i can see and make sure they like it. till i have the strain dialed in then ill know since ill keep clones as mothers ect.
love and peace
you should only use the food grade quality for ingestion but for plants, the 3% is ok.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone here tried Blue Lotus extract? I'm looking for alternative "naturals" for anxiety and panic attacks and it seems to fit the bill...


Well-Known Member
Just cleaned the Mobius so thought I'd share a hit video. Smoking on some of this 8 Ball Kush in the bowl. :mrgreen: bongsmilie :eyesmoke:



bird dog

Well-Known Member
I'm sure glad I own a truck with a snow plow on the front (lol). Hope everyone has some smoke, especially those who need it. I'm mixing up with vape and bong tonight. Headed to Jamaica Feb 14 to see my Airee friend and get some "gifts". Stay warm friends... :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hey guys hope everyones having a good night. We got some shopping done, and filled the Kero can in case the power goes out at least we have some heat. Plenty of food, water, and smoke for the next few days so we shouldn't have to go out in this mess.


Active Member
Damn nice buds and piece allday! I kno that rip was tasty

We can't go in there all straight-eyed...he'll know something's up.

bird dog

Well-Known Member
Yeah, there's a ton of stuff I have to learn to do it properly though.

Hey TC, hey BD :)

Ha ya doin rosie (lol). It's wierd on the vaping issue for me. I have 11 strains that I smoke and they all have very different tastes and some do not vape as well as others. I understand on the different tastes, but it's wierd how some vape well and some don't. Number of times that you re-use the same loaded vape bowl varies too. I usually start at 200F and go up to 220F by the third session. This is all IMO and I'm stoned...hope you are!


Well-Known Member
Ha ya doin rosie (lol). It's wierd on the vaping issue for me. I have 11 strains that I smoke and they all have very different tastes and some do not vape as well as others. I understand on the different tastes, but it's wierd how some vape well and some don't. Number of times that you re-use the same loaded vape bowl varies too. I usually start at 200F and go up to 220F by the third session. This is all IMO and I'm stoned...hope you are!
200F seems very low to vape.

I use my desktop vape from 383 to 410f, and my portable I use from 375 to 430f.


Well-Known Member
Ha ya doin rosie (lol). It's wierd on the vaping issue for me. I have 11 strains that I smoke and they all have very different tastes and some do not vape as well as others. I understand on the different tastes, but it's wierd how some vape well and some don't. Number of times that you re-use the same loaded vape bowl varies too. I usually start at 200F and go up to 220F by the third session. This is all IMO and I'm stoned...hope you are!
I wish I was stoned bro, saving my last bowl for bedtime. I know what you mean about vaping different weed! the stuff I got from my guy, whew boy, it vaped great but the reggie shit I got from the landlord wouldn't hardly vape at all. I did notice this though...seems the longer the bud is cured, the less vapor it produced. Guess because of the difference in moisture content. The shit from the landlord was from last summer but the chronic I got from my guy was from a recent harvest.
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