first grow


Bag seed
135w LED
Small fan

Vegged in soil, flowering in a hempy bucket 3g

Foxfarms nuts since transplanted.

65 days from seed today. 25 days flowering.

Hard to see the size of the plant. Looks pretty though. How do you like the LEDs? Any heat come from the fixture at all? We are 29 days into flower so very close to each other. I'll be keeping an eye on your thread! :) happy growing.


Thanks drjohn. I like the LEDs. Zero heat, I have a halide reef tank background so I know how problematic heat can be.


Well-Known Member
Thanks drjohn. I like the LEDs. Zero heat, I have a halide reef tank background so I know how problematic heat can be.
The illuminated print on the back of some aquariums are lit with metal halide? I always figured they were tube florescents.


The illuminated print on the back of some aquariums are lit with metal halide? I always figured they were tube florescents.
No I meant I have a reef aquarium background. Growing and aquaculture of live corals. Using metal halide lighting.


Well-Known Member
^ Oh damn, my bad man. I would not know a damn thing about marine plants. LOL... You know the fake background things im talking about right, or am i crazy? ha


Well-Known Member
How long do real choral reef actually take to grow, I know its like a felony or something to disturb (some if not all) types here in Florida oceans... All i remember is hearing about getting FUCKED if you where caught stealing them from the sea.
Dude. I'm stoned, and I read that same thing. And my initial thought was "okay...the background produces heat?!" But re read it. Hahaha I may have to look into those in the future. How many plants do you think you could fit under it. Say if I were to use it to raise clones for instance .

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
looking good cowboy73, she sure has dark green leaves
Dr. Jekyll

How many weeks did you veg in soil, and how big was the pot?
We have grown hempy's with soil cores before but just as seedlings not for the whole veg
We also like to soil cap, about an inch or two of soil on the top.
Mr. Hyde


looking good cowboy73, she sure has dark green leaves
Dr. Jekyll

How many weeks did you veg in soil, and how big was the pot?
We have grown hempy's with soil cores before but just as seedlings not for the whole veg
We also like to soil cap, about an inch or two of soil on the top.
Mr. Hyde
Thanks. Roughly 40 days veg in soil. Only because I didnt really know there were options. Any guesses how long she will take.


Active Member
Plant looks great for your first grow! Sure you haven't done this before? Took me a few tries.. hahah Keep it up!

Happy growing :)


Active Member
I don't want to be mean, but am i the only one that sees nitrogen toxicity? Maybe is the strain, what strain is that? For your First try looks awesome!


I don't want to be mean, but am i the only one that sees nitrogen toxicity? Maybe is the strain, what strain is that? For your First try looks awesome!
No problem man. No clue on strain just 1 of 6 beans I got out of a bag. The other 5 were male.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
I understand where lospsi is coming from, as I had also mentioned how dark green they are, but not saying that's an issues as it could be strain related, or it could be nitrogen toxicity as he mentions
Dr. Jekyll

what a bunch of pessimistic bimbos, your plant is in great shape, be happy don't worry
Mr. Hyde