Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
my thought on the subject is as follows..
the people who want to do hard drugs do so.. the fact that it's illegal doesn't mean thing one.. i look at it like this.. cannabis is illegal, but plenty of us here still partake in it.. being illegal never stopped one person from trying it.
now, if cannabis is illegal, which it is, and people use it, why don't these same people who are willing to break the law to smoke bud, also break the law to do drugs like crack and heroin? i think it's the fact that they've seen or heard what these drugs do to people, and have no interest in doing them is why..
if crack and heroin would become legal tomorrow, not one person imvho who has never tried it before and thinks it's an evil, horrible drug, is going to run out and try it now just because it's simply legal.. i can't see my mom, who does't even like to take an asprin, run to cvs and buy some heroin just because she can..

drugs are always going to be there, and the people who want to do and try them will, legal or not, and those who don't, won't, also, legal or not..

my $.o2

Heroin at CVS?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I can't even remember the last time I had sex.

Hubby wanted it tonight but then got all greedy and wasn't going to take care of me.

Yesterday I twisted my ankle on the driveway, when he asked what I needed I said for him to take care of the fucking driveway. He said fuck you and I limped to the house alone.

So yeah...


New Member
I can't even remember the last time I had sex.

Hubby wanted it tonight but then got all greedy and wasn't going to take care of me.

Yesterday I twisted my ankle on the driveway, when he asked what I needed I said for him to take care of the fucking driveway. He said fuck you and I limped to the house alone.

So yeah...

thats called hallway sex round 'ere

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
A couple days before that he raged at me cause I waited to get the groceries from car until AFTER he shoveled and salted.

When I was concerned I was pregnant, he said I could take the day after pill.

We had a big fight two weeks back and I told him to leave because of how mad the fight got.