Pay it Forward


Well-Known Member
*** I was already given permission by the site admin to open this thread last year ***

in the spirit of paying it forward as i have been trying to do with a little bit of hate from some of the members here i would like to propose that those of you who have seen my generosity as an act of kindness and not one of a person "trying to buy friends" or "be a pompous ass" please read these remarks with an open mind and heart.

as many of you are aware my brother was murdered in afghanistan on may 4th, 2013 during combat operations with Marine Special Operations 2nd Battalion. He was the best person i ever knew and was the soul of my family and the compass for so many. his north was the TRUE north.

Christian Funeral (317).jpg

last year we set up a scholarship fund in his honor. the soul objective of the fund is to provide a 4 year scholarship every year to a graduating high school senior who demonstrates the moral character and civil responsibilities that my brother so embodied. My family personally funded the scholarship account and received 1000's of donations from friends, family, and complete strangers. In an effort to keep my brother's legacy alive i am posting this thread in hopes that some of you will look at it and think of what the servicemen and women of our country put on the line everyday for our safety and security.

last years recipient was a talented young musician from virginia who's parents did not qualify for financial aid so they were unable to send him to the school he had been accepted to which had one of the better music programs in the country. we made a commitment to this young man; his education, and his future by committing to pay all 4 years of his tuition. my brother was an avid musician and athlete who could play guitar, keyboards, piano, and drums. he also recorded his own music.

many of you will look at this as a scam or some form of me trying to gain attention and you are entitled to your opinion. please remember though that my brother gave his life for his country. he was on his 5th tour in some of the most dangerous parts of the world with some of the most elite special operations forces the u.s. military has. he was the team leader of a small 6 man tactical operations force. when his casket left the airport in afghanistan 1500 troops lined the runway at full attention to pay respect to the man, soldier, and brother in arms that he was. the base commander later sent letter to my mother and told us that he had never seen this before in all of his time in combat zones. if you do not believe in this scholarship fund then i urge you to donate to the wounded warrior project or any of the other accredited service member support foundations like the gold star moms, nam knights, etc...

should you wish to make a donation i ask that you send a check or money order (that way you know it is going to the foundation); but we also accept cash if you wish to remain anonymous. payment should be made and sent to:

Eric D. Christian Memorial Scholarship Fund
6 Laudaten Way
Warwick, NY 10990

If you doubt the validity of my brother; his service; and the respect he commanded then i ask you to watch this video of the President of the United States on Memorial Day 2013. Skip to 7:55 if you do not wish to watch the whole thing.


thank you for your time.
Out of line Sunni, if you don't have anything positive to add then please keep your own counsel. It is a big bad world out there and Scoobys brother gave his life to allow you and others the privilege of having unrealistic drum circle chanting pacifist ideals. If he wants to give to others as a way of healing his terrible pain then let him and leave him alone. If all of the haters and doubters would have just clicked on another thread instead of opining about what an asshat you seem to think he is these threads would be short, respectful, and happy places to be where folks might garner some inspiration to actually do something for others.

Shame on you your lack of compassion and your disrespect.

She has a point. There's a difference between a dignified statement about the death in combat of a relative ... and a Save the Children narration. It has to do with intent.
A little pot calling the kettle black? I'm certain that it was deleted on your behalf if not with your blessing.

absolutely not , she decided she would delete them , i had no part in it.
i am a global mod, she is just a mod of tnt
She has a point. There's a difference between a dignified statement about the death in combat of a relative ... and a Save the Children narration. It has to do with intent.

i felt it necessary for people to know what the money from my brother's scholarship fund was going to. wouldn't you want to know where the money you donated went to? and i didn't start a "Save the Children" narration. I shared something extremely personal that has affected my life and will for the rest of my years. Somehow the same people seem to turn it into a hate thread. Sunni has been trying to get me booted from the site for over a year. I asked the site admin about this 6 months ago and approved it so if she has nothing positive to add then she should stay out of the thread in my opinion. as should you CN. we agree on a lot of things but you have crossed the line with your comments about the intention of this thread and my sharing it with this community of ours. This time around CN I take it as disrespectful.
Not even close I don't want you booted you made that up I even stated how truly sorry I was for your loss but your one statement is completely unneeded and disgusting there is a difference in knowin what your money is going too and your one completely disgusting statement
Not even close I don't want you booted you made that up I even stated how truly sorry I was for your loss but your one statement is completely unneeded and disgusting there is a difference in knowin what your money is going too and your one completely disgusting statement
please clarify my "disgusting statement"
UHHH RAHHH! to your brother! (he'll understand) and a Big Hug for you Scooby. Your brother died serving a bigger cause, and is a true Hero. Many thanks to your family for sacrificing soo much for the rest of us. The worst part about combat is the best & bravest die first. I saw to many good men fall in Vietnam, hero's every one. My heart is heavy today, because another American war fighter has died.....


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