We are the hippies


Well-Known Member

Good little read. Im 20 almost 21 most of my family frowns upon my lil hobby.I find myself trying to explain to many different people why I do what I do. Not for money,not to be a drug dealer, but to grow a plant that I like and it helps others. Here in Wa we did legalize but things havent really changed yet. I do see myself wondering where we (marijuana community) will be in the future. Maybe sitting in a chair smoking a Joint tellin possible grandkids about what everyone has gone through for this plant.

this has to be satire, right? I don't know much about the website or the author but she can't be serious..
im a hippy, a "new aged one" i guess you could say (dont shoot me anyone over 50) i drive an electric scooter, i dont eat animal products mannnn (that was a joke get it?) , i smoke weed, i actually do wear patchouli i light incense cause it smells nice and i shop at this little shop called hilltribe where they sell all these clothes and fair trade handbags and earrings from African women , im all like save the earth
and help the animals and people
Hippie here. I smoke pot every day, I try to respect my fellow man, I try to purchase locally, and raw ingredients, I burn sandalwood and wish that we could all just get along, drop acid, and eat hands full of shrooms to gain insight. I didn't pay attention to which generation I fell into...

Funny that life's made a giant circle, though. A single conversation was the great catalyst.

Oh, and don't worry, the shower clause was removed, and the "no jobs" rule never actually did get canonized.
I wouldn't say im a hippy I wear boots,eat all types of animal meat,and bathe daily lol but still I respect the earth and others

I was a hippie back the first time around, and after having kids grow up and now I am living the lifestyle that fits me like an old shoe.

Being a hippie isn't about what you eat or what you wear....it's being at peace with one's inner-self while doing their best to make the lives around them better.

My wife makes candles and jewelry, I work on computers and grow weed. It's a pretty mellow life-style.

I just laughed at myself.....I looked down to realize I'm wearing a Jimi Hendrix tie-dye shirt and am pretty ripped.
I believe in Creation and I believe that I have been given the responsibility of taking care of all things on this planet...to use and conserve as wisely as possible...with regard for all and all things.

That sounds like a fuckin hippie...kumbaya, b1tches!!!