Overthrow the elites

I saw an alien once, it was dark, but I think I punched him in the face. When the lights went on the alien magically disappeared, but bumped my little brother in the nose real hard in his haste to leave. Weird.

DUDE!!! Your little brother is an ALIEN!!
I saw an alien once, it was dark, but I think I punched him in the face. When the lights went on the alien magically disappeared, but bumped my little brother in the nose real hard in his haste to leave. Weird.

Im going to try and link you to My alien thread; but the link might not work because Im on My smartphone. Be right back.


Now lets see if you can click on the link. It might not work.

Feel free to post in that thread.

Edit- the link will work. Say hi to Me in that thread or at least read the OP.

the astors, bundys, collins',DuPonts, freemans, kennedys, lis, onassis', reynolds', rockefellers, rothschilds, russels, and van duyns, are the families that run shit from behind the scenes...how does one do about getting to them though??? if we dispose of them and share all of the worlds money they have been hoarding, we will really be free...Nevaeh420 how can you post a zeitgeist video?? you think you are jesus christ!!! have you watched the segment on religion???
I believe there is room for a type of capitalism.

I mean overthrow the top 0.0000001% of the population... you know, the elites of the elites, the utter rich and powerful. The ones that control us and enslave us, our "masters".

I want to create an internet based government.


Cool. Does that mean if we don't check our e-mail, we're free?
the astors, bundys, collins',DuPonts, freemans, kennedys, lis, onassis', reynolds', rockefellers, rothschilds, russels, and van duyns, are the families that run shit from behind the scenes...

Do you have any videos that prove this? I like videos.

I know the videos I posted talk about the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, but I dont know about the other people.

how does one do about getting to them though???

Expose them, expose the elites as much as you can.

The elites only get away with their atrosities because enough people are oblivious.

if we dispose of them and share all of the worlds money they have been hoarding, we will really be free...

Yes, but I would only divide up their money over the course of a few hundred years; so posterity would be trust fund babies.

I think the elites should be sent to prison for life.

Nevaeh420 how can you post a zeitgeist video??

Its easy, Ill post another one, lol.



you think you are jesus christ!!! have you watched the segment on religion???

I dont believe Im Jesus, I just believe Im Christ.

Ive watched the segment on religion a few times, I just played the video.

Jesus is a myth, Im the real Christ.

Cool. Does that mean if we don't check our e-mail, we're free?

No, it mean that in the future you will be able to vote online. The one world online government will mean that you all will be the politicians.

The one world online government will end corruption and it will be the future government for the whole world.

The elites wont be our "masters" when a one world online government is implemented.

so you're christ because you discovered zeitgeist?

Im not Christ because I discovered Zeitgeist. Who said that?

Most of My life I was a Christian; then in 2008, I saw the movie Zeitgeist on RIU and I stopped believing in Jesus and therefor wasnt a Christian anymore. A few months later I had My apotheosis, an effulgence that Im Christ.

Candidly, I found out the significance to My Name in 2008. Here goes nothing:

My Name is George Manuel Oliveira. My initials are GMO. GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism. Weird, I know, but it gets better. Whats GMO backwards? GMO backwards is OMG. Everyone knows OMG stands for O My God. My Name, George Manuel Oliveira, means Farmer God is with us, OLIVE TREE. OLIVE TREE is mentioned like a dozen times in the Bible if you read "Roman 11:16-26". The Bible says that Jesus would have a "NEW NAME" if you read "Revelation 3:12". This is all facts, go look everything up if you dont believe Me.

But I already explained this many times, you can click on My name "Nevaeh420" to check out My signature and read all My prophecies, the Bible stories that I have fulfilled, and much more good stuff. Im claiming to be Christ, you might want to check Me out if this stuff interests you.

You guys seem to have an "us or them" mentality going on.

Whos "you guys"? and what do you mean by us having an "us or them" mentality?

So do you live near any olive orchards?

Dude if you think you're "christ".......your not Christian?

Us or them-you and tobinate speak of eating the elite, and dividing up their "money".
Newsflash, you are the Money.
I can hardly wait to be a politician and get money from lobbyists!! Yeehaawww!!

My one world online government is just a theory, currently. It would take a lot of people to advocate for it in order for it to replace our current government.

But if My one world online government were to become law, then yes, the people would utterly replace the politicians, thats the premise of it. I dont believe there would be lobbyists if EVERYONE took the place of the politicians.

So do you live near any olive orchards?

No, I live in Massachusetts; I dont think olive trees can survive our cold winters.

Im half Portuguese, olive trees must grow in Portugal. Oliveira means olive tree.

Dude if you think you're "christ".......your not Christian?

I wouldnt consider Myself a Christian because I dont believe in the fairy tales of the Bible. I do believe in the possibility of God though. I consider Myself an Agnostic (Theist). I do watch Christian TV and I listen to Christian music but that doesnt make Me a Christian.

Its My personal belief that Im Christ, no one believes in Me.

Us or them-you and tobinate speak of eating the elite, and dividing up their "money".

Dividing up the elites money would be ideal, over a few hundred years so our children could be trust fund babies.

Newsflash, you are the Money.

I wish I were "the Money"!

I would put a cap on wealth, no one can own more then a billion dollars. This would redistribute the money to the lower classes.

I would also get rid of fractional reserve banking; My alternative would make the babies (and people) the "gold standard". Basically, there would only be X amount of dollars for every person alive. This would also get rid of inflation and deflation.

My one world online government (theory) is superior to any other system of government because the average people are the dictators and politicians.

Can anyone think of a better form of government compared to My one world online government?

I would put a cap on wealth, no one can own more then a billion dollars. This would redistribute the money to the lower classes.


If your fairytale was to ever come true, what about inflation, how much do you think a cup of coffee would cost in your new world?
Guy who calls himself christ is talking about overthrowing the elites, smh.. who knew the lord and savior would be chilling on a pot forum?
If your fairytale was to ever come true, what about inflation, how much do you think a cup of coffee would cost in your new world?

If you read the rest of My last post, you would see that I have a plan to get rid of inflation too.

Hypotetically, if there was always one million dollars (an arbitrary number) per person, there would be no such thing as inflation or deflation. If a baby is born, you add a million dollars to the one world online government reserve bank, to later be added slowly into circulation. If a person dies, you subtract one million dollars from circulation. If people are dying at the same rate of babies being born, nothing happens to the money.

Its My brilliant and novel system of banking for the new AGE. People will be the "gold standard".

Does that make sense? It would be ideal.
