Owner of growshop big busted , who will be next...


bud bootlegger
Doesn't sound like a small legal medical grow to me..lol
not only that, but i think it's a pretty careless idea to own a growshop and do anything illegal while owning it.. as silly, and legal of a business as a growshop is, i'm sure anyone who owns such a place would get looked at pretty hard, no matter what state you live in and the legality of cannabis in that state..


bud bootlegger
I agree racer boy any business besides that lol.
it's just asking for trouble imvho..
i know someone who opened a seeed bank in the uk, where the possession of seeeds is legal even, and they closed up their grow shop just to be on the safe side. now, that's a smart man imo... no need to be taking unnecessary risks