first time grower male of female calyx?


Well-Known Member
ahh ace I remember you,.. you are the google kid right? yeah must be awesome to have google as your brains...


Well-Known Member
Dude, how do you keep your thumb nails so short? It looks painful. lol

On topic: In my experience which spans about 16 years, it's a tossup. Same as preflowers. Some show a few weeks from seed, some don't show until you've been taking cuttings for 8+ months, some never.
it's called a bad habit :/ sometimes I bite them till the bleed.


Well-Known Member
And you say NOTHING IS SET IN STONE then you declare that males definitely show second. Which is it?
dude, if you haven't noticed i've ignored you a while ago. go take your med's and chill the fuck out because you are wrong about something. Damn kids these days


Well-Known Member
Yes, it does appear that he is simply trolling, because he continues to spout the same line, even after many members have said he is incorrect. Well, as they say the buck stops here.

I grew my first pot plant 41 years ago, and I've grown thousands of plants since then. I've completed about 100 crops of indoor plants, and untold number of outdoor crops. In my experience, male plants will express sex before the females. Since it has happened every time for me, I expect it to happen that way.

I don't know if that is the way it happens for everyone, but it has always happened that way for me.



Well-Known Member
yeah and the "bible" say's otherwise.. I truly believe males show last as an attempt to WAIT until female plant creates some good calyx's ready for pollination. Should be common sense.
I don't understand the 'bible' reference. As for the males waiting for the females to go through puberty...I don't know about that. I mean it sounds logical, but wouldn't it be more advantageous for the male to be producing pollen as soon as possible, thereby giving it the chance to pollinate the fastest growing girls?


Well-Known Member
Actually since you asked for sources on a post where I stated as a fact that you are self aggrandizing, let me give you sources. I present exhibits



Now here's the kicker. Let me state another fact. You are uninformed, and unintelligent, and you can't even represent yourself consistently. Before you pester me for sources, I'll go ahead and offer them. Here are some examples of you contradicting yourself, belying your nature.

BSD on books:


BSD on pH:
(From a post about Brown Rust Spots on Leaves)

(From a post about Orange Rust Colored Leaves)

BSD on Relative Humidity:

(about a plant in VEG in the rust colored leaves thread)

BSD on "mis information"(sic)

and yet...
( Check out this link for proof to the contrary, High Wattage CFLs have measurably high efficacy to low wattage CFLs, as well as higher intensity, greater penetration, and a greater effective range)
Bahahaha! Rep+!


Well-Known Member
Yes, it does appear that he is simply trolling, because he continues to spout the same line, even after many members have said he is incorrect. Well, as they say the buck stops here.

I grew my first pot plant 41 years ago, and I've grown thousands of plants since then. I've completed about 100 crops of indoor plants, and untold number of outdoor crops. In my experience, male plants will express sex before the females. Since it has happened every time for me, I expect it to happen that way.

I don't know if that is the way it happens for everyone, but it has always happened that way for me.

Theirs ya proof BSD0621?


Well-Known Member
How do you expect the male pollen sack to pollinate a calyx if it hasn't developed yet?
You just contradicted the fuck out of yourself. I expect a male flower to show first so it is developed enough to pollinate a female...

Some strains only have a short period of time to be pollinated so the male needs to be ready or it could be too late.

You could be right with some sativa strains though. They have a long time to develop seeds so the males can take their time.
This is only my experience anyway.

Most indica dominant only have a 3 week tine period in which it must be pollinated to develop seeds properly(3 weeks).


Well-Known Member
I was gonna post, but I don't bob and weave as good as I used to now that I'm getting older. lol :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Yes, it does appear that he is simply trolling, because he continues to spout the same line, even after many members have said he is incorrect. Well, as they say the buck stops here.

I grew my first pot plant 41 years ago, and I've grown thousands of plants since then. I've completed about 100 crops of indoor plants, and untold number of outdoor crops. In my experience, male plants will express sex before the females. Since it has happened every time for me, I expect it to happen that way.

I don't know if that is the way it happens for everyone, but it has always happened that way for me.


As they say, pics or it didn't happen :P


Well-Known Member
You just contradicted the fuck out of yourself. I expect a male flower to show first so it is developed enough to pollinate a female...

Some strains only have a short period of time to be pollinated so the male needs to be ready or it could be too late.

You could be right with some sativa strains though. They have a long time to develop seeds so the males can take their time.
This is only my experience anyway.

Most indica dominant only have a 3 week tine period in which it must be pollinated to develop seeds properly(3 weeks).
if you want weak cannabis based on survival tactics, then yes, breed this way. You come across a field of wild cannabis it's all lanky and very weak as it has just been in survival mode for years. If you want GOOD strong STABLE genetics... Well then, I have yet to find out the "Art" of breeding. I advise to talk to the OG's in that department. Soma, Seedsman, the dutch growers. but the dutch breeders, as good as they are, lack/lacked supplemental lighting so their genetics wash out as generations grow. the idea is to MIMIC all the spectrum's the sun gives of as it's the way plants have been growing for over millions of years.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand the 'bible' reference. As for the males waiting for the females to go through puberty...I don't know about that. I mean it sounds logical, but wouldn't it be more advantageous for the male to be producing pollen as soon as possible, thereby giving it the chance to pollinate the fastest growing girls?
This is survival mode... Look in resemblance to humans, Which goes through puberty first? male or female... Pretty easy answer


Well-Known Member
This is survival mode... Look in resemblance to humans, Which goes through puberty first? male or female... Pretty easy answer
Which has absolutely nothing to do with the bible... dumb@$$.

if you want weak cannabis based on survival tactics, then yes, breed this way. You come across a field of wild cannabis it's all lanky and very weak as it has just been in survival mode for years. If you want GOOD strong STABLE genetics... Well then, I have yet to find out the "Art" of breeding. I advise to talk to the OG's in that department. Soma, Seedsman, the dutch growers. but the dutch breeders, as good as they are, lack/lacked supplemental lighting so their genetics wash out as generations grow. the idea is to MIMIC all the spectrum's the sun gives of as it's the way plants have been growing for over millions of years.
This was your response to one of the few individuals that didn't say unequivocally that you have been wrong about everything you've said.. in fact, they even used the words "You could be right (with some Sativa strains though)". That said, the crazykiwi mentioned nothing about breeding yet you went on to try and trash dutch breeders while at the same time saying you "have not found the 'Art' of breeding" ... dumb@$$.

As they say, pics or it didn't happen :P
Did you really just ask potroast, THE moderator of this wonderful website and forum, to prove the last 41 years of their growing career with pictures? You've sunken to a new low.... DUMB@$$!

I was going to post an opinion and comment but this says it better..

LMAO, best post on this thread thus far ;)


Well-Known Member
Humans are a perrenial... lol
Male dogs mature first...
The MJ in the field is called hemp...
Here is the admin riding his tractor harvesting thousands of plants 41 years ago...

You are at least a funny troll...