Ever been to rehab?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone here ever been an inpatient at a rehab facility?
I didn't sleep last night. I'm making a call in 45 minutes (when they open) to see when I can get in.

Shit has just got out of hand. One year from now I am either going to be clean or dead.
I'm looking forward to getting off, kicking my smoking habit and learning to live w/o electronic devices for 30 days.
I think this is going to be a good thing.

Curious what others experiences have been..
I'm hoping being an atheist is not going to be a problem. If I'm gonna have Jesus pushed on me, I don't see this working out.


Well-Known Member
I have.
There are plenty of sober atheists.
Not gonna get into it on the net but
I wish you luck.

**H@Ck ALLeRt**
Any info I give is based on what I would be comfortable doing.
Please get other opinions.

In nature plants don't live in plastic buckets but at my house they do or they get the f**k out.


Well-Known Member
Went through rehab 2 and a half years ago. Best decision I ever made. If you at the point of no control, then just go dude. I had no idea how good life could be till I went to rehab. Hope it works out dude.


Well-Known Member
Got kicked out of school for smelling like weed when I was 17 and was ordered to go to outpatient rehab to get into the alternative school. They asked me what drugs I did/got sent there for and when I told them weed they told me to get lost and not come back.


Well-Known Member
I was in the Navy, drinking too much so I asked to go.The facility was called NARF/NARC and was @ Top Gun(Miramar, San Diego).Not a fun thing about it, if you had free time you were being PT'd or had aerobics but when I left after 2 month's I could run 4 minute Miles.


Well-Known Member
I remember.. my sister.. she was FREAKING out because she found out her husband was smoking weed.
She was calling up rehab places.. we were trying to explain to her why sending him to rehab over weed was ridiculous..

God, that was ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
Yep. I know what you mean. But that would be a whole new thread.....lol.
No shit. lol

**H@Ck ALLeRt**
Any info I give is based on what I would be comfortable doing.
Please get other opinions.

In nature plants don't live in plastic buckets but at my house they do or they get the f**k out.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I lost control.
I got off for a couple days (suboxen).. got back on.. then things just really escalated recently. Not going to get into details, but, it's gone about as far as it can go.. a dangerous combination, a dangerous way to consume, a dangerous loss of control, blah blah.
The pile of dirties is getting really fucking large. A bag of cleans barely lasts a day. Just shitty.
I can't keep my fucking eyes open on the road. I'm gonna end up hurting someone else. I can handle hurting myself, but if I fuck up someone else life along the way it's going to be terrible.
I've been on here before talking about this problem. Hopefully it is the last time. They open in 5 minutes.. gonna make the call and see when I can get in.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah, I lost control.
I got off for a couple days (suboxen).. got back on.. then things just really escalated recently. Not going to get into details, but, it's gone about as far as it can go.. a dangerous combination, a dangerous way to consume, a dangerous loss of control, blah blah.
I've been on here before talking about this problem. Hopefully it is the last time. They open in 5 minutes.. gonna make the call and see when I can get in.
Best of luck dude! Keep your head up and stay strong!


Active Member
I have been on more than one occasion, while it may not be home I was comfortable there. mostly. it won't be easy at least your first few days, the places I was in made you almost comfortable but not quite. that is for meds anyhow.
there should be a few good people to talk with which helps. when you get there don't look down on people there is always some guys/girls that are way more gone than yourself, people who have been on the streets. treat them with kindness as they likely have just had a rougher time. I always looked down at them because I grew up in a good environment then in the end I was worse than most of them, so never be nasty look at the worse ones and make a decision not to go there ever.
they structure your days so you are pretty busy most of the time and usualy feed you well. the counselors can range from super nice and very helpful to users selling drugs themselves. always stay away from the bullshit there, lots of guys fresh from the klink and they are looking to hustle, scam, mess around and look for girls/guys. hanging with the wrong ones while there will only make you go in reverse I have seen I and done it, it's a waste of time.
best of all when you are up all night there is always people to talk with. that in it's self helps tremendously.

please if you do get into one stay there for the time they ask. I would leave even if it meant jail and I did this 5 or 6 times before getting it right, I wish I had done it earlier a I wasted much of my life and hate to see others do the same.
best of luck

Wait, what?

Well-Known Member
Prior to discovering marijuana as a drug for PTSD. 7 times in 28 day rehab. 13 times in psychiatric hospitals. (3 involuntary) jail, prison, all of it. Started smoking pot on a daily basis ten years ago and I don't take meds, have not seen a doctor, quit crack cocaine, lost 150 pounds, and published five books

Pot is good


Well-Known Member
Man, I can't handle more than 30 days.. I'm self employed.. I can pull a "got a large job out of town" for about 30 days, but, more than that and I'll lose all of my customers that I have spent years getting.


Well-Known Member
God damnit.. It is going to feel good after I get through all the bullshit..

Luckily, I detoxed just recently.. my dependence is still really low.. been bouncing on and off suboxen.. I know what my current w/d is like and it REALLY is not shit.

So, I'm lucky in that way. I already went through the detox. I just hop'd right back on and it's not too late to get off pretty pain free.

When I say pain free I mean limited to some RLS, runny nose and such.. I already did all of the puking out of both ends and such. I think it is early enough that I should have a very mild detox.

Jesus, was the last detox terrible. Done it 3 times now.. each one got worse.. it is going to be nice to go through a mild one.. haha.


Active Member
30 days is a walk in the park compared to staying on the drugs. you can do 30 most are 28 here in my home state, 4 weeks the first day and your wake up count as days so realy 26 and a half.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I lost control.
I got off for a couple days (suboxen).. got back on.. then things just really escalated recently. Not going to get into details, but, it's gone about as far as it can go.. a dangerous combination, a dangerous way to consume, a dangerous loss of control, blah blah.
The pile of dirties is getting really fucking large. A bag of cleans barely lasts a day. Just shitty.
I've been on here before talking about this problem. Hopefully it is the last time. They open in 5 minutes.. gonna make the call and see when I can get in.
If my earlier post seemed snipped, I apologize.
I truly hope you get the help you need.
Side note: I know Jews who have gotten clean and sober.


Well-Known Member
I've made like 3 of these threads now.. god damnit, this has to be the last one.

In a paranoid state i changed my password to a sequence of numbers and letters and then erased the password so I could never sign on again.

I don't even remember why I did it. I don't grow anymore. I think I was paranoid about growing.

Anyway, I made the other threads under another name. Same shit, just a step further down a shitty road this time.