Dunn murder case in FL


Well-Known Member
i've been calling the cops every time i see someone walking down the street since that verdict, telling them that there are strangers in front of my house with deadly weapons.

the cops ask what deadly weapon, and i tell them "the sidewalk".

for some reason they keep laughing at me.
I'm sure if you told Keynes he'd get right on it.


Well-Known Member
completely justified self defense by martin.

if some creepy stanger starts chasing after you in the dark, then grabs two flashlights and his gun to "look for an address" behind some houses (because we all know they put the addresses on the backs of houses), chances are he ain't there to bring you flowers.

and if you possess any self preservation instincts, you'll be fearing for your life at that point and 100% justified in defending yourself from this creepy stranger who is sick and tired of assholes like you always getting away.

but hey, at least the folks over at stormfront and n***germania agree with you and not me.
And the Jury, and many American citizens and and and... LOL!!!


Well-Known Member
And the Jury, and many American citizens and and and... LOL!!!
Nobody said the justice system was 100% correct. More than one juror felt what Zimmerman did was wrong; it was a spirit vs. letter of the law situation.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
I think he was just jamming along with the music.
Hearing lyrics about popping a cap in some fools ass or whatever.
He heard that boom boom boom that vibrated his balls and wanted to join in.
The only noise maker he had was his gun in which he responded with a
boom boom boom.

He will be respected doing life.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Nobody said the justice system was 100% correct. More than one juror felt what Zimmerman did was wrong; it was a spirit vs. letter of the law situation.
Well, obviously he should be locked up then. After all, if somebody "feels" he should be in jail then, by golly, lock him up. Mr. Dunn felt that loud music deserved a bullet. Lots of people "feel" that homosexuality is wrong, so you're all supportive of those "feelings", amiright? Lots of people "feel" that their political critics should be silenced. A few Canadians, and quite a few Americans on RIU "feel" that the US constitution is "old and no longer applies".

The only question in the Zimmerman case was asked and answered: Z acted in self defense, which was clear from the very beginning and was the reason he was not charged with a crime. Then a bunch of "feelings" scared the panties off the authorities and we had a year-long circus where the lefties on RIU did their level best to lynch Mr. Zimmerman with lies and distortions.


Well-Known Member
Well, obviously he should be locked up then. After all, if somebody "feels" he should be in jail then, by golly, lock him up. Mr. Dunn felt that loud music deserved a bullet. Lots of people "feel" that homosexuality is wrong, so you're all supportive of those "feelings", amiright? Lots of people "feel" that their political critics should be silenced. A few Canadians, and quite a few Americans on RIU "feel" that the US constitution is "old and no longer applies".

The only question in the Zimmerman case was asked and answered: Z acted in self defense, which was clear from the very beginning and was the reason he was not charged with a crime. Then a bunch of "feelings" scared the panties off the authorities and we had a year-long circus where the lefties on RIU did their level best to lynch Mr. Zimmerman with lies and distortions.
I wasn't there, so I just view it as an event that could have been avoided had he let the cops do their damn job. I just take juror's complaints about the lack of clarity on florida's manslaughter law being the hurdle that prevented conviction as a reasonable demonstration that it was clearly not as cut and dry as either side made out.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I wasn't there, so I just view it as an event that could have been avoided had he let the cops do their damn job. I just take juror's complaints about the lack of clarity on florida's manslaughter law being the hurdle that prevented conviction as a reasonable demonstration that it was clearly not as cut and dry as either side made out.
When acquittals happen it is only because the law is not sufficiently clear to convict. Got it.

Those of us who are not in prison are only free because the laws defining our crimes are vague. Got it.

Is that the sort of regime you want to live under? Really?

Did you watch the Zimmerman trial? The state had no case. None at all. Z was not charged for 42 days because it was clear that he acted in self defense. Florida forced the prosecution to make fools of themselves while the world watched. It was a political show trial and nothing more. Fortunately, the jury followed the law.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Hey, Buck. Zimmerman is a free man. He committed no crime. But you say, lock him up cause your feelings are hurt. Poor, little swollen vagina.




Well-Known Member
Nobody said the justice system was 100% correct. More than one juror felt what Zimmerman did was wrong; it was a spirit vs. letter of the law situation.
george zimmerman was 100% guilty of voluntary manslaughter..he provoked a situation which resulted in a death.


Well-Known Member
Hey, Buck. Zimmerman is a free man. He committed no crime. But you say, lock him up cause your feelings are hurt. Poor, little swollen vagina.


chasing after somoene who runs away is CLEARLY a self defense move.


are you following him?


^^^^clearly a self defense move by zimmerman


Well-Known Member
When acquittals happen it is only because the law is not sufficiently clear to convict. Got it.

Those of us who are not in prison are only free because the laws defining our crimes are vague. Got it.

Is that the sort of regime you want to live under? Really?

Did you watch the Zimmerman trial? The state had no case. None at all. Z was not charged for 42 days because it was clear that he acted in self defense. Florida forced the prosecution to make fools of themselves while the world watched. It was a political show trial and nothing more. Fortunately, the jury followed the law.
actually, it did have a case..poor prosecution and over charging defendant..this was voluntary manslaughter clear as day.. and of course stupidity of jurors..remember anyone with a drivers can be a juror, anyone.