Pruning all fan leafs during veg


So I got home and my buddy pruned all 22 of our plants. Not leaving a single fan leaf. I planned on going into flower next week since they are a month old. All plants are around 18 inches any thoughts of what this is going to do?


Well-Known Member
Its going to stunt them... you'd be better off giving them more veg time to regrow some leaves rather than flowering them now. Pics would be helpful to fully access the damage. And you might want to give him a slap...


Well-Known Member
Your friend is an idiot and shouldn't be allowed near your grow.

Loose lips sink ships.

Don't let ANYONE know about your grow.


Active Member
don't water them, let the soil dry out as the plants will stop drinking for a few days, was not the best move but should recover in a week


Well-Known Member
Great success by taking EVERY fan leaf from month old veg plants....
ONE WEEK before planned flip to FLOWER???
(like fuck you have).
Read my thread shithead. then call me a liar.
When I post something I can back it up with pic proof.
Defoliation is very controversial and I will not comment on it further as it usually leads to wars.
I have done it and it worked for me and thats that. (although I will not do it again)


Active Member
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha my god. This has got to be one of the funniest things I've seen. You outta beat your dip shit friend with a stick.

I know people are saying they can but I don't see how. Fan leaves are where energy comes from, if every single one of them is gone where can the plant get energy for more growth? Genuine question.


Active Member
Read my thread shithead. then call me a liar.
When I post something I can back it up with pic proof.
Defoliation is very controversial and I will not comment on it further as it usually leads to wars.
I have done it and it worked for me and thats that. (although I will not do it again)
What a shit head for understanding basic botany. The plant gets it's energy from leaves which is why people advise against it, but also why even people who advocate defoliation don't chop off EVERY SINGLE leaf. If you chop off every single energy maker then how can it make new energy for new growth? I can't find your thread, I see 6 none of which are about a plant with no leaves. I don't know enough to say whether defoliation is good or bad but I don't see how it can bounce back after every leaf is gone.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
this thread has the potential to become another rock-em sock-em defoliation pissing match

......yippee as it's been too quite around here, on with the gloves


Well-Known Member
Read my thread shithead. then call me a liar.
When I post something I can back it up with pic proof.
Defoliation is very controversial and I will not comment on it further as it usually leads to wars.
I have done it and it worked for me and thats that. (although I will not do it again)
Why wouldn't you do it again if it worked so well? Agreed with the rest. Veg for another week and let them get some leaves back.


Well-Known Member
Name another agricultural plant that is defoliated to "increase" production.

Waiting...... Waiting .......

Don't mention cotton. It is defoliated prior to harvesting to facilitate harvesting, not to increase yield. (You don't want a bunch of leaves in your cotton bales).


Well-Known Member
Great success by taking EVERY fan leaf from month old veg plants....
ONE WEEK before planned flip to FLOWER???
(like fuck you have).
Thats exactly what i said lol, I never ever cut leaves of unless outdoor and not even at that i cut them in half or tuck em away. Leaves=energy=growth=roots=yield


Well-Known Member
this thread has the potential to become another rock-em sock-em defoliation pissing match

......yippee as it's been too quite around here, on with the gloves
Fuck that... "Off with the gloves!"

  • Originally Posted by Popcorn900

    I have done it and it worked for me and thats that. (although I will not do it again)
And the reason he will never use it again, is that it worked so well the other time...


Well-Known Member
Why wouldn't you do it again if it worked so well? Agreed with the rest. Veg for another week and let them get some leaves back.
The theory behind defoliation is bigger yield, although it may work(I am carefully wording my words)it puts incredible stress on the plants. Almost every plant I have defoliated has hermi'd.

When I stated I had great success I did the buds were massive compared to just a normal grown plant but thats it she hermi'd so although it may work it is not worth it to me to do it again.


My pics aren't sending to my email. Anyways on another note i just transplanted into 5 gallon pots 3 days ago i forgot to mention that. I'm going to let them veg for another week see how they do. Should i still add nutes in my water and how much water should i give them?