CBD only


here is what i found from a quick google search : charlotte's web, harlequin, sour tsunami, cannatonic. hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
All of those strains of marijuana that have been bred to have higher amounts of CBD also have a significant amount of THC.

If you want CBD only, you may have to grow a strain of hemp. Most hemp plants have less than 1 percent THC, and 10-15 percent CBD.



Well-Known Member
here is what i found from a quick google search : charlotte's web, harlequin, sour tsunami, cannatonic. hope that helps.
I see these strains pop up as CBD strains but never can find where to find seeds. Anyone know of a place?


Well-Known Member
I have tried pennywise this morning and there is a bit of a high but its managable.
Diddnt take all the back pain away but was at least dulled for a bit.

Bitter tasting
But it had in my case a pleasant scent
of the dirty old sativas that I grew up on.

It did get me a bit chatty and motivated.

Once I get a tolerance I will probably be able to handle a more therapeutic dose.

I dislike being high due to anxiety and like I said this was manageable for me.

Im hoping the harliquen will be even better.
Once I flower it ill make some oil and then be able to better judge pain management.

In general I have hope


Active Member
pennywise from TGA is supposed to be harlequin x jack the ripper I wanted some myself but have heard a couple people saying that they are getting some with no CBD or really low. another I was looking at is cannatonic from resin seeds, also a high CBD strain.

I would like to find a good one myself without having to try lots of them.


Active Member
@charface- did you grow the pennywise from seed? if so did you test for CBD in any way? just curious I don't realy know much about it but am thinking of getting some as I need a high CBD to try for a buddy who has health problems I think CBD may help him.


Well-Known Member
No I diddnt grow it from seed.
I picked up a gram from a disp that diddnt test it.

Same time I picked up my harliquen clone.

From what I understand you are correct that pennywise has phenos with little to no cbd.

Im hanging my hopes on the harliquen whixh I will have tested and if it is favorable ill keep the mother for cloning.

I hear that cbd fluxuation from seed is normal and since I cant afford repeted testing ill just stick to clones.

Also heard that with harliquen if you let it go completely to finish it starts developing more thc.

Again all just hearsay


Well-Known Member
I think if only one option was available I would get seeds from cbd crew.
Again thats me

Also if all else fails find an indica dom and go with it.


Active Member
yea I was looking at the CBD crew seeds, I like that the breeders are all well known. what I dislike is the low % given for CBD and THC with them. they all say about 5% for each on all the strains, that seems really low to me. you could buy a lb of Mexican brick weed and probly get the same percentages? I do not know this just speculation.

this week I will make my mind up on something and buy it and try it. I will post anything I find out for sure.
I did some research and harlequin is available as long as i sign up for the cause and distribute free clones to anyone who wants them. So I think I will start there. I read that the THC increases as it continues from 7 to 10 weeks into flower. Different ratios of CBD to THC are appropriate for different illnesses.

I am excited to grow a strain that will help people who get anxiety or dont like the high feel, which I think is a large number of people, more then those in the stoner community realize. I use to think everyone got high, I was shocked to learn there were so many people who didnt.

MarWan, do you know what your CBD to THC ratio was for the crew critical?
Another things - I read that olive oil is the best way to extract the cannabinoids, anyone disagree? Also sounded like CO2 extraction if you can afford the equipment. I believe that persons interested in high CBD herb will enjoy extracts and concentrates over smoking outta the bong. Its healthier.

I also thought that juicer would be a good way to use the leaves, if grown organically, it could enhance fresh made juice flavor and health benefits.


Well-Known Member
I would think that people who experience increased anxiety from the effects of marijuana should not use a sativa-leaning strain. Anyone who has a racy feeling that bothers them should use indica-leaning strains.

If you want to use high CBD products, you can buy them now from HempMeds.



Well-Known Member
I seen that hemp meds link the other day.
If it is what it says it is I think that is pretty amazing.
I have no reason to doubt it at this point.

Yeah I plan spreading this one around to any local med patients if it pans out.

I think it would be nice strain to have ripped off.

I would love to see the thieves walking all upright pain free not high.


Well-Known Member
Another things - I read that olive oil is the best way to extract the cannabinoids, anyone disagree? Also sounded like CO2 extraction if you can afford the equipment. I believe that persons interested in high CBD herb will enjoy extracts and concentrates over smoking outta the bong. Its healthier.

I also thought that juicer would be a good way to use the leaves, if grown organically, it could enhance fresh made juice flavor and health benefits.
I think anyway you can get it in you will
suffice. Im sure people must experiment until they figure out what works for them.

For what its worth I took another hit
a few hours later of the pennywise
and got legit high.
Almost like someone who gets high
the second they try coke or something.

I have a strong indica called uw or udub
One of those strains that is surrounded
by contreversy.
Anyway I would stick to it over pennywise
if smoking flower was the intent.
Just speaking for myself.
Now its a waiting game


Active Member
wow! that hemp oil is crazy expensive considering it is made from hemp and not flowers from cannabis. actually it's insane and if it really did help people they should be ashamed to even sell it for that price. a 60 day supply, or one treatment 3 thousand dollars. for that price I would make high CBD oil with THC and the rest of the cannabinoids in it.
I know nothing of this stuff i'll admit, I am just learning but intuition would tell me the whole plant with all the cannabinoids is what has healing properties. and that includes THC in what combination of CBD/THC ect is not known but just the hemp only oil sounds like a sham. I hope it works for people but I've feeling those people selling are laughing all day.

I hope I am wrong really but 60 gms of hemp oil for 3k! that's not Rick Simpson oil that's hemp oil.


Active Member
most everything I have heard of high CBD and it's healing qualities say 1:1 CBD/THC is a good ratio. that the THC is part of the healing as are all the cannabinoids in the plant. to me that makes sense.


Well-Known Member
wow! that hemp oil is crazy expensive considering it is made from hemp and not flowers from cannabis. actually it's insane and if it really did help people they should be ashamed to even sell it for that price. a 60 day supply, or one treatment 3 thousand dollars. for that price I would make high CBD oil with THC and the rest of the cannabinoids in it.
I know nothing of this stuff i'll admit, I am just learning but intuition would tell me the whole plant with all the cannabinoids is what has healing properties. and that includes THC in what combination of CBD/THC ect is not known but just the hemp only oil sounds like a sham. I hope it works for people but I've feeling those people selling are laughing all day.

I hope I am wrong really but 60 gms of hemp oil for 3k! that's not Rick Simpson oil that's hemp oil.
I think it takes a pound of smoke to get
a 2 month supply for rso
Cancer killing dose
Honestly people up here are making it with half ass trim that I know with naptha.

Dispensaries are buying it.

But the profit margin makes it attractive
for people.

Everyone is morral until someone stuffs cash in your face. lol