Club 600


Well-Known Member
Way to go Urban. Hope it all works out for you. We tried for years for a baby and finally got one last August. It's been the hardest 6 months of my life, but it's starting to get easier and a little big enjoyable even. Not sure what all the shit is about people having an easy time, I think they are lying. Shit is tough, but it's cool at the same time. I wouldn't trade anything for the way my daughter smiles when she sees me.

View attachment 3011049

I was about to say the same thing to you ;-)


Well-Known Member
I just spent 5 hours on the room and didn't trim a thing! Dump and clean my buckets, refill and transplant clones, mop floor, clean lights, swap in MH. Laying in the massage chair before I go attack some trimming. Plants are 2 cherry pie, 3 mk ultra, 1 headband, 1 shark shock, 1 chemdawg 4
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Well-Known Member
I'd say we all deserve to Roll It Up, Light It Up, Smoke It Up (*inhale... exhale...*)
(I'm currently blazing a 50/50 Columbian/MTF bone)



Well-Known Member
Man, Pantera crushed.

Nice s33ds!

Regarding music stuff: I'm thinking of adding one pf these to my bass kit, as I'm not happy with the Overdrive & Distortion that the pedalboard I have offers, and have been eyeballin' one of these for a while now:

Tech 21-NYC "VT Bass Deluxe"



Well-Known Member
You too buddy! Let's hope it's the week for some corporate accountants take their thumbs out their asses. Baby need a new pair of shoes.

Hehe... some guy's little one has a pair of shoes. Cute little pair of vans. Ours isn't getting shoes till she goes to school, bwahahaaha


Well-Known Member
I saw Cinders on Friday, smoked out a few and had a few beers. More knackered with reduced sleep due to the wee yin waking up more with his cold.

GSC, I assume you mean the eddible type? Scout groups do sell sweets I guess, but not in the way they do in the US. We use to do "Bob-a-job" to raise money for our Scout group. Basically going round folks houses and asking them if you can wash there car, mow the lawn, sweep the step and stuff like that.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys.. Just a quick in and out.. Been sick as hell since i went to "fastelavn" in the kindergarden. Throwing up constantly since Thursday. Only stopped this morning. Im a mess. ucking waves of nausea. Doctor appointment later. Hope my plants are still alive.. All my new seedlings buhuu :(
Hopefully ill be back soon! Stay high and healthy!


Well-Known Member
Man, Pantera crushed.

Nice s33ds!

Regarding music stuff: I'm thinking of adding one pf these to my bass kit, as I'm not happy with the Overdrive & Distortion that the pedalboard I have offers, and have been eyeballin' one of these for a while now:

Tech 21-NYC "VT Bass Deluxe"

Play a bit of bass and guitar myself, the bass deluxe looks pretty cool, what do you play?

I got into some American made boutique pedal's for a while, Fuzzrocious and bigsoundsmallsound

Built this huge pedal board couple of years back (pre-amp, filters, fuzz, modulation, delay),size of a table, and when I got to the recording studio my friend just plugged me in and then used all his VST programmes instead of the pedal board lol. Just use and own a line 6 M13 at the moment due to no recording or playing in bands.

I'm on about day 65 without a grow (moving out of rented property) and this thread keeping me going, thanks.


Well-Known Member
so I was feeling froggy and decided to start some new genetics...Plenty of room as the last of my moms were thrown into flower after i took cuts...

so basically all i have in the veg atm is a nice la con bush awaiting her turn and 5 or six cuts rooting the rest are all seedlings or just seeds.

I have the christmas promo bcbd gsc in there actually about 3 weeks but snapped her while training so i am cloning the top and then trimmed her back down to mainline..makes the lacon look fast in veg though.

2. qrazy quake 1 fully sprouted 1 shedding the helmet

1. hso bubba kush-seedling

2. gage green grape puff that i just planted ten minutes ago 1 into a rapid rooter and 1 into a small cocotek cup with coco/perlite


Well-Known Member
Hi all you 600w lovers. I am fairly new to my 600, and had some fun times with my 400, and also had some fun times on the 400watt club thread.

So here is one for anyone with a 600watt (or there or there abouts.) Feel free to posts your pics of your set up, your girls, your seeds, your harvest, your suggestions.

This thread is for lovers of peace and weed, so no fighting please, unless it's organised, in a ring, and you have a ref!!!

So, funnily enough I have 600 watt HPS in a cool tube, with 125cm/6' ruck inline fan for cooling purposes, I have an inline fan (god knows the cfm) but it's a 20 watt pulling air in from outside. Temps range between 20-26c, and humidity sits around 55-60. I have a space of around 120cmX140cm (height around 2.6m.) I have set up my girls on steps, and have my 600 vertical in the middle, Trying for an arena type grow. I also have a few girls up in the stalls as an experiment (pics below).

For the ladies we have some Headband, OG Kush, Cali Orange, 2 mystery clones - will reveal later - there is a comp in my grow journal)
And waiting to pop we have a BlackJack, a NewYork47, and some Mango's. It's all in veg time at the moment due to previous clone wars (that I lost.)

So come on peeps, show of your skills!!.

Peace, DST

disclaimer - I searched but could not find a 600 club, but if anyone knows of one, I am happy to hear about it.
1st post from Club 600. My God, there's been a lot of water over the dam since then. But it doesn't seem the website is going to fix its problems any time soon. DST, I suggest it's time to start a new thread; Club 600 2.0. Can anybody look at the next to last page or is it just me? I've used every browser known to man, cleared caches and god knows what else and nothing works.