32 year old seeds


Well-Known Member
I have recently been clearing out my mums loft and came across my old vinyl records to my surprise I found 4 seeds inside a Jimi Hendrix album which I know are def weed seeds my guess is they are around 32 yrs old as I am 48 now and left home at 16 can anyone tell me if they stand any chance of sprouting?
I tried to grow weed between 15 and 16 yrs old had no idea about light cycle I used a 100 watt lightbulb and a combination of red and blue crepe paper so never grew anything worthwhile should be good for a laugh if nothing else Ill let u know how I get on
that is sooo totally awesome....ABSOLUTELY they will grow if they were inside a Jimi Hendrix album. Particularly if you play Hendrix to them everyday. He will inspire them to grow . I would Soak them in water real good, like 24 hours, I would think to help soften the shell. Then you know how to do the rest right? Peace and good luck! one seed can be named Isabella.
odds are 1 will pop. only problem the thc will be under 5 % or less. keep this in mind. weed back then was nothing special. I would guess the average thc back then was 3 %
I don't know there kindD. I sure smoked a lot of GREAT Gold, Punta Roha, Panama red that was way higher then that.

Try it!!!!!!!!,,,,but don't count on it because they were in a hot and at times dry place! Not good storage conditions.....They could pop and grow ok,,,they may pop and be weak, or they may not pop at all...

Try it like this. soak the seeds in water for 24hrs IN the fridge! Then use the wet paper towel method ON a seedling mat!
but you will also have something that hasn't been molested by greedy hands and inexperienced breeders...I would love a chance to crack some old hippy stash just to find a few old flavors that may be stashed in the genetic pool.

^^^^do you really think in 30 years we have somehow accomplished a 10x jump in thc levels???????? I think that propaganda needs put to rest...there has always been killer weed and killer genetics just now it is more accessible maybe maybe slight jumps from selective breeding but IMO 50 years of our cannabis growing in the modern era has not somehow progressed the plant further then it's first few thousand years..
ok guys I put 4 in water one has hatched one has popped so looking good pity I only grow 12/12 from seed I may try putting it under my daylighter to try and get a clone if it works (fingers crossed its a fem)
Subscribed. I had been smoking for a while by then. Sure we had some ditchweed but we also had good smoke too. We just didn't have it tested in a lab. Never even thought about doing that, even if you could, which of course we couldn't back then. Good Luck, soundman!