Article of Impreachment

  • You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.

i believe they call those "win lines", racerboy.
now all you feckless morons need is a thing called evidence, and to STOP WITHHOLDING EVIDENCE when it ruins your retarded little narrative.

nice pic, pinworm.

I have freckles and and a decent IQ, so.....yeah, you guys. And for the little PARTs, evidence of absence is not absence of evidence.

Why can't people just tell the truth to the investigators? I'll tell you. When they interview all your underlings and offer them deals, you better not say a word, until you can get your deal. And the Press knows all this. They withhold all this for later. Someone, somewhere is being Deep Throated right now.

But, that is to keep them from talking. :)
I have freckles and and a decent IQ, so.....yeah, you guys. And for the little PARTs, evidence of absence is not absence of evidence.

Why can't people just tell the truth to the investigators? I'll tell you. When they interview all your underlings and offer them deals, you better not say a word, until you can get your deal. And the Press knows all this. They withhold all this for later. Someone, somewhere is being Deep Throated right now.

But, that is to keep them from talking. :)

and you still need evidence and don't have any.
A lot homophobic children around here that fear that others think they are hiding saddle sores and a hurt butt. :)
FYI: According to psychologists, dotting your "i's" with anything other than a dot indicates child like tendencies.

Lmao, I NEVER would have reached that conclusion.

I never thought that I would EVER have to put an RIU member on my ignore list, but little Piny is the very first.
He is by far and away the most nettlesome, juvenile poster here.
What would he do without his cacophonous, idiotic YouTube links? They are ear-poison and a gigantic waste of my time, so now I happily almost never have to see his pre-adolescent inanity.
Politics section is calling ME childish? Buhaaahahaha. Jokes....That's me, living rent free in all your heads. Back to my lunchbreak.
The hubris that you experience means you are not even living rent free n your own mind. And you are particularly and automatically, excluded from mine.

And of course, childish homophobia has never needed but a child's mind.