What's For Dinner Tonight?


Staff member
Couldn't be easier.
I think that's the misconception surrounding vegan and vegetarian dishes, one assumes they are complicated and take a long time.
The process you describe there probably takes 20-30 minutes from start to finish.
Silly question perhaps but what is nutritional yeast?
vegan fairy dust is what i call it ahahah

its a deactivated yeast, it has a cheesey flavour to it, so i use it alot to make like mac n cheese, or tofu cheese dishes, its quite good dont get it mixed up with brewers yeast though , lol

some dishes can be complicated and complex, but i think any cooking can be


Well-Known Member
vegan fairy dust is what i call it ahahah

its a deactivated yeast, it has a cheesey flavour to it, so i use it alot to make like mac n cheese, or tofu cheese dishes, its quite good dont get it mixed up with brewers yeast though , lol

some dishes can be complicated and complex, but i think any cooking can be
Anything with a cheesy flavour is good imo.
I'm still trying to figure out how to use bakers yeast, baking is my achilles heel even though my quick bread comes out ok but my attempts a banana bread and sponges have not been too good.


Well-Known Member
Until Sunni posting delicious looking food, I thought it was flavorless rabbit food. I'd happily eat what she makes. Opened my eyes, no doubt.


Staff member
Until Sunni posting delicious looking food, I thought it was flavorless rabbit food. I'd happily eat what she makes. Opened my eyes, no doubt.
well thanksi had an entire thread but i stopped posting in it cause no one really came into it vegancake.jpgheres a vegan birthday cake i made to order for one of the resturants in town :)


Well-Known Member
Tonight I made... Samosa/borek type things... Stuffed Phyllo pastry goodness I'll call it. lol

Smoked salmon, cream cheese, dill, salt pepper, touch of lemon juice, for the stuffing.
Green beans from last years garden, quick sauteed in butter, salt, pepper, then finished with a touch of lemon juice.
The mayo is a coriander seed, dill, with diced green olives (I didn't have any capers). lol



A few nights ago I deboned a chicken, stuffed it with compound butter, and man oh man, was it ever good!
Here it is finished.... :D

Dessert for tonight... :D
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^^ like^^
Love coming here! You guys rock! Leaves in my smoothies..i gotta try it..and tofu birthday cake! Just wow! Hybrid samosas mmmm!
Love the ideas you his give me.. Have a great day!
P.s last night i did a vegetable bake, layered slices of potato, sweet potato, broccoli, light cheese layer, carrot, potato, sweet potato in that order respectivley finished in the oven with mozzarella roasted on top...id photo but the cheese got a lil dark


Well-Known Member
Kale, Quiona, Garbonzo and Black Bean Tacos with Raw Red Bell Pepper; Hop Cuvée Organic West Coast Ale and Vegan Nachos with Hot Salsa.


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Well-Known Member
well thanksi had an entire thread but i stopped posting in it cause no one really came into it View attachment 3020120heres a vegan birthday cake i made to order for one of the resturants in town :)
Looks great sunni , you do some awsome looking food chicky !!!
^^ like^^
Love coming here! You guys rock! Leaves in my smoothies..i gotta try it..and tofu birthday cake! Just wow! Hybrid samosas mmmm!
Love the ideas you his give me.. Have a great day!
P.s last night i did a vegetable bake, layered slices of potato, sweet potato, broccoli, light cheese layer, carrot, potato, sweet potato in that order respectivley finished in the oven with mozzarella roasted on top...id photo but the cheese got a lil dark
This thread gives you so many good ideas , vegi bake YUM !!!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
fine lookin cake lady!

and those samosa dealies look delish Beefy.

we're broke as fuck at the mo so i had roast sweet potato's with baked beans on top. :( figured you didn't need to see a pic of that though haha


Well-Known Member
Grilled jumbo tiger prawns last night . Shell left on for the flavour , and love picking on the head fat .
I butterflied them , then marinated them in a Thai herb marinade for 1hr.
Then straight on the grill on top of red gum coals .
Oh man they were so good .
cooking 283.jpgcooking 286.jpgcooking 288.jpg

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Clint, those big prawns look great, and that grilled flavor!!! Damn!

I can buy them here for $15.usd a pound.
A bit pricy.

Small ones are cheaper and I boil them in beer, mustard and celery seed.
Gotta post that up someday.


Well-Known Member
hell yeah man! looks tasty eats.

i made vegetable curry from scratch. felt weird not having meat in my meal though.

View attachment 3021444
That curry looks fantastic don !
Clint, those big prawns look great, and that grilled flavor!!! Damn!

I can buy them here for $15.usd a pound.
A bit pricy.

Small ones are cheaper and I boil them in beer, mustard and celery seed.
Gotta post that up someday.
I got 5 prawns for $10 au , bloody expensive but they were fresh , never been frozen
And 5 was enough for me , they were like small crayfish they were that big .
I will try your boil recipe , sounds nice.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
I think some red pepper and other spices too.
I'll have to look for the recipe.
Totally awesome though.

Ketchup and horseradish for a dippin sauce.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Clint, those big prawns look great, and that grilled flavor!!! Damn!

I can buy them here for $15.usd a pound.
A bit pricy.

Small ones are cheaper and I boil them in beer, mustard and celery seed.
Gotta post that up someday.
same in the PNW, fresh caught never frozen 15 a pound the sockeye(very orange/red) i had tonight( almost kept in fridge to long) was 20 a P ...thank god i eat normal( effective ) portions

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Sockeye is in season and expensive around here as well.
But, damn it's good fish!
i agree, although i left mine in the back of my fridge for 4 days so wasn't so fresh.. fresh...but very tasty....( my fridge is cold as ice)

teh color was what got me, super orange red rust........healthy looking ....ate the shizz out of that fillet

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
thanks guys. it was really a what's in the pantry job lol. few sweet potato's, red n white onions a couple jars of tinned tomato's, few sultana's a load of spice. bit of chilli for a kicker.

the real interesting one was the roasted broccoli. i did it in some sesame oil and a few bits n bobs of garlic and onion granules and it had the most amazing nutty flavour.

you guys are making drool all this talk of cray fish jumbo prawns. next your gonna whip out some main tails and i'm going to cream.