Mass Murder by Blade, you Vast Idiots

Well legal cars become potential killing machines when stolen, should we institute regulations that you have to lock up your car in a giant safe every night?

You should also have to lock up the knives in your kitchen, less they're stolen and used to stab someone.

Oh oh! Lock up your toolbox too, that's a treasure trove of malicious intent in the wrong hands.

Fact is, over 90% of the problem is gangland related. Yet you blame the tool, instead of the person using it.

Yes, people should lock up their guns when they're going out and they'll be sitting there doing nothing, it's common sense, might even stop you getting shot by your own gun should your kid come home from school when you're out and find it, etc.

But legislating isn't going to help the problem one bit, people will still forget/not care and then if it's stolen it's stolen, regardless of if they're forced to own a gun-safe.

Lack of a gun registry means you don't have to report it anyway, so you're unlikely to be punished, even with a new law on the books.

Get yer forkin ass over here and start voting already, we could use the help.
"People need to apply a thought process" there ya go....what's the thought process of gangs?

Personifying inanimate objects isn't helping the cause imho
"People need to apply a thought process" there ya go....what's the thought process of gangs?

Personifying inanimate objects isn't helping the cause imho

Not sure if you're talking about me personifying inanimate objects or not, but I can all but guarantee I haven't done that.

The thought process of gangs, is to make as much money, and gain as much control and territory as possible.

Why are you taking what I said about 'needing to apply a different through process' to cars and guns, because they're different things, with different uses and trying to make a statement about gangs with it?

You can either attempt to thwart firearm related criminal activities, or do nothing.

Gangs lose their power when they don't have a means to arm themselves, do they not? So, stopping them from obtaining illegal firearms would be a good place to start, wouldn't it? Well, besides trying to stop gang activity from happening in the first place, but that seems to be something people are even less interested in.
Thwarting the activity resulting from prohibition does little to thwart the prohibition.
Gangs lose their power when they no longer have resources and support.

Are you suggesting their support is guns?

Am I alone in thinking gangs by and large make their money from illegal drugs?
Hells angels and capone and the like.

So its like keep making that meth money, we can't stop that but gimme your guns.
Seems haphazard is all.
Thwarting the activity resulting from prohibition does little to thwart the prohibition.
Gangs lose their power when they no longer have resources and support.

It's kind of like fire, if you take away any of the components it will cease to exist. No money? Can't buy guns, cars, pay people. No guns? can't defend yourself or protect you' assets'.

Am I alone in thinking gangs by and large make their money from illegal drugs?
Hells angels and capone and the like.

Makes sense. Stopping the production and selling of drugs would certainly help take the money aspect away.

So its like keep making that meth money, we can't stop that but gimme your guns.
Seems haphazard is all.

'Gimmie your [illegal] guns', would be more accurate. I'm not exactly sure what more can be done to stop drug profits from production and distribution, other than full decriminalization.

I don't think ~250,000 illegal guns being created per year, is something that should be easily dismissed.
"Illegality" glorifies and creates the outlaw.....correct?

Stopping the sale and production of illegal drugs and guns just bureaucracy.
Decriminalize, end prohibition.
"Illegality" glorifies and creates the outlaw.....correct?

Stopping the sale and production of illegal drugs and guns just bureaucracy.
Decriminalize, end prohibition.

I wouldn't say glorifies.

Technically laws make the criminals. Murderers wouldn't be murderers if there wasn't a law against it, they'd just be people who kill other people as 'murder' wouldn't exist. I'm rather glad criminals aren't allowed to buy guns legally, it would only make it that much easier for them to re-offend, likewise I'm glad that murder is illegal.
Ace Yonder, you lefty retard, did you not read the above?

Or was it simply too complicated to understand for you?

Disagrees with your "gerns er berd" outlook?

Tough shit, it's fact, darling.

You need a hug?

please stfu

I second that, third it, and the next five...
Awwww is this all you guys have left? Just insults and... quoting yourself? Harrekin, I didn't respond to your post because it included nothing of substance, I'm sorry if my ignoring you hurt your feelings. You guys really make this too easy, I present logical arguments and you guys present ignorant aggression. I'm sure you've really won over so many people, please do continue! :blsmoke:
Well legal cars become potential killing machines when stolen, should we institute regulations that you have to lock up your car in a giant safe every night?

You should also have to lock up the knives in your kitchen, less they're stolen and used to stab someone.

Oh oh! Lock up your toolbox too, that's a treasure trove of malicious intent in the wrong hands.

Fact is, over 90% of the problem is gangland related. Yet you blame the tool, instead of the person using it.

Yes, people should lock up their guns when they're going out and they'll be sitting there doing nothing, it's common sense, might even stop you getting shot by your own gun should your kid come home from school when you're out and find it, etc.

But legislating isn't going to help the problem one bit, people will still forget/not care and then if it's stolen it's stolen, regardless of if they're forced to own a gun-safe.

Lack of a gun registry means you don't have to report it anyway, so you're unlikely to be punished, even with a new law on the books.
Do cars not need keys to start where you live? Are you not required to register your vehicle, and obtain a licence to operate it? Do you think about the things you are going to say for more than ten seconds before typing them?
Do cars not need keys to start where you live? Are you not required to register your vehicle, and obtain a licence to operate it? Do you think about the things you are going to say for more than ten seconds before typing them?

Guns require bullets.

Is driving a car a right specifically protected in the US Constitution?

Guns require bullets.

Is driving a car a right specifically protected in the US Constitution?

License is the American spelling, I was not speaking to an American. Again, if you are going to argue semantics, double check your shit first. Or don't, and keep embarrassing yourself, your choice.
Cars technically don't need to be insured, locked, or registered.

You just can't use them on government roads.

IMO, this is where rules regarding CCW should change. If you want to drive on public roads, you need to prove your proficiency and pass to be granted a license. I think the same should be true of CCW holders.
Not necessarily correct, we have one of the lowest rates of private gun ownership on the planet, yet gun murders account for a statistically high level of our homicide rate.

And when all armed violent crime is taken into account, our crime rate is similar to the US, just more people get stabbed, ran over (funnily enough only happened the other day, considering the conversation here a day or two ago about a "death-plow") or beaten to death.

From my experience...Id rather have a gun to shoot the guy with the weapon, but I don't have that option...unless they invade my home ;)

Presented nothing of substance?

I presented verifiable statistics, you fucking moron.
You presented two contradictory statements, and no real data to back them up, just vague assertions. Just because you use the word "statistically" doesn't mean you provided statistics, you ignorant, aggressive simpleton.
So, stopping them from obtaining illegal firearms would be a good place to start, wouldn't it?

Prohibition just creates a whole new way for criminals to make lots and lots of money. It doesn't actually harm them, it helps them.

No law will ever make it difficult for criminals to get firearms.
Really? That is NOT the case for CCW, at least in my State. My Doctor friend is applying right now in Riverside County.

He had to have 3 letters of character references. He had an interview from a Deputy by phone, that went on for 1/2 an hour. He had to explain himself and his reasons in detail, but informally. Next he will go to a hearing, before the Sheriff, and a more formal, go over it again. In order to even being the process, the Deputy wanted details of the Range he goes to, his instructor, his proficiency sign offs. Number of weapon owned, rounds run each month, etc. They will interview his instructor, also.

So, if you don't like the CCW in your State, you can move to another.

But, to pretend you know what are the details of CCW all over the USA....excuse me, but I am not seeing that.

And you act like they give them away like coffee. Maybe in some States. But, even in most States, it is County by County.

My brother, outside Boston, is in a county where the Sheriff closed the gun range. He allows no firearm registration at all, much less CCW. And he gets re-elected time after time.

That is self rule.
License is the American spelling, I was not speaking to an American. Again, if you are going to argue semantics, double check your shit first. Or don't, and keep embarrassing yourself, your choice.

So caught off guard you couldn't be brought to argue anything could you?

Arguing semantics? No one is arguing semantics, Why do you use words incorrectly all the time? Are you trying to appear smart? Because when you use words incorrectly it has the opposite effect.

Semantics is the part of linguistics concerned with MEANING, not spelling.

You should learn what words mean before you try to use them.

Now, let me ask you again, is driving a protected right enumerated in the US constitution?