Who is Bodhi, Where is Home?


Has anyone ever found Bodhi's personal seed bank website? Ever consider why there's little to no information regarding this breeder? Most successful breeders/seed banks of this magnitude have nice websites, that is, most except Bodhi. I stumbled across some info a few years ago about an unnamed seed trekker that was mentioned in an article. It seems he gathered seed from the different altitudes of the Annapurna range in the Himalayas. The person being interviewed had worked on Wall Street and quit to start a seed company in Colorado. I found it curious when the Bodhi Nepali Watermelon Hashplant, an Annapurna Landrace, and only 4-5 other strains were first being offered on the Attitude's site. I found it curious because I knew Nepali genetics wasn't a Bodhi thing, but the Colorado breeder's genetic mainstay.

Ever wonder why there's no photos of Bodhi's high CBD strains, or why they're always sold out? With the advent of information about CBD, kids being cured of rare forms of epilepsy, and families moving to CO so their kids can have access to cannabis, plus the facts concerning Cannabidiol's ability to stop the metastasis of super aggressive breast cancer, is it fair to ask why Bodhi doesn't have a unlimited supply of seeds of their high CBD strains? Does anyone else smell a rat? Maybe you need several family members to first die of cancer before you wake up and smell the rat too. I firmly believe Centennial seeds is also the owner and breeder of Bodhi seeds. Considering the Federal legalities involved with Americans selling seed internationally, how far can an ex Wall Street man be trusted to do the right thing? Here's an analogy that will give you some insight of how corporate elitists think and behave.

Diamonds have been proven to be intrinsically worthless, but the De Beers family has a monopoly on global diamond mining, and they artificially control supply and demand of a worthless product to keep prices high. Moreover, they started global propaganda, deceiving both men and women into believing an engagement ring is both necessary, and should cost three months wages. Look how the sheeple fell for this bullshit, and still do. How many of you would look like an asshole if you gave your beloved a box of candy and a card asking for her hand? That's how our ancestors did it before the aristocracy taught/deceived us into paying them to get married. Tennessee is working on a medical bill that will allow concentrates; I wonder who'll be making these? Without the valuable Terpenes, which are easily lost if great care isn't taken, concentrates will only provide little medicinal benefit to cancer victims. What's being considered first, the $30,000 doses of chemo, or the patient's recovery? I can tell you from my personal dealings with sneaky ass big pharma elitists, and anyone making a lot of money selling weed and seed, they're cowards and don't give a shit about anyone but themselves.

Anyone selling the amount of high dollar product that Centennial, Bodhi and countless others are selling should have a special website for cancer and victims of other diseases to get discounted, or even free seeds. I have spoken to many pollen chuckers that would love to do this, but 1% of the nation's people control 99% of the money, so we have to rely on the wealthy to help us out. Isn't that a joke? Considering the wealth of information available on cannabis as a medicine, and the ridiculous amount of money being charged for a $5 pack of seeds, it seems they all want us to remain stupid and high, not healthy and well. Everyone growing should be making seeds from all the breeder's strains and giving them away. Except for the old school breeders like dj short, who literally risked life, liberty and happiness to bring the new hybrids to the modern world, who has really earned the world's respect? Did Bodhi ever run from the cops in the middle of the night to bring you his strains? No, he was sipping wine while selling $5 packs for $85.

Forgive me if I offended you, 28 months of visiting cancer clinics will wake YOU UP!
Has anyone ever found Bodhi's personal seed bank website? Ever consider why there's little to no information regarding this breeder? Most successful breeders/seed banks of this magnitude have nice websites, that is, most except Bodhi. I stumbled across some info a few years ago about an unnamed seed trekker that was mentioned in an article. It seems he gathered seed from the different altitudes of the Annapurna range in the Himalayas. The person being interviewed had worked on Wall Street and quit to start a seed company in Colorado. I found it curious when the Bodhi Nepali Watermelon Hashplant, an Annapurna Landrace, and only 4-5 other strains were first being offered on the Attitude's site. I found it curious because I knew Nepali genetics wasn't a Bodhi thing, but the Colorado breeder's genetic mainstay.

Ever wonder why there's no photos of Bodhi's high CBD strains, or why they're always sold out? With the advent of information about CBD, kids being cured of rare forms of epilepsy, and families moving to CO so their kids can have access to cannabis, plus the facts concerning Cannabidiol's ability to stop the metastasis of super aggressive breast cancer, is it fair to ask why Bodhi doesn't have a unlimited supply of seeds of their high CBD strains? Does anyone else smell a rat? Maybe you need several family members to first die of cancer before you wake up and smell the rat too. I firmly believe Centennial seeds is also the owner and breeder of Bodhi seeds. Considering the Federal legalities involved with Americans selling seed internationally, how far can an ex Wall Street man be trusted to do the right thing? Here's an analogy that will give you some insight of how corporate elitists think and behave.

Diamonds have been proven to be intrinsically worthless, but the De Beers family has a monopoly on global diamond mining, and they artificially control supply and demand of a worthless product to keep prices high. Moreover, they started global propaganda, deceiving both men and women into believing an engagement ring is both necessary, and should cost three months wages. Look how the sheeple fell for this bullshit, and still do. How many of you would look like an asshole if you gave your beloved a box of candy and a card asking for her hand? That's how our ancestors did it before the aristocracy taught/deceived us into paying them to get married. Tennessee is working on a medical bill that will allow concentrates; I wonder who'll be making these? Without the valuable Terpenes, which are easily lost if great care isn't taken, concentrates will only provide little medicinal benefit to cancer victims. What's being considered first, the $30,000 doses of chemo, or the patient's recovery? I can tell you from my personal dealings with sneaky ass big pharma elitists, and anyone making a lot of money selling weed and seed, they're cowards and don't give a shit about anyone but themselves.

Anyone selling the amount of high dollar product that Centennial, Bodhi and countless others are selling should have a special website for cancer and victims of other diseases to get discounted, or even free seeds. I have spoken to many pollen chuckers that would love to do this, but 1% of the nation's people control 99% of the money, so we have to rely on the wealthy to help us out. Isn't that a joke? Considering the wealth of information available on cannabis as a medicine, and the ridiculous amount of money being charged for a $5 pack of seeds, it seems they all want us to remain stupid and high, not healthy and well. Everyone growing should be making seeds from all the breeder's strains and giving them away. Except for the old school breeders like dj short, who literally risked life, liberty and happiness to bring the new hybrids to the modern world, who has really earned the world's respect? Did Bodhi ever run from the cops in the middle of the night to bring you his strains? No, he was sipping wine while selling $5 packs for $85.

Forgive me if I offended you, 28 months of visiting cancer clinics will wake YOU UP!
I'd like to know where he is from where he breeds
i have asked on bodhi thread get no answer not even i dont know
his shit is pretty good from what i read
and seen tigers milk and super snow lotus
male tigers milk baddest male my eyes ever seen
completly covered in trichs on big sun leaves

I wish the best for your health

I will add 2 of the tigers milks hermied but were in bad conditions
but there were others alone side
sour jefe boss's. Sister f2 i made
mr nice black widow 2 diff walkabout phenoes
Mandalas safari mix 3 diff phenoes none of them hermied
there i put it out there for all to read
Me, i'd rather the breeder just kept doing as he's doing and focusing on strains, not a website. The opposite to say greenhouse seeds, that hugely successful breeder (remember, success has nothing to do with quality, you said so yourself) who appear to spend the majority of their time advertising as opposed to creating hugely desirable genetics.
I agree with the op but thats why we as growers should be doing our own breeding and passing out seeds for free or at a super discounted rate especially for those who have medical ailments. Its a catch 22 though because the world currently runs off of that colored paper so should we be mad at those who capitalize for themselves or be upset that we as consumers keep giving our money to these people?

I say be mad at no one, just wise up and do what you know is right for the benefit of individual and society at large. All else will follow when one retains his and her own power and influence.
Look at the number of seed breeders selling the same high THC based product, the same genetics, and calling them by different names. There's so many new seed companies that have to be the old guys using this marketing strategy to dupe their customers into buying the same shit with a different name. I would dare to say that 95% of the shit being sold at the tude is bred & grown by a small number of clowns duping the public. SoCal's Dr. Allan Frankel has a report on some interesting test results, and based on the terpenes of a few rare CBD strains, he found they're the same strain being sold under different names. So, if the names and the marketing of rare CBD strains that dying patients need so desperately are being disguised to dupe the customer, how much more are people being screwed by breeders with their THC gear? After dealing with oncologists that have sold their souls for money, I see others everywhere doing the same thing. It's not about wanting something for free, money isn't the issue, it's about the availability of real medicine instead of a million strains that do only one thing. All liquor gets you drunk, and all modern pot gets you stoned. Where's the 20:1 and 24:1 high CBD gear? Why are people needlessly suffering and dying? Wait til it hits your family, 1 in 3, and some say 1 in 2 will now get cancer in their lifetime. I believe in karma, what you send out comes back to you again. Why is proliferating psycho-activity more important than saving lives?
If it annoys you so much, then get off your ass and do it yourself, instead of waiting for others to produce these ratio'd strains.

Why is focusing on being high more important than saving lives? I don't know, their bank accounts probably do though. you don't get to dictate why they do what they do. It could very well be the case that the majority of breeders couldn't give one hoot about medical values, they want to make money and focuysing on the primary market for weed is the best course of action to make the most money. That's their choice to make at the end of the day.

If you don't like it, do something about it, don't just moan that they're not doing anything about it.
I don't understand how any of his problem pertains to Bodhi or how he came up with such an ignorant theory.
How is it any Breeder's fault?
There are clones all over Colorado/Cali of high CBD/low THC bud.
They also have extracts/edibles/etc.

Bodhi beans were being sold elsewhere before Attitude got them.
Every plant from a seed strain isn't going to be the same ratio CBD/THC, so you would be better off buying proven clones.
You would have to do some search+selection to find the specific phenotype that has the ratio you want.
Easier to go the dispensaries and find clones of Harlequin/etc.
i'm not aware of any breeder in the buisiness of giving away seeds to cancer victims. what's the guy to do say send me proof of your cancer and i'll send you a pack? that is the sort of thing that is handled on a community lvl and to be fair i have heard of many communities giving high CBD cuts for free. i asked where to get some good high CBD seeds to a coupe guys on here and a few days later had them in hand, free. thanks! i will put them to good use
i think the whole high CBD is still pretty new idea. in states such as mine you don't even have a choice of what weed to buy if you must purchase it. it seems to me like there are alot of people willing to help when it comes to medical canabis and with time it should only get better. however i would not expect any company that sells seeds to give anything but testers and it will likely always be that way.
How many people here at RIU, or in the world in general have access to proven clones? That's gotta be a joke. I thought this was a community? Considering the hundreds of millions of dollars being generated by the UK based seed system, is it too much to ask for a little help with some alternative genetics, maybe S1 seed from proven queen moms? There were times when human beings actually had true affection & concern for one anothers health and well being. The will of the people is being ignored and hindered by bogus corporations, political corruption and bogus laws. Why didn't Adolf's crazy ass bomb Buckingham palace instead of the poor? Simple questions with no simple answers. This awesome and informative video explains the problems perfectly. If suffering children do not inspire you, or make you feel like helping, then you have no heart. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAFu-Ihwyzg
I'm personally not understanding what you are wanting? Are you wanting someone to just give you tree or...... It's what these folks do for a living. They pay thousands in power bills alone not to mention soil, rented space, time etc., etc.. They cant just give it away for free. Just my opinion. My sympathies to anyone who you know who may ill, not trying to sound like an ass. It's hard to dechipher feeling in text I know. Like what do you do for a living may I ask?
I don't think that anyone is disputing the merits of your argument. In an ideal world access to a wider variety of strains, whether it be seeds or clones, would greatly benefit those in need of medicating. Fact is, marijuana is largely illegal and someone is not going to risk their freedoms to just give it away for free. it takes time and costs money to operate a grow/breeding project and in most places people fear persecution. Some people have asked why don't you start this initiative if this is something that strikes such personal chord with you. Also, this has nothing to do with Bodhi and should not be in this thread. I think the idea is a noble cause but I am not willing to put my family at risk over this.
I thought this was a community?

Then how did I get in? :mrgreen:

There's a world that you envision, then there's reality. Someone starting a business enterprise of any kind isn't obligated to do anything for anyone. He/she may offer a product or service you desire, but in no way should they be guilt tripped - poorly, I'll add - into giving away those products of services. To anyone.

Life sucks sometimes for some people. That's the reality I previously referenced.
i rarely post here at rui...

last time i posted i tried to help a mother get some cbd rich seeds for her epileptic child and my post were removed and i was warned over my actions..

theres are great bunch of guys that hold down an amazing thread here disguised as a bodhi seeds thread, but it has just as much, fun, humor, grow knowledge and life tips as seed info.

an indepth google search can guide you to my home site....

i do collect lines from all over the world and do my best to refresh those lines, I'm just one human so its hard to make beans, be online, and care for my family..

all my cbd rich genetics are free, and i encourage f2ing of them...

all you need to make a positive effect in the cannabis community is a few seeds, a light source, water, and plant food...

from there anything is possible...

be the change you want to see in the world....

How many people here at RIU, or in the world in general have access to proven clones? That's gotta be a joke. I thought this was a community? Considering the hundreds of millions of dollars being generated by the UK based seed system, is it too much to ask for a little help with some alternative genetics, maybe S1 seed from proven queen moms? There were times when human beings actually had true affection & concern for one anothers health and well being. The will of the people is being ignored and hindered by bogus corporations, political corruption and bogus laws. Why didn't Adolf's crazy ass bomb Buckingham palace instead of the poor? Simple questions with no simple answers. This awesome and informative video explains the problems perfectly. If suffering children do not inspire you, or make you feel like helping, then you have no heart. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAFu-Ihwyzg

To answer the Hitler bit, which has simple answers, it's called morale. You bomb the shit out of the people to keep the morale low, you try and kill the queen you make them fight harder. It's really simple common sense.

Like others have said, there is lots of CBD stuff out there, do it yourself. People have already helped by making these strains now they are supposed to give them out for free to every Tom Dick and Harry who has cancer regardless of what it cost them to make these genetics in the first place? 1-2 people in america with cancer is 150 million, you saying they should give out seeds to 150 million people without trying to recoup anything? I mean that's what you are saying, you say discount but want free.

is Chemo free? you make no sense. You come off as someone trying to use a horrific illness to get free shit.

A pack of seeds is pretty cheap cancer medication compared to the alternatives. How about you look at it that way and stop trying to get over on people with sad stories and telling them they are heartless. I have a heart, I feel terrible for people who are suffering, I however get kind of aggravated when someone is trying to use an illness for their advantage.

I'm confused, bodhi is the %1 for not giving you free shit? get real.

"Except for the old school breeders like dj short, who literally risked life, liberty and happiness to bring the new hybrids to the modern world, who has really earned the world's respect? Did Bodhi ever run from the cops in the middle of the night to bring you his strains? No, he was sipping wine while selling $5 packs for $85."

are you for real? you must be a troll. I don't run DJ's gear because it's fucking insanely priced, but from what I have read his blueberry still hermies and other people have better more stable versions. You are talking about $5 packs for $85? what about DJ's $350 packs? Are you fucking kidding me? What about DJ's $30 a bean? Where's all Dj's high CBD gear, quick google search returns no results of DJ's CBD meds so how about them fuckin apples?

Being high doesn't make people dumb, people are dumb before they get high, I think that was your issue with this post and maybe you should have kept it to yourself.

Im disgusted by this.