
Well-Known Member
Hahahaha I Don't think good old Freddy would have had any kids anyway !
He was to busy with Elton John !!!!!!
Haha something like that.
You can be sure that if anyone had the slighest inkling he was their Dad they would have come out of the woodwork a long time ago, Where there's a will there's a relative etc etc


Well-Known Member
Haha something like that.
You can be sure that if anyone had the slighest inkling he was their Dad they would have come out of the woodwork a long time ago, Where there's a will there's a relative etc etc
True bro , but freddy new he could never have a little baby poofter ,
Listen to this , it's a Aus comedian .


Well-Known Member
The thread most visited by LE. :)
It would be funny if I put a pic up again and they kicked my door in. They would definitely find a tent and there would be a light on it it. They would then splash my face across the internet as a bad bad man who got caught starting his vegetable garden early indoors.


Well-Known Member
You're footsy looks ouchies, doll. How many faces are you kicking in daily? When's the last time you took a break from kicking in said faces?
Hahaha no kicking faces bro just rolling of ankle big time.
did you see pix when i first did it ?


Well-Known Member
That is a genuine boo-boo there.
Ever notice how much you need a good working foot throughout the day.
I have now man , damn you can't do anything without both feet working , i can only just put weight on it now.
I have had some bad pain in my life but the ankle has to be the worst of all !