USCB Radical feminist porn professor goes nuts

IF an "innocent Execution" has occured in the US since the re-institution of the death penalty, i cant find one.

if you are to lazy to "educated" yourself by providing an example which proves me wrong, then dont expect me to simply accept your statement as fact.

if is has happened, then demonstrate it.

have you not read any of the former post from others here..... lol
IF an "innocent Execution" has occured in the US since the re-institution of the death penalty, i cant find one.

if you are to lazy to "educated" yourself by providing an example which proves me wrong, then dont expect me to simply accept your statement as fact.

if is has happened, then demonstrate it.

remind me of how many death row inmates have been exonerated and then let's talk basic statistical analysis.
if i had to take a guess based on which members call me "uncle dumb fuck" and which members spew about "libturds", i'd have to say that blacksun got the boot.


it's like knowing what baby is yours..same with beenthere and his spelling of my name..unique to him and as the mommy, i can tell:wink:
IF an "innocent Execution" has occured in the US since the re-institution of the death penalty, i cant find one.

if you are to lazy to "educated" yourself by providing an example which proves me wrong, then dont expect me to simply accept your statement as fact.

if is has happened, then demonstrate it.

what about the 13 executions a few posts ago, that i went to the trouble to get for you because you never look anything up? least you can acknowledge it
it's like knowing what baby is yours..same with beenthere and his spelling of my name..unique to him and as the mommy, i can tell:wink:

i get it wrong as often as i get it right, but a quick check reveals that blacksun was indeed banned. so i may have it right this time.
how do you know for sure?

i almost never do, they have to give it away.

i am sure that greentrip = thetoolwoman though, that one was just too easy. can't take on a new writing style when you're barely literate enough to write in the first place.
i almost never do, they have to give it away.

i am sure that greentrip = thetoolwoman though, that one was just too easy. can't take on a new writing style when you're barely literate enough to write in the first place.

who's thetoolwomen? never heard of them.
i got "12 years a slave".

i was driving through wyoming listening to christian talk radio the night before the oscars and they were talking oscar picks.

the lady was making picks and skipped over '12 years' on almost every single category, and then she explained why. she felt that is was simply "torture porn" and should have been done differently, and less violently.

i just had to scratch my head and wonder what part of "based on a true story" she didn't understand.
i was driving through wyoming listening to christian talk radio the night before the oscars and they were talking oscar picks.

the lady was making picks and skipped over '12 years' on almost every single category, and then she explained why. she felt that is was simply "torture porn" and should have been done differently, and less violently.

i just had to scratch my head and wonder what part of "based on a true story" she didn't understand.

I have a catholic child molestation film hitting the shelves this year... hope it gets a mention...
I have a catholic child molestation film hitting the shelves this year... hope it gets a mention...

i have massive, 10' x 12' posters of priests violently raping little children in their asses.

i trust that tolerant, free speech loving christians will recognize my civil right to display these posters in front of their churches.

then we move on to the gay anal fisting posters.
i have massive, 10' x 12' posters of priests violently raping little children in their asses.

i trust that tolerant, free speech loving christians will recognize my civil right to display these posters in front of their churches.

then we move on to the gay anal fisting posters.

so before that the sperm and the egg are not life? and in your opinion what changes the form of it into life?
Actually, if you read his statement carefully, the fetus becomes alive only after she becomes pregnant, so at least sometime after puberty.
Could you get some photos of jelly beans up your ass and post those. You could open an anal candy shop. It could be big in your neighborhood. Will you bake me a gay wedding cake too? Have you assaulted your wife (again) lately?
That would be "assault with a dead weapon". Buck is impotent.