Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

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All of us that work, work hard in our own little worlds.Some of those workers step up to the plate and work for a better job!

I agree with you

But I feel you are dismissing all of the people who truly work hard who simply can't take that next step forward because of circumstances out of their control

I feel you and your side are discriminating against them while dismissing their obviously clear disadvantage. This disadvantage is only speaking about skin color, meanwhile people like me who are white, male, and of working age are also discriminated against via economic class.
As if you wouldnt date any woman that came along? lol
"Fuck" and "date" are two very different things! I'd gladly fuck a christian woman, I'd probably personally enjoy that more than an atheist woman, as I'd get to experience the whole "how could I do this, JESUS!" thing personally, what an orgasm!

She had good checkmarks in my qualities category.
I'm not wasting my time dating worthless women anymore.

"worthless/christian"... I get it..
Tell me, Canna, what rape fantasies do I harbor? Can you even cite a single thread in which I espouse a "rape fantasy"? Or are you simply too daft to come up with a reasonable argument against allowing women to do what they wish with with their own bodies?

Padawanbater2 said:
I've been reading a bit about statistics of sexual assault and was curious about any real life, first hand accounts.

If I saw you asking that on the street, I'd kindly tell you to stop and go home, or I'd beat your ass down.

If my wife told me you asked her that question, I'd just beat you down and not stop until she told me to.

That makes you sick fuck, sorry, it's the truth. I seriously don't know why they didn't ban you for that post alone, rather than just take away your mod status.
If I saw you asking that on the street, I'd kindly tell you to stop and go home, or I'd beat your ass down.

If my wife told me you asked her that question, I'd just beat you down and not stop until she told me to.

That makes you sick fuck, sorry, it's the truth. I seriously don't know why they didn't ban you for that post alone, rather than just take away your mod status.


It makes me a "sick fuck" asking about real life, first hand accounts of rape"?

And you would "beat my ass down" until your wife told me to stop


Well, you are a crazy person.

Welcome to crazy, you crazy fuck.

Enjoy your stay at Crazy Resort, you crazy fuck, crazy crazy. CRAZY!
All I can say is...sick

Well, afterall, you crazy southern folk don't like lawyers.. I finally see why.. Questioning a crime is just an admission of guilt!!! Fuck everyone who ever questioned their innocence, I mean fuck, fucking rapists, really!

You guys know you don't have to voluntarily submit to idiocracratic prophecies, right?
And he wants to know why I refuse to post anything I've written to prove who I really am, when there are people like him out there who will use it against me!

You refuse to post anything you've written because what you've written is either pure shit that will get dissected by members here and prove it to you, or what you've written isn't worth being dissected by members here because you're not a very good writer to begin with and will be exposed for lying that you get paid for writing for anyone
You refuse to post anything you've written because what you've written is either pure shit that will get dissected by members here and prove it to you, or what you've written isn't worth being dissected by members here because you're not a very good writer to begin with and will be exposed for lying that you get paid for writing for anyone

What if I'm a priest, pastor or reverend, who became an atheist and then a Buddhist? What do I have to gain, and everything to lose, with showing you my books, sermons or newsletters? Online I can tell the truth and not worry about others persecuting me for being myself. Then how would I feed myself and family? How would it look when I can do an act but not actually believe? Or tell others the evils marijuana does? Also, all those people who count on me. For them being a Christian is everything, including my whole family. What does it matter what's internal to me? A Buddhist life is very much compatible these days with many types of Christian lifestyles.
Rofl! It makes me a "sick fuck" asking about real life, first hand accounts of rape"? And you would "beat my ass down" until your wife told me to stop ... Well, you are a crazy person. Welcome to crazy, you crazy fuck. Enjoy your stay at Crazy Resort, you crazy fuck, crazy crazy. CRAZY!
Yes, that does make you a sick fuck.
that's the referral pyramid scheme i was referring to! so it is true.

from making my sandwich to being duped into a pyramid scheme, that's really moving up.

Yup, and from $8.00/hr to $800/week. He is really taking advantage of poor me. Hell I've made 800per day before. That was an exceptionally good day, and not the norm.
There were no blacks in America 500 years ago.

Your an idiot. Black's were in america long before Columbus " discovered" the Americas. The history of Black's across the globe is massive yet rarely spoken of.

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