opening doors in AK, new business


Well-Known Member
Were looking to bring our show back home. Have been in the industry here in MI preparing for the return to AK when the time was right. With our experience, we understand how necessary it is to protect medical rights going into legalization and we aim to assist Alaskans in that effort as well.

If you are interested in the cannabis industry and would like to talk with us further about how we can work together, get in touch. I'm opening the floor to discussion and relative conversation regarding new cannabis industry in Alaska.

We previously operated an organic/ vegan organic service outlet for patients and caregivers in Michigan, and provided cultivation courses, home care services, disability assistance, and grow room design with an emphasis on self sufficiency for the disabled. Though our focus was on elderly and the disabled, we have catered to and have worked with patients from all walks of life.

I am the founder of, Scrog Technologies, Quality of Life Services, and the Alaska Medical Marijuana Advocacy Project.

After this summer, our hope is to be operational in offices in AK.

If any of this sounds of interest to you, don't be shy. Were encouraging everyone to get involved in the discussions, and help in the decision making process that will also help ensure Alaskans true interests are met, rather than corporate or private business interests. If you don't know who I am, I encourage you to search around here a bit, view the MI threads, and take some time enough to see where my goals are, and why.
I look forward to the discussions and future relationships.
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I would love to be a part of your movement up here!! Born and raised Alaskan. Fully compliant Mad patient. Have 10 years of growing under my belt. Would love to be part of the new business boom thats gonna blow up soon for our med patients. We need testing facilities. Hands down a must. We need locally made "super soil" ive got a ton of ideas. Let me know what your thoughts are
I'm also very interested in the growing Alaska market. I'm not sure where my place is going forward with the movement up here. I'm at a stage in my life where I'm really looking to my next five years and what do I want to accomplish in that time. I'm from Eugene originally and have taking my values with me, also lived in MI for a couple of years. My wife is from there.

AKrbb907 are you already a local business owner? Look forward to the future and hope you all enjoy it. I'm particularly interested in the MJ proxy growing as well as concentrates.

I've recently been taking concentrate making as far as I can. I see that as a really quickly developing segment within the whole MJ market. There is an opportunity to really get a foothold on the segment before anyone else can. The more I learn the more I realize that anyone can but a pretty cheap setup and do ice water extraction of bho but only a few people get really supreme results, ie... stable with a decent yield.
A wonderful part of this industry, is that your history with cannabis is encouraged on your résumé, and the more experience, the better qualified you may be. �� Don't get that often.

Grand experience however is not necessary in order to get involved. What we will likely focus on initially is catching folks up to speed. I would like to start video conferencing in order to round table some discussions. Its an extremely exciting time and we have a fantastic seat in history to view an amazing future unfold. Welcome to the day you have been waiting for!

Folks, I will contact you as I get time (not your average entrepreneur, and juggling health issues). We will set up a way to meet via web, and converse/plan steps to take.

If someone would take the lead on finding how and where etc. to host the conference, that would be tremendously helpful right now, much appreciated. If we can set up a meeting (distance education video conference.) and have enough folks gathered at the talk, to put the wheels in motion, I believe I can manage operational support from a distance.

I would like to get an office open immediately that can be base for communications, planning, meetings, etc. but understand the importance and advantage to connecting remotely. (I received my education at UAF via distance education and online courses). It can be done.

I have support, supplies, and safe access here that can assist in building the start. I can expidite equipment and supplies (office equipment/supplies, grow gear, glassware, apparel, etc. I am also attending the largest expo in the state next month and will (with the appropriate support and backing from you all) aim to interest investors and the like. At the present, there are a handful of investors interested, advocates willing to network and travel, groups willing to support us here locally as well as international interest in supporting Native people of Alaska in there efforts to secure interest in Alaska's stake in the newly emerging cannabis industry.

Safe, responsible, sustainable business breaching cultural and ethnic divides, bringing humanity health and well being to both Alaskans, and the globe.

This is great news Woodsmantoker! :hump:

Thank you for your efforts and I'm very interested in doing what I can to help normlize mj in AK.

No I dont own my own business but w the way things are booming around the marijuana industry it only makes sense that this be the business to start. I agree that concentrates are the new wave of marijuana tech and to capitalize we will have to keep up with this market
Without any legal ways of production and testing we are screwed into "home brew" concentrates that are just "hash" to everyone else. We need to legitimize the industry and show that this IS the future of cannabis.

I agree we need to set up a conference/meeting w the like minded folks of Alaska so we can as a group come together for the kind of changes and business' we want and need.
My interest regarding the future of the cannabis industry here in Alaska is reaching a feverish pitch. We have a great base of strains up here, and loads of patients that are focused on quality. In addition to the laid back attitude of Anchorage/Alaska law enforcement, it seems our recreational ballot measure is strongly supported.
I have lived here in AK for most of my life and have been on the same page as Akrbb907 with concentrates for last few years... We need quality control, I know too many people that think its ok to extract with Bernzomatic butane and then sell their shant product for WAY too much! In the next 5 years I see myself as a big part of MMJ future in AK...
Thank you for starting the thread woodsmantoker. It's a shame there's no medical marijuana available yet in Alaska. I really like the ideas you have implemented in Michigan, and even before the vote in August, there is already room to support the patients in need with programs like you describe.

I can arrange a video conference for us all via skype, how about we set a date next week to get started?
As far as a meeting place in person, I think we are too spread out, but I could take the lead to start an office if you're interested - I'm near Soldatna.

Example Agenda Topics (add to the list woodsmantoker)
* Introduction/Welcome
* Items of Concern before the August vote
* Concerns for the upcoming marijuana market
* What we can start on before the vote
* Testing facility
* Concentrates and Distillations
Im in! Im good for next week as well. Id like to add that we need a webpage or something that is "regularly updated" w Alaskas Marijuana goings-on. Not being able to fin out whats happening w our movement is really frustrating. Im not a facebooker so if there is something there for us Alaskans already lemme know and I will force myself into it haha
Sounds great guys. I'll write up some topics I think are important discussion points. I'm not super tech savvy but will help in anyway possible. I will agree that quality of product and knowledge is critical. It seems like you can get a bit of info on almost an MJ subject, however there is no general consensus on most technical aspects. No standards. I would like to see the entire industry focus on co-operation of knowledge and resources to find the actual best methods/procedures.
Im in! Im good for next week as well. Id like to add that we need a webpage or something that is "regularly updated" w Alaskas Marijuana goings-on. Not being able to fin out whats happening w our movement is really frustrating. Im not a facebooker so if there is something there for us Alaskans already lemme know and I will force myself into it haha
check out this one - regulatemarijuanainalaska dot org
Yea like I said... we need a webpage people care about and update w NEW information about our campaign.... I don't think that webpage has EVER been updated lol