Welcome New Members!

Priority #1 Furthering my education #Have an amazing career in which I'll never have to worry for anything #3 My Charity work the list goes on having sex isn't a priority nor something I really care about it's been put on a pedestal in people's minds and tbh it's sad what people value sex over. I have no interest in sleeping with multiple people throughout my life so yea if he's worth it he'll wait and it's nothing about being tough I just don't care for the drama. Yet no one can tell my how I would benefit from posting it on this?after all don't attention seekers tend to benefit from uploading and posting more so on social media sites not growing forums. That's fucking funny so because I made my boyfriend wait a year before sleeping with him and I take photos in undergarments,swimwear, and lingerie which I've been doing for years and it pays well (not stripping) none however revealing anything my priorities are wrong . . . Yea okay
Priority #1 Furthering my education #Have an amazing career in which I'll never have to worry for anything #3 My Charity work the list goes on having sex isn't a priority nor something I really care about it's been put on a pedestal in people's minds and tbh it's sad what people value sex over. I have no interest in sleeping with multiple people throughout my life so yea if he's worth it he'll wait and it's nothing about being tough I just don't care for the drama. Yet no one can tell my how I would benefit from posting it on this?after all don't attention seekers tend to benefit from uploading and posting more so on social media sites not growing forums. That's fucking funny so because I made my boyfriend wait a year before sleeping with him and I take photos in undergarments,swimwear, and lingerie which I've been doing for years and it pays well (not stripping) none however revealing anything my priorities are wrong . . . Yea okay

ever think you should JUST STOP REPLYING. jumpin jupiters !
geeesh! just quit being so damn over the top about yourself smaher and you'll be fine. You seem to be pretty intelligent and lord knows we could use more of that type around here.

plus your not unattractive and that always helps ;)

anyways :peace:
Over the top? First thing was I wasn't a female so my follow up to that was an "intro video" second thing was the assumption that I was a no-nothing twit in which I went on to elaborate what having a B.S. in psychology means third was the situation with my mother and if she even has multiple sclerosis which I followed up by posting photos of myself and my dog with my mother fourth thing was what my priorities are which my response post is two prior to this. As for calling me conceited since pulling my previous posts seem to be an enjoyable thing to do please do find one that states I'm all about myself. So really who truly has the problem with who?
Yet you can't elaborate hmmmmm

When did I ever say I was looking for anyone on here? Thing is I didn't. It's just a bunch of nit picking which you're all aware of. Like teenage girls and instead of paying attention to what someone is saying it goes in and out of your ears just so you can continue your ways of thinking about a person just for the sake of drama.
ever think you should JUST STOP REPLYING. jumpin jupiters !
Hahaha damn she keeps getting in deeper .

:lol: She didn't last long.
Not long at all , did she just have a mental breakdown?

geeesh! just quit being so damn over the top about yourself smaher and you'll be fine. You seem to be pretty intelligent and lord knows we could use more of that type around here.

plus your not unattractive and that always helps ;)
You are the piece maker joe .

anyways :peace:

all those brains but no common sense.
good bye smaher


Ok piece did not work thCAD97TX1.jpg
ever notice how those with psych degrees are usually the fucked up ones?

jus' sayin'
you are so true !!!

hahahaha love it .

This should be smashers av
full retard.jpg
When did I ever say I was looking for anyone on here? Thing is I didn't. It's just a bunch of nit picking which you're all aware of. Like teenage girls and instead of paying attention to what someone is saying it goes in and out of your ears just so you can continue your ways of thinking about a person just for the sake of drama.
