Mohican's 2014 Season

man i am not far from pulling a no till og in less than a week i would say. i will put some pics up on the rols thread
Yesterday I put the Jesus OG in the dirt. When I started digging the hole I found a wild child. I am not sure where it came from - so many possibilities.

Malawi 2012, Mulanje 2013, Marion Berry 2013 just to name a few.

I trimmed away a bunch of lower branches first:

Dug the hole:

Put some nute enhanced soil in the bottom of the hole:

Removed the JOG from the 5 gallon bucket:

Put her in the hole and filled it in with some enhanced Sunshine #4 I had sitting around:

Here is the story of the found seedling. I found her when I was digging the hole for the Jesus OG transplant. I removed a big chunk of dirt including the seedling and carefully separated away most of the dirt so the seedling could have some nice porous soil. It was growing in hard clay. Put her in a 1 gallon pot with some promix.

Location from which I removed the chunk of soil:

Shovel with chunk of dirt:


With the clones inside at night:


The clones are recovering from the light dropping on them and some getting burned with the lights.


Jesus OG #3

LA Confidential T-Cut

Blue Dream #2 Mithrandir Cut

Scott's OG #1 3rd Generation


Cloneville today including Wild Child - overcast and windy!

Here is an update on love child. It is coming along nicely. Almost a foot tall now :)

The pink is showing again, which is why I think it is a cross of the Mulanje mom with the Ace of Spades dad:

Here is the bigger cut of LA Confidential. All of the outdoor girls seem to be flowering. I am not sure whether this will continue or revert back to veg.

Here is the Blue Dream #1 in the 5 gallon hempy:

Here are both of the big girls in the north garden:

I'm so jelly you find little babies in your back yard :) I pay $20 a piece for those :) lololol. I really gotta do a seed run here.

I hope the two mysteries turn into some super dank for you. Beautiful shots as always. That fly looks like its mom got drunk and flew into a bee hive for a wild night of buzzing :)
I gave my brother a bunch of used dirt one time to put into his veggy garden. I never saw the seedling, but he told me that a few weeks after he dumped it in there he found a seedling coming up from it.
I am so blind I can't believe I saw it! I must have seedling vision - it is a superpower :)

I have been working on the screenhouse in this cool weather and I am expecting a helper today. He helped me a couple of days ago and got a bunch of things done. Helped me get some momentum going again.

Last night when I closed up shop in the Kessil cabinet I noticed the blue dream was looking wilty. I hope it was just sleeping. I am going to check right now.

Well I got busy again and got the fourth screen-house panel done today. 6 foot 5x1 redwood tongue and groove:

It looks so much better than the screen and dirty trees. Mrs Mo loves it too :)

Looks great bro and i liek the redwood for outdoors moisture wont affect it like other wood. So what you gonna put on top? clear plastic roof or glass? if you use the plastic wavey ones i would use something to melt a hole in where the screws go with a stainless steel washer. I've helped build 3 green houses not little ones the biggest was 40'x 120' glass on top and 3 sides. north side didn't need it. the next size was 20'x40' and we used glass just on the roof then clear plastic on the sides( couldnt find more glass at a good price). that was when mom ran 3 greenhouses. she caught me several times trying to hide a few plants in there.
Thanks Don!

It is going to have a 3/8 inch (1 cm) mesh screen for a roof. It is a room to protect against birds and animals who think my fruit is for them :)
awesome man, i'd love my own eats. well i do presently but i have a lean to which houses about 6 tomato plants, peppers and chillies. deffo going to upgrade to a real greenhouse or polytube depending on the space in the garden. i like lawn to lounge on too haha