The Worlds Most Hyped and Overrated Things....


Well-Known Member
This stuff costs a fortune and is associated with the very wealthy
indulging themselves with the luxuries that most of us can only fantasize about.
It has virtually no flavour, other than saltiness
and a texture that is similar to tapioca.

With a price tag that varies from moderate to exclusive
no other substance conjures images of decadence and conspicuous consumption quite like Champagne.
It's fizzy wine.

Prohibitively expensive and prohibitively prohibited,
nothing says 'Wealthy and dangerous' quite like Devil Dandruff.
The 'high' is nowhere near as amazing as its reputation would suggest.
And the come down is terrible!
If you like the feelings of barely contained nervous energy, jittery paranoia
and nose bleeds - cocaine is perfect for you.
Costing five times more than amphetamines, for half the high (lasting one tenth of the time)
but resulting in far more negative consequences.
Cocaine really is "Gods way of saying you've too much money".

Lobster is overrated, but I'll tell you what, Fois Gras lives up to it's reputation...The amount of suffering those birds undergo directly translates into pure deliciousness. And I HATE liver, normally.
Lobster is overrated, but I'll tell you what, Fois Gras lives up to it's reputation...The amount of suffering those birds undergo directly translates into pure deliciousness. And I HATE liver, normally.

oh, i like lobster.. the gf lives in maine, so she gets it crazy cheap, even cooked and all, for free a lot of times, and yeah, i dig lobster, it's yummy, not too fishy like crabs, and more like shrimp imo..

now crabs, on the other hand, unless you get those big ass ones, are way over rated imo, so much work, and what do you get out of them but a finger full of meat, that i'm not even that crazy about the taste to begin with. :(
the olympics..

not that i'm a big sports guy to begin with, but when they let pro athletes into the olympics, they totally lost what i feel the olympics ever stood for..

even without the pros, the olympics are over rated to begin with.. how often do any of us watch things like bob sledding, or cross country skiing, or the biathalon where you ski first then shot guns, or curling ffs?? who the hell has even been to a curling even in person before? but for some odd reason, come the olympics curling some how all of a sudden becomes some major sport i'm supposed to be remotely interested in, as if..