Hi- I need some advice


New Member
Hey everyone, I am new to this website. I have a question I wanted to ask and I am not sure where to put it so here I go!
My friend got a little weed and it wasn't in a plastic bag or anything. I put it in a case that he had so that that the weed wouldn't smell too strong- I wasn't looking inside of his case. Later on, he opened it and it turns out the case I put his weed into was his pencil case. He had pencils in there with possible pencil shavings and broken off pencil graphite. The weed wasn't in a bag or anything! I'm kind of freaked that my friend's weed has graphite from the pencil in it now. He still wants to smoke it but I read online that if you smoke graphite you can get carbon monoxide poisoning, which can kill you. Is it safe for him to smoke or does he need to get some more weed and throw this out? Thanks for reading. I don't know if I am being paranoid or if my worry is legit.
Was this before or after recess? Was it in a pencil pouch? Does your friend have aids? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then smoke that shit foo!
hahah wow chewberto thats a fucked up reply lol
thank you sunni! yeah i think its okay but i just wasnt sure, i dont think we're going to risk it haha
i mean getting high isn't worth getting carbon monoxide poisoning
haha yes i can tell the difference but i am worried that small particles of the pencil graphite or whatever got into the nugs, like small enough that i wouldnt be able to tell
I was just wondering if this was before or after physical science class? or was it around spanish l period?

just curious as the length of exposure could factor in.
wow some of these responses are so immature lol -__-
and ya i mean probably it would be fine
idk though
thanks for giving me some input
Once I was in a mcdonalds men's room and I found a jay in a pencil case on the floor and I smoked it anyway then I shit on the floor. I don't think I was the first person to do it that day either. The jay had lipstick on it.
Okay, not sure why you are writing that though because I never said that I wasn't 18 I am just a paranoid person haha im sorry if i sound like a troll. i am not underage :)
Who among us HASN'T smoked a little graphite and pencil shavings???

My buddy had a pace maker
(cause he was a pussy)
But while in the med section of the clark county jail he watched a guy smoke pencil shavings.
This was right after they went no smoking.