Gun Control

Stricter Gun Control In US

  • Yes, stricter control.

    Votes: 22 17.2%
  • No, we love our guns!

    Votes: 106 82.8%

  • Total voters


New Member
Needed in the US or not?

I'm making this a private poll so you can be sure of privacy with your vote. As I live in a country with strict gun control and understand the benefits of this control, my vote will be that stricter gun control is needed in the US... Well, the world really, but the US will do for now.

The last time I brought this subject up on this site I was dragged into a corner and beaten severely... I didn't realise at the time how passionate you guys are about your guns... but the site is much larger now and I'm sure I won't be taking the beating alone this time.


Well-Known Member
it's true. free people will never remain free without firepower and the potential to stage a very damaging revolt.

not saying i agree with this story completely, but as your poll shows - these events bring up some issues. whenever something like this happens the politicians begin to pander, the weak begin to falter, the liberty of citizens fades.

why do these paramilitary police units not fight??? if you ever watch combat video of Marines, they go kick ass. you shoot at a Marine and they're coming to get you, body armor or not, you're going down.

these pigs have the highest grade body armor, very nice rifles and equipment but they DO NOTHING! now more than ever our country needs to come up with a real militia and real citizens need to be able to serve the public instead of these fat leaching cowards. not all cops are like this, i know, but i'm sick of seeing them do nothing when they should be in there ENGAGING a target... pisses me off beyond words really. if something like this goes down at my kid's school, they better gtf out of my way because i will go in and i will kill anyone i see in there with a gun, simple.

Virginia School Shooting: Another Government Black-Op?
Early details suggest Columbine-style set-up to justify mass gun control, VA Tech has "blood on their hands," banned concealed carry, disarming victims
Paul Joseph Watson & Steve Watson
Prison Planet
Monday, April 16, 2007

Early details about the horrific school shooting at Virginia Tech strongly indicate that these events represent a Columbine-style black-op that will be exploited in the coming days to push for mass gun control and further turning our schools into prisons.
Eyewitness Matt Kazee told the Alex Jones Show that it was a full two to three hours after the shootings began that loudspeakers installed around the campus were used to warn students to stay indoors and that a shooter was on the loose.
Quite how the killer was afforded so much time before any action was taken to stop him is baffling, especially considering the fact that the campus, according to Kazee, was crawling with police before the event happened due to numerous bomb threats that had been phoned in last week.
The shootings came three days after a bomb threat Friday forced the cancellation of classes in three buildings, WDBJ in Roanoke reported. Also, the 100,000-square-foot Torgersen Hall was evacuated April 2 after police received a written bomb threat, The Roanoke Times reported.
CNN quoted a student who was outraged at the delay in identifying and stopping the killer.
"What happened today this was ridiculous. And I don't know what happened or what was going through this guy's mind," student Jason Piatt told CNN. "But I'm pretty outraged and I'll say on the record I'm pretty outraged that someone died in a shooting in a dorm at 7 o'clock in the morning and the first e-mail about it — no mention of locking down campus, no mention of canceling classes — they just mention that they're investigating a shooting two hours later at 9:22."
He added: "That's pretty ridiculous and meanwhile, while they're sending out that e-mail, 22 more people got killed."

The details that are beginning to emerge fill the criteria that this could very well be another government black-op that will be used as justification for more gun control and turing our schools into prisons, festooned with armed guards, surveillance cameras and biometric scanning to gain entry.
Ironic therefore it is that Virginia is a concealed carry state and yet Virginia Tech campus recently enforced a policy prohibiting "unauthorized possession, storage or control" of firearms on campus. According to gun rights activists such as Aaron Zelman of Jews For The Preservation of Firearms, VA Tech has "blood on its hands" for disarming the victims who could potentially have defended themselves against the killer.
Initial reports suggested there were two shooters, but the story quickly changed to just one shooter who later killed himself (as happens in almost all these cases) or was shot by police.
Eyewitness accounts describe police hiding behind trees and failing to pursue the killer, while ordering the school to be placed on lockdown so nobody could escape the carnage as the killer picked off his targets with seemingly little interruption from the police.
At the moment, the official death toll is 30, but could rise, making this the deadliest school shooting in history.

If these figures are accurate, the casualty figures surpass those of the school shooting at Columbine in 1999 when Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris killed 12 students and a teacher before killing themselves.​
It is well documented that disturbing questions remain over the incident at Columbine. It is clear that authorities had prior knowledge of what was going to happen. Observers were in the area hours before the shooting took place. Articles from the Associated Press stated that ballistics from Columbine show that six of the thirteen victims were possibly shot and killed by Jefferson County SWAT.
In addition, it was never properly explained how Klebold and Harris were able to transport over 100 bombs into the school before the shootings began.
In the aftermath of Columbine there were calls for vastly increased gun control laws, more than 15 state legislatures passed significant gun control bills or dropped NRA-supported bills.

In 1996 a similar incident occurred in Dunblane in Scotland where sixteen children and one adult were killed. The resulting inquiry recommended tighter control of handgun ownership, public feeling had turned against private gun ownership, allowing a much more restrictive ban on handguns to pass.
It then emerged that the killer Thomas Hamilton was heavily involved in Freemasonry, as well as running clubs for young boys, a fact which Labour and Tory ministers acknowledged in correspondence to each other. A a 100-year public secrecy order was placed on the documents, along with the majority of other information relating to the case including the police report. There have been allegations that the lengthy closure order was placed on the report after it linked Hamilton to figures in the Scottish establishment, including two senior politicians and a lawyer.
In both the Dunblane and Columbine cases the shooters turned the guns on themselves after the killing spree was over.
We will have more on this story as it unfolds.



Well-Known Member
Gun control laws are only for law abiding citizens. Criminals don't care what the laws are. More gun control keeps weapons out of the hands of honest, hard working people who only want to protect themselves. What good was gun control in VA...the law said no guns on the campus. I guess the criminal didn't get the memo. If law abiding citizens were not restricted so much to where they can cary thier guns, maybe the the gunman would have been stopped.


New Member
Gun control laws are only for law abiding citizens. Criminals don't care what the laws are. More gun control keeps weapons out of the hands of honest, hard working people who only want to protect themselves. What good was gun control in VA...the law said no guns on the campus. I guess the criminal didn't get the memo. If law abiding citizens were not restricted so much to where they can cary thier guns, maybe the the gunman would have been stopped.
Of course gun control laws are for law abiding citizens, they are also for criminals. The law applies to everyone. With stiffer sentences being passed for the carrying of a gun, the only people going to prison would be non law abiding citizens.

Protect yourself from what? Invasion? The russians aren't coming to kidnap your children anymore... protection from what?

If guns were banned they wouldn't be so easy to come by. Sure, you could get one if you were enterprising enough as the sale of guns would be pushed deep underground. Which btw also pushes the price up. So, these dickheads that climb through open windows at night will not be able to afford or come by a gun so easily. This statement begs the same question, protection from what?

Also, how do you know the guy was a criminal? did he have a criminal past, or did he have a permit for those guns? I suspect (as is usually the way in cases like this) the latter.


Well-Known Member
I have been charged with a concealed weapons violation myself.
This happened about 6 years ago. I had just bought the gun and did not intend any wrong doings at all.
I just wanted it to have for my apartment for protection.
I got in trouble because I went through a license check right after I bought the gun. I had the gun in it's case in the passengers seat.
I did not know that it had to be locked up.
Now I can never legally own a gun.
Now it is hard as hell for me to get a decent job. (convicted felon now because of this)
When companies do background checks they usually check the past 7 years.
Thankfully, my seven years will be up this comming January.
I think that there should be a census of all the people with guns registered.
Then they should be requrired to pay property tax on the guns.
They should also be requrired to take a training class and get certified to own the gun.
I think this would slow some of the gun issues but, it would not irradicate them.
I honestly do not think it is the guns that are the problem.
They are just a means of doing the damage.
It could have easily been a bomb at VT instead.


Well-Known Member
i live in canda not the states. We can purchase fireamrs but first must take courses. To own a rifle or shotgun its prety much a weekend course. Then there is always the 6 week waiting period after you take the course util you can purchase a gun. Handguns are under a whole differnt clasifacation. They are considered restricted firearms. They reguire a seperate course. And there are a pile of regulations that go along with owning one. The only place they can be fired is at a firing range. You must contact the rcmp(police) to get a permit to take the gun from your house to the range. If you get caught with the gun elsewhere its taken. End of story. Rifles and shotguns are used for hunting. A handgun on the other hand really serves no purpose. Unless you plan on shooting rabbits at close range.I really dont see the point in owning a handgun. Just my thoughts:joint:


Well-Known Member
Gun control laws are only for law abiding citizens. Criminals don't care what the laws are. More gun control keeps weapons out of the hands of honest, hard working people who only want to protect themselves. What good was gun control in VA...the law said no guns on the campus. I guess the criminal didn't get the memo. If law abiding citizens were not restricted so much to where they can cary thier guns, maybe the the gunman would have been stopped.
very good points!



Well-Known Member
If guns were banned they wouldn't be so easy to come by. Sure, you could get one if you were enterprising enough as the sale of guns would be pushed deep underground. Which btw also pushes the price up. So, these dickheads that climb through open windows at night will not be able to afford or come by a gun so easily. This statement begs the same question, protection from what?

Also, how do you know the guy was a criminal? did he have a criminal past, or did he have a permit for those guns? I suspect (as is usually the way in cases like this) the latter.
so, you admit that you would rather create a prohibition on guns and have a black market, just like the one with marijuana here in the U.S.?

self protection is a human right, it's something you're born with. when you bow to the authorities and let them "handle that" for you, you're not free anymore, sorry to inform you of that. if your country has a big uprising and your government is overwhelmed: check ya later! tell me how much you like that right taken away then.

to get a permit or even make a purchase you have to be a U.S. citizen, which means he got them illegally. so yes, he's a criminal, big surprise.



Well-Known Member
Protect yourself from what? Invasion? The russians aren't coming to kidnap your children anymore... protection from what?.
LOL not once have i ever heard someone say that their firearm was to keep the russians at bay LOL.

There is crime all throughout this world and especially in the US. I think a persons right to protect his/her family will all means necessary is very important. Its not that i feel safe with a firearm (locked up) in my house but break-ins happen every day and alot of criminals are strung out on hard drugs with not a care in the world. Talk your way out of that one, I prefer my .308.


Well-Known Member
I have been charged with a concealed weapons violation myself.
This happened about 6 years ago. I had just bought the gun and did not intend any wrong doings at all.
I just wanted it to have for my apartment for protection.
I got in trouble because I went through a license check right after I bought the gun. I had the gun in it's case in the passengers seat.
I did not know that it had to be locked up.
Now I can never legally own a gun.
Now it is hard as hell for me to get a decent job. (convicted felon now because of this)
When companies do background checks they usually check the past 7 years.
Thankfully, my seven years will be up this comming January.
I think that there should be a census of all the people with guns registered.
Then they should be requrired to pay property tax on the guns.
They should also be requrired to take a training class and get certified to own the gun.
I think this would slow some of the gun issues but, it would not irradicate them.
I honestly do not think it is the guns that are the problem.
They are just a means of doing the damage.
It could have easily been a bomb at VT instead.
to my knowledge transporting an unloaded firearm is not a crime in any state, locked, unlocked, hidden or out in the open. not trying to be rude, but i suspect that there are details of your infraction you are not sharing.

anyway, look into local record expungement or pardon from your state parole board. felonies do not ever go off your record otherwise. google this and see if you can get your record sealed. there are also usually "first offender" statutes, if such was applied your record should already be sealed. research more!

btw, i will never take part in a gun census or federal gun "class", neither will my kids. ever.



Well-Known Member
Gun control laws are only for law abiding citizens.

Criminals don't care what the laws are.

More gun control keeps weapons out of the hands of honest, hard working people who only want to protect themselves.

What good was gun control in VA...the law said no guns on the campus.
reference to logical paradox, effective.

I guess the criminal didn't get the memo.
inference but nice way to show that violent criminals don't mind breaking laws.

If law abiding citizens were not restricted so much to where they can cary thier guns, maybe the the gunman would have been stopped.
hundreds of armed citizens prevent crimes every year. look at stats in places where concealed carry is common, not many muggings, rapes, etc.



New Member
In view of the shootings at Virginia Tech yesterday, I've changed my mind on gun control. Even though I was against keeping guns out of the hands of Americans, I'm even more adamant about it now. We need to loosen the concealed carry laws so that anyone without a felony police record can carry a concealed hand gun.

For further safety, we should ban student visas ... especially from South Korea.



Active Member
yeah guns do rock but what if someone shots you mum or your little sister to nick there bag or car or something then how much do they rock then


Well-Known Member
yeah guns do rock but what if someone shots you mum or your little sister to nick there bag or car or something then how much do they rock then

they rock pretty well because my mom would probably drop the bastard...don't have a sister.
