Well-Known Member
its ok guys when the lab is finished I will post pics of the Co2 set ups. how long is the turn around for SDA before the next one?
You guys are pretty funny. The other day I pressurized the vessel w butane just for shits and giggles. I heated the vessel and the valve w a torch. When I released the gas, it was beyond the autoignition temperature and flashed. Singed the hairs on my left arm, but simply closed the valve and contained the 3 foot flame exiting from the valve. It was a spectacular torch not reccommended for indoor use. So I will not be trying that w out co2 again because there is no advantage from using butane by its little lonesome. Its to tempermental for my personal tastes leaning towards accident prevention.
might be getting a phoenix I believe I is called a mark8 or something \. I don't know man I just show up and work.
hes cool with it I asked . lol not trying to do anything lol I didn't want to add to the clutter so I help keep this thread relative
and not make another one
really you guys, going to let this go unnoticed?
oilmkr needs an IP ban. same with finshaggy.