Swagelok 304l ss vessel

its ok guys when the lab is finished I will post pics of the Co2 set ups. how long is the turn around for SDA before the next one?
You guys are pretty funny. The other day I pressurized the vessel w butane just for shits and giggles. I heated the vessel and the valve w a torch. When I released the gas, it was beyond the autoignition temperature and flashed. Singed the hairs on my left arm, but simply closed the valve and contained the 3 foot flame exiting from the valve. It was a spectacular torch not reccommended for indoor use. So I will not be trying that w out co2 again because there is no advantage from using butane by its little lonesome. Its to tempermental for my personal tastes leaning towards accident prevention.
Your leaning towards accident prevention but use super dangerous chemical to extract ie freon. You are super safe bro
You guys are pretty funny. The other day I pressurized the vessel w butane just for shits and giggles. I heated the vessel and the valve w a torch. When I released the gas, it was beyond the autoignition temperature and flashed. Singed the hairs on my left arm, but simply closed the valve and contained the 3 foot flame exiting from the valve. It was a spectacular torch not reccommended for indoor use. So I will not be trying that w out co2 again because there is no advantage from using butane by its little lonesome. Its to tempermental for my personal tastes leaning towards accident prevention.

Ummmmmmm, interesting choice of heat ranges. The auto ignition temperature of n-Butane is about 460°C/860°F. Have you read the specifications and understand what happens to 300 series austenitic stainless at those temperatures? Starting with converting the chromium to chromium carbides, so as to take it out of solution..............

Did you calculate the pressure at those temperatures and how did you measure it to know that you weren't way above 460C/860F? Gas pressure rises in direct proportion to the temperature rise.

You've moved from advising brothers and sisters on how to poison themselves, to how to wreck perfectly good equipment and set off a fragmentation grenade in close proximity.

What exactly are you hoping to accomplish? Win the Billy Crockbook's seal of approval at the expense of getting other people maimed or killed?

Will you now sell that compromised pressure vessel to some unsuspecting chump or reserve it for your own mayhem?
Seriously who the "F" is this guy. Everyone tells him how stupid he is, and how he keeps talking, and not showing. His response "you guys are funny" then goes into story about a really good way to blow yourself up, and end up on the nightly news. This guy is the "dabtard" leader.
So lookie what came in today !!
Machine #1








labs not finished yet but closer.
Wtf does that thing cost? Real nice set up. I have a 6L unit, 60lbs mobile SCFE, rated 6,000 psi, runs 10lbs of co² and doing 3-4 oz at a time, optional plc, etc was selling for $5k and another $2k w plc. Imo its just not worth the heafty price tag for that pressure headroom. Cheap thrills will become more popular as this unit for $500 is way fuckin sick. Less complicated and most potent for sure, COsub² is a way more sound purchase costing little to do batch runs for small scale shit.
I'm jealous! Still waiting for delivery of our Apeks's loaner bench top model and looking forward to trying out theories.
should be soon!

Showing up ole shitalkoilmker...

That machine is sexy!!!!!
Dude, seriously...

Did you get that dude's image rights to post his pic on our website ?? Lol
hes cool with it I asked . lol not trying to do anything lol I didn't want to add to the clutter so I help keep this thread relative
and not make another one
might be getting a phoenix I believe I is called a mark8 or something \. I don't know man I just show up and work.

Hee, hee, hee, looking forward to seeing ya'lls Mk VIII. I'm only up to Mk VI so far and always delight in new innovations. The more heads you get together, the greater the possibility of innovation, even if some of them are cabbage heads. Look at where the basic concept has traveled thus far................
Ahh, this guy. If only I had time to check the webs for this kind of stuff more often.

Thank you for acknowledging partially, the success of my own years of work where I show the end results, do not use co-solvents at all, and in fact gave away DIY instructions on how to collect CO2 extract in exactly the same manner you do. I have posted videos showing easily made stainless pass through vessels, with much higher pressure ratings, and larger openings for loading plant material.

What I did not give away is the rights to sell machines made in a similar fashion. As simple as the designs are, I own patents to several concepts of passive SCFE and collection explicitly used in your design. If you would like to start paying a fee for using them for profit, as you are, we can work something out.

Please, everyone reading, co-solvents are not necessary for carbon dioxide essential oil extraction, and if any should be used they should have much higher vapor pressures than FREON.

Certainly you have been confusing the internet longer than I, under a lot of different names, but you have never been educating it.



Just a couple sites where gas sample cylinders can be found.

really you guys, going to let this go unnoticed?

oilmkr needs an IP ban. same with finshaggy.
really you guys, going to let this go unnoticed?

oilmkr needs an IP ban. same with finshaggy.

But on the real though, I agree with VP, how is this not against forum rules? Taking ideas and selling them? Giving no credit where credit is more properly due?
So lookie what came in today !!
Machine #1








labs not finished yet but closer.
2 ½ lbs per batch, how much co2 is that thing running per cycle batch? 100C, 10,000psi/680 bar? That shits way better than what I just got, but since neither one of us paid for it, can't look a gift horse in the mouth.IMG_20140329_140824.jpgIMG_20140329_140824.jpg IMG_20140329_140824.jpg IMG_20140329_140824.jpg IMG_20140329_140824.jpg IMG_20140329_140824.jpg