BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D


Well-Known Member
Plants look spot on! I love the veins in the stems. I haven't seen stems like that since the '70s :)

Brats and Beer = heaven :)

Hey D - Our daughter got that from dryer sheets. I don't know whether you have those there but watch all additives including bubble bath.



Well-Known Member
damn mo i just had a stroke of genius i miss the white brats from the fest in germany. is there anyone on here can get some and send them to me here. please the ones here are shit


Well-Known Member
Johnson Brothers has some killer white brats and where you live there are some amazing sausage makers and smokers :)


Well-Known Member
oh yea a lot of them i stop everyday at the #1 boudin, cracklens and some other crap like every year, BUT nothing is the same as the big ass brats they put in these tiny little rolls. damn now i am hungry:eyesmoke: will be taking a t brake till 4,20 and going to get super high on some dog. i hope it will be a victory smoke and chase will take our bid should be finding out soon the corporate wheels will have spun by then;)


Well-Known Member
oh yea a lot of them i stop everyday at the #1 boudin, cracklens and some other crap like every year, BUT nothing is the same as the big ass brats they put in these tiny little rolls. damn now i am hungry:eyesmoke: will be taking a t brake till 4,20 and going to get super high on some dog. i hope it will be a victory smoke and chase will take our bid should be finding out soon the corporate wheels will have spun by then;)
I can check, but never seen anyplace doing them here, the Dutch sausages fall woefully short of my standards. And how funny is it when you get one of those huge ass sausages and then they pop it between the smallest looking roll ever, lmfao....just looks weirdy. I think they are called "Kaiser brochen" or something like that....hehe>


Well-Known Member

Hey Dr look up Beer Brat on the google and there are plenty of good white brats! Hillshire has a Miller beer brat.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Hey there sweetcheeks! OMG don't you just love the new upgrades they did to the site.. like how many trophys have you won so far? its like sooooo much fun now with all the added awards and perks..oh yes indeedy lets smoke some weedy! OMG DON you cant believe whats going on iin Co. ITs like REEFER MADness all over again. They are going to tap the TCH content of store sold bud and edibles and they are having an OREGENO joint rolling contest at the COunty fair in DENVER! Those pathetic worms. Im going to go to the contest and switch out the oregano for some dank and aftter Its over , light up the real thing and say FUCK YOU motherfuckers.Or maybe I might bring some pencil shavings I have saved up from all my drawings and start the UNleaded joint rollin contest.hee hee
I hope you feel better mate.hugs and kisses, Ambz

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
why hello there Doc! i do actually prefer the new look site, trophies n stuff i seem to be doing well with! i.e it's proven i sit on here all day at work chatting to peeps not working. i think i'm like 5th highest post count ffs lol

REEEEEFER madness you say?! tap the thc content?! you mean like regulate it? how i wonder?! must be some new scientific tech or lord help you all they're going to start selling shwag :shock:

surely oregano joint rolling is just a joke and it'll all be filled with top herb??!? I hope so.

i'll get better in time i guess. seeing the physio in the morning am expecting to be somersaulting to work afterwards....not. likewise hun hope you feel better soon! was reading in your journo, sounds tres horrible' pet.:hug: x

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i'll get my father to email me some. we went to where his fathers ashes are scattered on the dava moor, he was born and raised there. it's baron and I do mean literally, we found part of his old tin hut the family lived in near his plot. hard living isn't the right words to describe it!

they lost a train there many moons ago in snow. no shit, it was bleak up there.