Free lives FTW!original super mario bros level 1-3 getting small and then on the last staircase doing the million jumps on the turtle for free lives..
also the original version street fighter 2 when you could do the pose,handcuffs, and invisible throw.
Is this from twisted metal?UP UP DOWN DOWN LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT B A ...... START
Maybe that one just shows my age lol
Think it's Mike Tyson's Punch Out. Not sure though. lolIs this from twisted metal?
I remember doing the infinite items glitch in the earlier Pokemon's. Like before yellow...
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really its the konami code.
0073735963 is the code to tyson, though not a glitch he was fucking impossible to beat.
Woa. Gnarly. My friend built a chip tunes machine outta his gameboy, and does live shows and shit. Sounds like Anamanguchi but really raeally drunk.I'm in the process of making one of these...
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ZELDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I dunno guys, Double Dragon was the shit. Me and my bro would tear it up... I used to have a black garbage bag full of NES cartridges...
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