Byron Smith execution of burglars


Well-Known Member
I'm going to face my big screen tv towards the window and leave my front door open
Just last year some local kid went into the wrong apartment drunk as skunk and got all roudy with the owner and broke his door down. Funeral for a 19 year old idiot and the old man is free as a bird. The way it should be, you can't legislate away stupidity, trying makes it tough on all of us.


Well-Known Member
After reading your earlier post, I guess the final shots were meaningless INCLUDING the shot under the chin. If any one of the earlier shots was fatal and she was hit multiple times, that definitely negates any concern I have over the last one.

The guy shooting a dead body doesn't concern me near as much as if he had shot them while they still had a chance to survive. It certainly doesn't invalidate the legality of the earlier shots. Thanks for clearing it up for me, I was on the fence.
the last shot under the girls chin was a "finishing shot" as he was moving her body he heard her gurgle and figure he would put her out of her misery
He didnt call the cops until the next day


Well-Known Member
After reading your earlier post, I guess the final shots were meaningless INCLUDING the shot under the chin. If any one of the earlier shots was fatal and she was hit multiple times, that definitely negates any concern I have over the last one.

The guy shooting a dead body doesn't concern me near as much as if he had shot them while they still had a chance to survive. It certainly doesn't invalidate the legality of the earlier shots. Thanks for clearing it up for me, I was on the fence.
Is being deaf a side effect of being dumb? Perhaps you need to refresh your memory of how many times she screamed as he continued shooting her after his rifle jammed.
Robber pulls his own gun and shoots you dead, you lose sucker!!
How many "robbers" can react within 0.2secs (the average reaction time of a human)? Are you telling me that someone who is unfamiliar with a territory, is suddenly surprised by someone with a bead trained on them, can somehow magically whip a piece out and locate a target in the shadows?
You must really suck with firearms...are you sure you're an American?


Well-Known Member
Jurors viewed autopsy photos Thursday that showed the teens' injuries, as Smith sat still and stared at the photos projected on a screen. Dr. Kelly Mills, with the Ramsey County medical examiner's office, testified that Brady was shot three times, and Kifer had six gunshot wounds.
Mills said the final shot to Brady, which went through his right hand and into his right temple, was the "most immediately fatal." She described it as a close-range shot, fired from between 6 inches and 3 feet away, that went through his skull and into his brain.
Brady was also shot in the abdomen and in the back of his left shoulder as he descended the stairs into Smith's basement. Mills testified these first two gunshots caused serious internal injuries that would have been fatal had enough time passed but would not have been incapacitating.
Mills testified that Kifer had six gunshot wounds, including two to the head at close range. She said the shot that killed Kifer, the fifth fired by Smith, was a close-range shot behind her left ear, striking her brainstem.
"This is a fatal shot," Mills testified. According to the criminal complaint, Smith fired another shot after that, under Kifer's chin, which he called a "finishing shot."
On cross-examination, defense attorney Steven Meshbesher pointed out that before the fatal shots, both Kifer and Brady would have been able to move and could have been perceived as threats. He said Brady could have grabbed a weapon if he had one. Both teens were unarmed


Well-Known Member
the last shot under the girls chin was a "finishing shot" as he was moving her body he heard her gurgle and figure he would put her out of her misery
He didnt call the cops until the next day
What time did this happen? what time did he call? Did they break in at 11: 59 at night and he called a neighbor just 10 minutes later? Technically the next day. I looked for a specific timeline, but none were forthcoming. Do you know the exact times?


Well-Known Member
Is being deaf a side effect of being dumb? Perhaps you need to refresh your memory of how many times she screamed as he continued shooting her after his rifle jammed.

How many "robbers" can react within 0.2secs (the average reaction time of a human)? Are you telling me that someone who is unfamiliar with a territory, is suddenly surprised by someone with a bead trained on them, can somehow magically whip a piece out and locate a target in the shadows?
You must really suck with firearms...are you sure you're an American?
I am assuming you have never actually put another human being in your sights with the intention of ending their life have you? Its not something easily done by most, most people will hesitate and many of those will never pull the trigger in the first place.

If I sucked with firearms I would not have been the one of the best shots in the entire Marine Corps with all the honors and awards I have for my duty served to my country, How about yourself?
You can stand 2 feet away from me with your loaded and cocked pistol pointed at my head and I will take it away from you and shoot you with it before you can ever react. Ask Doer.


Well-Known Member
So when the Army is laying in wait for the Taliban and Al Quaida, all camouflaged and hidden out of sight, they aren't engaging in war with superior tactics, they are engaging in "Premeditated Murder".


Well-Known Member
What time did this happen? what time did he call? Did they break in at 11: 59 at night and he called a neighbor just 10 minutes later? Technically the next day. I looked for a specific timeline, but none were forthcoming. Do you know the exact times?
Instead of acting like the stupid piece of shit you are by playing dumb
How about just googling the case?


Well-Known Member
Smith told authorities he saw Brady begin descending the basement steps, then fired once Brady's hips came into view. Brady fell.
"He's looking, facing up at me, and I shoot him in the face. I want him dead," Smith told investigators.
Smith said he put Brady's body on a tarp so he wouldn't get blood into his carpet, dragged it into his workshop, reloaded his rifle and sat down.
Smith described feeling adrenaline, and "blood was pounding in my ears." He said he also felt he was being ganged up on, something he called one of his "red buttons." So when he saw Kifer come down the stairs minutes later, "I killed her too."
He shot her, and when he tried to "finish her off" his rifle jammed and she laughed, he said.
"I just pulled out the 22 and I shot her," he told authorities. He said he then pulled her into the workshop, but she was still gasping, so "I did a good, clean finishing shot and she gave out the death twitch."
He said he didn't call police because the teens were already dead and "just cause my Thanksgiving is screwed up I don't need to screw up yours." The next day, he asked a neighbor to call police.
Smith is a retired security engineer for the U.S. Department of State. Kifer and Brady were cousins. The two were well-known in the community, and both were involved in sports.


Well-Known Member
Smith told authorities he saw Brady begin descending the basement steps, then fired once Brady's hips came into view. Brady fell.
"He's looking, facing up at me, and I shoot him in the face. I want him dead," Smith told investigators.
Smith said he put Brady's body on a tarp so he wouldn't get blood into his carpet, dragged it into his workshop, reloaded his rifle and sat down.
Smith described feeling adrenaline, and "blood was pounding in my ears." He said he also felt he was being ganged up on, something he called one of his "red buttons." So when he saw Kifer come down the stairs minutes later, "I killed her too."
He shot her, and when he tried to "finish her off" his rifle jammed and she laughed, he said.
"I just pulled out the 22 and I shot her," he told authorities. He said he then pulled her into the workshop, but she was still gasping, so "I did a good, clean finishing shot and she gave out the death twitch."
He said he didn't call police because the teens were already dead and "just cause my Thanksgiving is screwed up I don't need to screw up yours." The next day, he asked a neighbor to call police.
Smith is a retired security engineer for the U.S. Department of State. Kifer and Brady were cousins. The two were well-known in the community, and both were involved in sports.
This dude needs ass raped.


Well-Known Member
So when the Army is laying in wait for the Taliban and Al Quaida, all camouflaged and hidden out of sight, they aren't engaging in war with superior tactics, they are engaging in "Premeditated Murder".
Are you really not capable of telling the difference between a warzone and a basement? Why are you attempting to compare the two ?


Well-Known Member
Are you really not capable of telling the difference between a warzone and a basement? Why are you attempting to compare the two ?
Because this is what made the difference in cheezies thought process, the fact that his chair is in a good spot to shoot someone coming down the stairs. If he had only just sat in the middle of the room, cheezy would have figured the guy was not intentionally trying to kill them therefore it would be self defense. But because he had taken a tactical advantage it is now all pre meditated murder?

Comparing things does not mean you are trying to make them equal, there would be no comparison to do if they were the same. When you compare a dodge truck to a toyota car do you think they are so different they cannot be compared or something?

Get it now? Has nothing to do with you or your opinion and all to do with the mind of cheezy and the way it works.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Because this is what made the difference in cheezies thought process, the fact that his chair is in a good spot to shoot someone coming down the stairs. If he had only just sat in the middle of the room, cheezy would have figured the guy was not intentionally trying to kill them therefore it would be self defense. But because he had taken a tactical advantage it is now all pre meditated murder?

Comparing things does not mean you are trying to make them equal, there would be no comparison to do if they were the same. When you compare a dodge truck to a toyota car do you think they are so different they cannot be compared or something?

Get it now? Has nothing to do with you or your opinion and all to do with the mind of cheezy and the way it works.
Smith sent the kids an RSVP.


Well-Known Member
If you know someone is going to break in, you probably have time to call the police, and don't need to be a vigilante.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Listen Between 1:15 and 1:40

You tell me that was a justified killing and I will call you a worthless piece of shit
regardless of forum rules
That sort of thing usually only happens in a campy horror film. I always thought how unrealistic they were, but are actually quite spot on.


Well-Known Member
If you know someone is going to break in, you probably have time to call the police, and don't need to be a vigilante.
LOL the police have no duty to protect you. Call 911 and let them know that you just know for certain you are going to be robbed, they will ask if you are currently being robbed, you will tell them no and they will just tell you that 911 is for emergencies only and not to tie up their precious times with your paranoid delusions. Police have NO DUTY TO PROTECT YOU, as confirmed by the US Supreme court.