Should I start pre - harvest flush?

flushing is when your plants are burnt
otherwise, just slow down on nutrients towards the end, not to get "excess" nutes out of the soil but to just save money
on harvest day, don't chop during the light cycle, give the plants 12-36 hours of darkness then chop. I usually just wait until right before the lights turn on, then cut them down

what the plant does each night is stores away enough carbs to do its night stuff, and then when the lights come on the starches go back up into the plant and is what will give you that "chemmy" taste

to avoid extra starch just chop before lights on or whatever

seriously people thought i grew organic , and i say no i don't...
then they say well you must leech/flush very well, and i still say no
what i do, is never over-feed, and make my plants happy and green. I follow a 9-3-6 or 3-1-2 NPK ratio the whole grow and gradually increase feedings. Once a month I leech to get excess salts off the roots and allow them to uptake more. Leeching is just 3x medium size worth of water run through (example 5 gal gets 15 gallons)

at the end, flushing would be the worst thing, cause you want your plant to reach peak maturity or ripeness when you chop it, and how could you do that if it doesn't have any nutrient to feed from?

another question that made me quit flushing, do fruit growers or vegetable growers flush their crops? Fuck no!
accoding to your description leeching and flushing are the same thing. i only flush my last wk and w/plain i guess at the very least i have clean medium at the end.but i could be wrong been so long that i havent flushed but i like to think i do things for a reason
flushing is running water through the medium 5x, or until it comes out the same ppm and ph as going in.

really what you need to do to avoid flushing is give the plant the proper NPK ratios, stop giving it bloom boosters, and realize a balanced diet is what it's all about

i really am looking towards ROLS and no till grows, seriously, do you think those people flush? no , they chop the plant and put a new plant right in the same pot, think about it.
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i don't flush my plants, but i will leech the soil so that and salts that may have built up on my plants are rinsed, thus increasing the uptake through the roots (they work more efficiently.) Does that make sense?
cant trust anyone who 1.. thinks he knows Everything.... u copy and paste your info.. u read shit.. u dont try shit.. u dont even post a picture of a decent looking plant to prove u can even grow a healthy plant.. nevermind the fact u prolly count days from 12.12 as day 1.. u already admitted u dont use a scope to gauge ripeness.. even though when i grew Original Haze.. the plants looked way.. done.. and were at 100% CLEAR trichomes..without a scope i wouldnt of known it ripens slower then others.. and i would have had a bunch of premature GARBAGE like 90% of CALI , CANADA, and CO BUDS... your talking like your buds are the BEST.. show some of YOUR WORK..

BUT PLEASE.. dont go copy and pasting others work .. cause so far... thats all i see.. is others work.. and your BIG mouth behind it..
and i am a self proclaimed half (just enough to be dangerous)educated idiot hothead who always thinks hes right.apologies no offense intended
I think that new growers tend to over feed. I saw pics of dark green slightly clawing leaves. as I mentioned, that's a large portion of the fowl taste and yes flushing would help that particular plant taste better.

a properly grown plant will not benefit from flushing. as I mentioned tobacco growers, wine makers etc. I don't mean Marlboro, they don't flush because it doesnt benefit. again nutes are good for the burn qualities and will always be there, unless you have no ash?

my landrace sativas will foxtail like crazy if I stop feeding. stopping the nute flow isn't good for the final product weight and density either
i would love to see them.
cant trust anyone who 1.. thinks he knows Everything.... u copy and paste your info.. u read shit.. u dont try shit.. u dont even post a picture of a decent looking plant to prove u can even grow a healthy plant.. nevermind the fact u prolly count days from 12.12 as day 1.. u already admitted u dont use a scope to gauge ripeness.. even though when i grew Original Haze.. the plants looked way.. done.. and were at 100% CLEAR trichomes..without a scope i wouldnt of known it ripens slower then others.. and i would have had a bunch of premature GARBAGE like 90% of CALI , CANADA, and CO BUDS... your talking like your buds are the BEST.. show some of YOUR WORK..

BUT PLEASE.. dont go copy and pasting others work .. cause so far... thats all i see.. is others work.. and your BIG mouth behind it..
I have nothing to prove to an internet idiot. Especially one with a bigger mouth than me. Your plants are nothing special, any idiot can do that.Learn to spell properly first, then Talk to me about growing,newb.
the reason you flush is due to over feeding, the reason you leech is to prevent salt buildup, there is a difference

i will only count leech after a month of heavy feeding , to make sure the roots are nice and clean
alright, now normally I like to avoid this type of argument, but I feel it needs to be said. And for you haters, YES, I grow only organic, and YES I only have a hundred and something posts (which inevitably means to the ignorant that i'm without knowledge on the subject)
simply put, if taste is important go organic, and instead of force-feeding chemicals to it, allow the plant to take and metabolize what it wants, and flushing will be a thing of the past.
Granted I DO NOT grow with chems, so if a grower is a lil over-zealous about feeding, well, that's different....
but i'm just a pot-grower working on my third DECADE of growing.
SO for whatever that's worth.
I can safely say, that LESS is always BETTER when it comes to feeding, and if you are worried about yields and such, organics aren't for you anyways.
And, please don't start another argument about that.... This site is FULL, just FULL of people that LOVE to aggressive and argue. Kinda almost counter-intuitive to our "stoner" stereotypes.
I'd bet if you two shared a joint and talked about growing AFTER, there'd be nothing but love.
just gets old.
The main point is, if he wants to flush and it works for him, WHO CARES!
If you think rainbow colored skittles dissolved into your growing medium helps, whatever.
Not my problem. This site ISN"T the END-ALL, BE-ALL for growing info. Do your own due diligence and that's it. If flushing works for him, then damnit it does.
Ever heard of the placebo effect?
and in case you were wondering, OF COURSE you can still over feed with organics, it's just not easy.
And I have grown hydro, for 18 months, and at the end it cost me about 1,000 dollars of equipment that I never used again.
Plants like dirt, for SIZE, sure go hydro, but quality? C'mon...
Where did that good kush taste dissapear to some 12 years ago? It went with the flush and all the newb growers, that all prefer soil for some reason(easier, no math or plumbing).
It's like I grew this kush plant but it doesn't taste like it really kush?
Other than my personal op, that good old kush taste can't be found anywhere else anymore as all the main ops in BC have shut down and the old growers retired.
I know what the other provinces in Canada suffer with as I get to smoke their weed.