settle a debate, what makes buds grow?......


Active Member
Mine and my friends technique differs. He is very much about light penetration, so he strips his leaves to allow the buds to have as much light as possible.

I don't really prune, more bend, so I have a lot of leaf and some of it does shade some bud sites, but I feel that more light is being absorbed by the plant, which in turn feeds the buds.

So what does make the buds swell? Is it relative to the amount of light they receive, or is it more about the light the plant receives in total?

Or is it simply a combination of both and you want a happy medium?


Well-Known Member
Selective pruning is where it's at...pruning and light penetration to the under-canopy promote new growth which = bud. For instance, when you scrog you block the light below the screen, that's why there's no growth under there. Not saying thats a bad thing, scrogging is great for yield, but if you're not scrogging you should be pruning.


Active Member
I will attempt a side by side, would have this time, but due to my meddling the plants grew different, one is flat, the other Xmas tree like.

I can hear the stampede of the prune army, so I'll try not to start an argument over whether pruning is great or stupid. But I guess the question is linked to it.

Someone, somewhere must have done a side by side, clinical conditions. I have searched, but only ever seem to find half finished journals and blogs.


bud bootlegger
tell you buddy to check out the square inverse law and he'll stop watt he's doing with a quickness..
the square inverse law, in a nut shell, says that light fades very quickly from it's source. leaves only a foot away from the light source only receive 1/2 the amount of light the leaves a foot closer get.. two feet away, they get 1/4 the light..
so, in essence, removing fan leaves that are up at the top of a plant, much closer to the source of the light, trying to get more light to the bottom of the plant, at best, those leaves only a foot away from the top of the plant will only every receive 1/2 of the light as the leaves you just cut off in an attempt to get more light to the plant.. sure, those leaves might now be getting more light, but it's much weaker light than the top of the plant was receiving.


Well-Known Member
grow vert and put your scissors away
my purple haze i defoliate so i cant say too much about not doing it but i dont do it for the reasons you are explaining i do it to premote the sites that would just fluff up and bud when flipped to stretch while still in veg to make actual buds instead of just pop corns
i wouldnt personally take leaves from a budding plant
but its your grow so its all you bro
this is the growth i promote by defoliating
but like i said its veg growth which in the end is bud growth



Well-Known Member
just to add the resin / trich's are there to act as a sunscreen so to speak
the fans have no " sunscreen" so it makes sense they are allowed to absorb more light


Active Member
I can't do likes via my phone, so please don't think I'm being ignorant.

Some great responses, thank you all, I will carry on as I am and try to educate my friend (who has years more growing experience than me!)


Active Member
I grow outdoors for the most part and what I will do is move and tuck some of the fan leaves during flowering to allow direct sunlight to the leaves that are surrounding the nodes/buds to easily supply nutrition to those spots of the plant.

I may try using a organic fertilizer to improve budding. I'm leaning towards the fox farm big bloom.


Well-Known Member
once i cut all the leaves off, i flush them. It's a new technique, you guys are all growing in the past if you don't do it this way.

It only works on certain strains though. And you have to train it from the beginning or the leaves won't go down the toilet.
And I have a mullet too lol. Matches my grow techniques!!