AMA requests

I was hoping that it was because he had such little experience at being an armchair. If you look closely, he's not even broke in yet.. no rips, no crayon marks, no puncture wounds, and no seed or cigarette burns. I'm starting to think that chair is a newbie..
will this do?
THATS the chair I wanna talk too... Can you imagine all things its seen.. probably a bottle of wine just out of view behind the bush based on the neighborhood its in.. Just like I like my girls when I'm done with em,, all wore out and tattered... A little WHITE paint and it'd be like brand new..
Off the top of my head the people I would like to ask anything are as follows :

Uncle Buck - The guys an institution here. Love him or hate him we all have an opinion and I'm sure he can handle a whole host of questions

Fin - Again, interesting dude. In a social experiment type of way but I'm sure an AMA would be fun. Also good for his Google rank.

Sunni - one of the more popular members here and a girl to boot

I don't really frequent the grow section as much as I used to but if anyone can suggest some growers doing some genuinely interesting shit. Post here and I'll msg them see if they're up for sharing some knowledge.
THATS the chair I wanna talk too... Can you imagine all things its seen.. Just like I like my girls when I'm done with em,, all wore out and tattered... A little WHITE paint and it'd be like brand new..

Haha, little worn out!! What the fuck are you doing to these poor girlfriends of yours?
Instant coffee if he was up for it. Yes, very intrigued.

Is mensa still about?

And Ty will start the fucker then piss off. Famous for it.

Edit : was a guy I came across in the build section who was extremely knowledgeable and seemed like a good dude. Think it was potsnob. Think Joe Mac knows who I'm on about. That could be pretty interesting I think.
Im also the best ghetto grower on riu i clone in tupper wear. Old 2 liter soda bottles.. I've grown weed in the middle of my room with the light being held up by two chairs....ive grown in a carboard box i found behind cvs....i have a tent and a few thousand watts but before i got this tent i had to grind it out anyway i could to be honest ghetto growing makes growing easier..if you can grow good weed when your half assing it you should grow killer weed when you have all the equipment you need...